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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­kraine Crisis: Cyber War with Russia Heating up
From ACM News

­kraine Crisis: Cyber War with Russia Heating up

If you think the crisis in the Ukraine is limited just to being on the ground, think again.

Rise of the Human Exoskeletons
From ACM News

Rise of the Human Exoskeletons

On the outskirts of Pisa in a back room of a modern block, a machine is waiting for its operator.

Battery-Free Technology Brings Gesture Recognition to All Devices
From ACM TechNews

Battery-Free Technology Brings Gesture Recognition to All Devices

A new gesture-recognition system runs without batteries and enables gesture control for electronic devices that are hidden from sight. 

The Mammoth Cometh
From ACM News

The Mammoth Cometh

The first time Ben Novak saw a passenger pigeon, he fell to his knees and remained in that position, speechless, for 20 minutes.

Xi Jinping Leads Internet Security Group
From ACM News

Xi Jinping Leads Internet Security Group

President Xi Jinping will head the central Internet security and informatization leading group, according to a statement released after the first meeting of the...

Autonomous Drones Flock Like Birds
From ACM News

Autonomous Drones Flock Like Birds

A Hungarian team has created the first drones that can fly as a coordinated flock.

How an ­nlikely Group of High-Tech Wizards Revived Obama's Troubled Website
From ACM News

How an ­nlikely Group of High-Tech Wizards Revived Obama's Troubled Website

Last Oct. 17—more than two weeks after the launch of—White House chief of staff Denis McDonough came back from Baltimore rattled by what he had learned...

Publishers Withdraw More Than 120 Gibberish Papers
From ACM News

Publishers Withdraw More Than 120 Gibberish Papers

The publishers Springer and IEEE are removing more than 120 papers from their subscription services after a French researcher discovered that the works were computer...

An Artificial Hand with Real Feeling
From ACM News

An Artificial Hand with Real Feeling

Igor Spetic's hand was in a fist when it was severed by a forging hammer three years ago as he made an aluminum jet part at his job.

The Spy Tech That Might Have Kept El Chapo Invisible For So Long
From ACM News

The Spy Tech That Might Have Kept El Chapo Invisible For So Long

Joaquin Guzman, better known by the nickname "El Chapo," didn't get to be one of the world's most notorious and elusive drug lords without knowing a thing or two...

Vibration Energy the Secret to Self-Powered Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Vibration Energy the Secret to Self-Powered Electronics

A promising solution for charging smartphone batteries on the go uses a nanogenerator to harvest and convert vibration energy from a surface into power for the...

How Much Is the Internet of Everything Worth? Cisco Says $19 Trillion
From ACM News

How Much Is the Internet of Everything Worth? Cisco Says $19 Trillion

Are you curious why everyone is talking about the Internet of everything?

Nasa's Kepler Mission Announces a Planet Bonanza
From ACM News

Nasa's Kepler Mission Announces a Planet Bonanza

NASA's Kepler mission announced Wednesday the discovery of 715 new planets.

The Weirdest Thing About the Apple Security Bug Is How Simple It Was
From ACM Opinion

The Weirdest Thing About the Apple Security Bug Is How Simple It Was

So for the past 18 months, there has been a horrific security hole in many of Apple's products that has allowed "man in the middle" attacks on supposedly secure...

Nasa's Latest Robot: A Rolling Tangle of Rods That Can Take a Beating
From ACM News

Nasa's Latest Robot: A Rolling Tangle of Rods That Can Take a Beating

Space-bound robots tend look like tanks and are about as flexible as the Tin Man after a rainstorm.

The ­nlikely Tale of How Arm Came to Rule the World
From ACM News

The ­nlikely Tale of How Arm Came to Rule the World

This is a story about ARM Holdings, the mobile technology company.

Augmented Reality Gets to Work
From ACM News

Augmented Reality Gets to Work

For Thomas Caudell, it started with a desire to make it easier to build airplanes.

Faster Computer Performance Targeted By Memory Consortium
From ACM TechNews

Faster Computer Performance Targeted By Memory Consortium

The Hybrid Memory Cube Consortium has proposed a faster and more power-efficient specification for its emerging Hybrid Memory Cube memory technology. 

Scientists Re-Weigh the Electron, Get More Precise Mass
From ACM News

Scientists Re-Weigh the Electron, Get More Precise Mass

Ernest Rutherford, pioneer in studying the world inside atoms, famously remarked that all science is either physics or stamp collecting.

Nasa Responds to California's Evolving Drought
From ACM News

Nasa Responds to California's Evolving Drought

NASA is partnering with the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to develop and apply new technology and products to better manage and monitor the state's...
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