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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Iran's Natanz Nuclear Facility Recovered Quickly from Stuxnet Cyberattack

In an underground chamber near the Iranian city of Natanz, a network of surveillance cameras offers the outside world a rare glimpse into Iran's largest nuclear...

From ACM News

Aiming to Power Ever More Complex Graphics, Nvidia Plans Quad-Core Mobile Chip This Year

Chipmaker Nvidia plans this year to introduce a four-core processor, code-named Project Kal-El, that should offer roughly five times the processing power of its...

From ACM News

Mature Mobile Industry Moves to Keep Customers It Has

In the pioneer days of the mobile phone industry, wireless carriers raced to put phones in the hands of the unconnected masses. With cellphones now ubiquitous...

Stuxnet Virus Targets and Spread Revealed
From ACM News

Stuxnet Virus Targets and Spread Revealed

A powerful internet worm repeatedly targeted five industrial facilities in Iran over 10 months, ongoing analysis by security researchers shows.

Progress in Artificial Intelligence Brings Wonders and Fears
From ACM News

Progress in Artificial Intelligence Brings Wonders and Fears

At the dawn of the modern computer era, two Pentagon-financed laboratories bracketed Stanford University. At one laboratory, a small group of scientists and engineers...

The Dirty Little Secrets of Search
From ACM News

The Dirty Little Secrets of Search

Pretend for a moment that you are Google’s search engine. Someone types the word “dresses” and hits enter. What will be the very first result?

A Father Knows Best: Vint Cerf Re-Thinks the Internet in Stanford Talk
From ACM TechNews

A Father Knows Best: Vint Cerf Re-Thinks the Internet in Stanford Talk

Google's  Vint Cerf, who helped develop the Internet in the 1970s, recently discussed the need to rethink the Internet to handle the growing demand of smartphones...

The Cyberweapon That Could Take Down the Internet
From ACM TechNews

The Cyberweapon That Could Take Down the Internet

University of Minnesota researchers have developed a cyberweapon that turns the structure of the Internet against itself, but ultimately could be used to make the...

 Report: Stuxnet Hit 5 Gateway Targets on Its Way to Iranian Plant
From ACM News

Report: Stuxnet Hit 5 Gateway Targets on Its Way to Iranian Plant

Attackers behind the Stuxnet computer worm focused on targeting five organizations in Iran that they believed would get them to their final target in that country...

From ACM News


The last time NASA visited the Tempel 1 comet, it was with fireworks, on July 4, 2005. On that day, the Deep Impact spacecraft slammed an 820-pound projectile...

From ACM News

Wireless Advances Could Mean No More Cell Towers

As cell phones have spread, so have large cell towers—those unsightly stalks of steel topped by transmitters and other electronics that sprouted across the country...

From ACM News

Saudi Women in ­.s. Seek Segregation on Facebook

A 22,000-member group for Saudis studying in the US on the social networking website Facebook has been split into two groups, one for women and one for men. The...

From ACM News

Web Words That Lure the Readers

The Huffington Post has hired veteran journalists to beef up its news coverage. But a significant chunk of its readers come instead for articles like one published...

Print Me a Stradivarius
From ACM News

Print Me a Stradivarius

The industrial revolution of the late 18th century made possible the mass production of goods, thereby creating economies of scale which changed the economy—and...

From ACM News

Thought Police? DARPA Wants to Know How Stories Influence Human Mind, Actions

Since it sounds like a not-so-basic- science fiction script, you won't be surprised that the scientific masterminds at the Defense Advanced Research Projects...

Heading Into the Bonus Round
From ACM News

Heading Into the Bonus Round

A bonus round is something one usually associates with the likes of a TV game show, not a pioneering deep space mission. "We are definitely in the bonus round...

From ACM News

California High Court: Retailers Can't Request Cardholders' Zip Code

California's high court ruled Thursday that retailers don't have the right to ask customers for their ZIP code while completing credit card transactions, saying...

Extracting Business Ideas From It Logs
From ACM News

Extracting Business Ideas From It Logs

Many companies' IT infrastructure is automatically gathering a comprehensive picture of their whole business, in the form of everything from Web server and phone...

From ACM News

For Watson Technology, What Happens After 'jeopardy!'?

Wouldn't it be nice to have your very own supercomputer in your pocket?

­.s. Has Secret Tools to Force Internet on Dictators
From ACM News

­.s. Has Secret Tools to Force Internet on Dictators

When Hosni Mubarak shut down Egypt’s internet and cellphone communications, it seemed that all U.S. officials could do was ask him politely to change his mind...
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