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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

India Greenlights Secure OS Project
From ACM TechNews

India Greenlights Secure OS Project

India plans to develop its own operating system for sensitive applications. V.K. Saraswat of India's Defense Research and Development Organization says the development...

Malware Aimed at Social Networks May Steal Your Reality
From ACM TechNews

Malware Aimed at Social Networks May Steal Your Reality

A research paper predicts a new generation of malware that will target and extract information about relationships and record patterns of behavior in real-world...

From ACM News

Scvngr's Hunt: Retailers Who See Dollars in Game Dynamics

Can location-based games for smart phones boost foot traffic at stores?

From ACM News

Cyberwars Already ­nderway, With No Geneva Conventions

Cyber attacks of various sorts have been around for decades. University at Buffalo military ethicist Randall R. Dipert says we have good reason to worry, because...

For Baseball Archivists, a Tag Ends Every Play
From ACM News

For Baseball Archivists, a Tag Ends Every Play

Most baseball fans saw it as a dribbler in front of the plate, a throw to first and the completion of a no-hitter for Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Roy Halladay...

Cellphones Reveal Emerging Disease Outbreaks
From ACM News

Cellphones Reveal Emerging Disease Outbreaks

Your cellphone could be a key tool in the fight against disease by relaying a telltale signature of illness to doctors and agencies monitoring new outbreaks.

'scrapers' Dig Deep For Data on Web
From ACM News

'scrapers' Dig Deep For Data on Web

At 1 a.m. on May 7, the website noticed suspicious activity on its "Mood" discussion board. There, people exchange highly personal stories...

From ACM News

Improving Phones Through Surveillance

Apps that track how people use their phones could help make the devices more efficient.

How Energy-Efficient Is Cloud Computing?
From ACM TechNews

How Energy-Efficient Is Cloud Computing?

University of Melbourne researchers have found that cloud computing is not always the most energy-efficient option.T he team found that transporting data between...

Research Project Aims to Simplify Large-Scale Network Control
From ACM TechNews

Research Project Aims to Simplify Large-Scale Network Control

Researchers at Google, Nicira Networks, and NEC presented a research project designed to simplify the control and management of large-scale network implementations...

From ACM TechNews

W3C: Hold Off on Deploying HTML5 in Websites

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) says that HTML5 is still not ready for deployment to websites. "It's a little too early to deploy it because we're running...

From ACM News

Google to Map Inflation Using Web Data

Google is using its vast database of web shopping data to construct the "Google Price Index"—a daily measure of inflation that could one day provide an alternative...

Robotic Aircraft & Ground Vehicle to Collaborate at Robotics Rodeo
From ACM News

Robotic Aircraft & Ground Vehicle to Collaborate at Robotics Rodeo

Researchers at the Georgia Tech Research Institute are poised to show the U.S. Army an advanced approach to enabling autonomous collaboration among dissimilar robotic...

Cars and Wind: What's Next For Google as It Pushes Beyond the Web?
From ACM News

Cars and Wind: What's Next For Google as It Pushes Beyond the Web?

Google, a vanguard of the Internet, has placed its bets on the high-tech transformation of non-tech industries—cars and wind energy.

Intel Tries Anonymity, For a Change
From ACM News

Intel Tries Anonymity, For a Change

An average laptop contains about 1,800 components, but only one garners much brand awareness from typical consumers: the chip made by Intel.

Study Shows Why It's Hard to Crash the Electric Grid
From ACM News

Study Shows Why It's Hard to Crash the Electric Grid

A recent study accounting for the two most important laws of physics governing the flow of electricity shows why terrorists would have a hard time bringing down...

Microsoft Fixes Record 49 Holes, Including Stuxnet Flaw
From ACM News

Microsoft Fixes Record 49 Holes, Including Stuxnet Flaw

In a record Patch Tuesday, Microsoft released updates today for Windows, Internet Explorer, and the .NET framework that feature fixes for 49 holes, including...

Time For ­.s. to Assert Itself on the Internet, Report Says
From ACM TechNews

Time For ­.s. to Assert Itself on the Internet, Report Says

The United States should apply its interests in overseeing the Internet's infrastructure because it plays such a crucial role in the country's national security...

From ACM TechNews

Researcher Finds Top Reasons for Facebook Unfriending

University of Colorado Denver's Christopher Sibona surveyed more than 1,500 Facebook users on Twitter and found that the number one reason for unfriending is frequent...

Web Code Offers New Ways To See What ­sers Do Online
From ACM News

Web Code Offers New Ways To See What ­sers Do Online

Worries over Internet privacy have spurred lawsuits, conspiracy theories and consumer anxiety as marketers and others invent new ways to track computer users...
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