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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Scientific Discovery Game Significantly Speeds ­p Neuroscience Research Process
From ACM TechNews

Scientific Discovery Game Significantly Speeds ­p Neuroscience Research Process

Mozak is a new scientific discovery game enabling citizen scientists to generate three-dimensional reconstructions of neurons in different regions of human and...

Scientists Can Blind a Self-Driving Car From Seeing Pedestrians
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Can Blind a Self-Driving Car From Seeing Pedestrians

Researchers have demonstrated it is possible to prevent machine-vision systems from seeing specific categories of objects in a scene.

Organ Donation: A New Frontier For Ai?
From ACM TechNews

Organ Donation: A New Frontier For Ai?

Researchers are developing a computerized machine-learning method for better predicting how well a typical organ transplant will proceed.

Cassini's First Grand Finale Dive: Milestones
From ACM News

Cassini's First Grand Finale Dive: Milestones

NASA's Cassini spacecraft is set to make its first dive through the narrow gap between Saturn and its rings on April 26, 2017.

The Next Big Hit in Molecule Hollywood
From ACM News

The Next Big Hit in Molecule Hollywood

Chemists are dreamers. Every day, they imagine molecules floating in space, with atoms moving about in a stately dance.

Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug?
From ACM News

Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug?

In early January, I went to see Mark Zuckerberg at MPK20, a concrete-and-steel building on the campus of Facebook's headquarters, which sits across a desolate highway...

Every Continent, and One Time Lord, Turned Out For the March For Science
From ACM News

Every Continent, and One Time Lord, Turned Out For the March For Science

An estimated 600 March for Science rallies took place Saturday across the U.S., and across the globe.

Why Google's Made With Code Is Helping Women Get Into STEM For Earth Day
From ACM TechNews

Why Google's Made With Code Is Helping Women Get Into STEM For Earth Day

This year's "Made with Code" initiative paired women from three non-government agencies with student scientists to address environmental challenges.

New Developments in ­av Navigation and Control
From ACM TechNews

New Developments in ­av Navigation and Control

Researchers are working on an approach to unmanned air systems and aerial vehicles that does not use global navigation satellite systems .

Google's New Chip Is a Stepping Stone to Quantum Computing Supremacy
From ACM TechNews

Google's New Chip Is a Stepping Stone to Quantum Computing Supremacy

A team of Google researchers by the end of this year plans to build a device that achieves "quantum supremacy."

Inside China's Plans For World Robot Domination
From ACM Careers

Inside China's Plans For World Robot Domination

Scenes from China's quest to dominate the robotic future: At startup E-Deodar, a human-looking droid serves coffee to employees who are building $15,000 industrial...

Free Quantum Computers Online!
From ACM News

Free Quantum Computers Online!

D-Wave and IBM offer access to supercomputing quantum computers in the cloud.

This Artificial Intelligence Turns Horses Into Zebras--and Winter Into Summer
From ACM TechNews

This Artificial Intelligence Turns Horses Into Zebras--and Winter Into Summer

A new model enables users to transform images in a "cycle consistent" way, so any changes to the original image are expected to remain fully reversible.

Not Stuck on Silicon
From ACM TechNews

Not Stuck on Silicon

Researchers have developed a new technique they say could reduce the overall cost of wafer technology.

Why Is Russia So Good at Encouraging Women Into Tech?
From ACM Careers

Why Is Russia So Good at Encouraging Women Into Tech?

Irina Khoroshko, from Zelenograd near Moscow, had learned her times tables by the age of five.

A Better ­Understanding of Brain Health at Our (bionic) Fingertips
From ACM TechNews

A Better ­Understanding of Brain Health at Our (bionic) Fingertips

The European Union-funded NANOBIOTOUCH and NEBIAS projects examined how touch stimuli and neural processing interact cs more intuitive.

Rechargeable 'spin Battery' Promising For Spintronics and Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

Rechargeable 'spin Battery' Promising For Spintronics and Quantum Computing

Researchers at Purdue University have produced a rechargeable "spin battery" from topological insulators.

Teaching a Driverless Car to Turn Left
From ACM TechNews

Teaching a Driverless Car to Turn Left

Getting driverless cars to make safe left turns at intersections is a key challenge for engineers, as they involve both psychology and technology.

Chatbots Have Entered the ­ncanny Valley
From ACM TechNews

Chatbots Have Entered the ­ncanny Valley

The tendency for people to be repelled by increasingly humanoid and human-like robots may extend to chatbots and digital assistants as well.

Combating Cancer With Data
From Communications of the ACM

Combating Cancer With Data

Supercomputers will sift massive amounts of data in search of therapies that work.
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