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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­S Science Advisers Outline Path to Genetically Modified Babies
From ACM News

­S Science Advisers Outline Path to Genetically Modified Babies

Scientists should be permitted to modify human embryos destined for implantation in the womb to eliminate devastating genetic diseases such as sickle-cell anaemia...

Elusive Triangulene Created By Moving Atoms One at a Time
From ACM News

Elusive Triangulene Created By Moving Atoms One at a Time

Researchers at IBM have created an elusive molecule by knocking around atoms using a needle-like microscope tip.

Physicists Teach AI to Identify Exotic States of Matter
From ACM News

Physicists Teach AI to Identify Exotic States of Matter

Put a tray of water in the freezer. For a while, it's liquid. And then—boom—the molecules stack into little hexagons, and you've got ice.

Scientists Shortlist Three Landing Sites For Mars 2020
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Scientists Shortlist Three Landing Sites For Mars 2020

Participants in a landing site workshop for NASA's upcoming Mars 2020 mission have recommended three locations on the Red Planet for further evaluation.

AI Learns to Solve Quantum State of Many Particles at Once
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AI Learns to Solve Quantum State of Many Particles at Once

The same type of artificial intelligence that mastered the ancient game of Go could help wrestle with the amazing complexity of quantum systems containing billions...

Long-Awaited Mathematics Proof Could Help Scan Earth's Innards
From ACM News

Long-Awaited Mathematics Proof Could Help Scan Earth's Innards

Mathematicians say that they have solved a major, decades-old problem in geometry: how to reconstruct the inner structure of a mystery object 'X' from knowing only...

We Finally Have a Computer that Can Survive the Surface of Venus
From ACM News

We Finally Have a Computer that Can Survive the Surface of Venus

Venus is one of the most inhospitable places in the solar system.

The AI Threat Isn't Skynet. It's the End of the Middle Class
From ACM Opinion

The AI Threat Isn't Skynet. It's the End of the Middle Class

In February 1975, a group of geneticists gathered in a tiny town on the central coast of California to decide if their work would bring about the end of the world...

This Technology Could Finally Make Brain Implants Practical
From ACM News

This Technology Could Finally Make Brain Implants Practical

In labs testing how brain implants could help people with physical disabilities, tales of success can be bittersweet.

Trick of Tweet: Data Tool Pinpoints Words Seen as Credible
From ACM News

Trick of Tweet: Data Tool Pinpoints Words Seen as Credible

Sixty-two percent of Americans get their news from social media, according to a 2016 poll by Pew Research Center.

Blind People 'see' Microscope Images Using Touch-Feedback Device
From ACM News

Blind People 'see' Microscope Images Using Touch-Feedback Device

Why the Earth's Magnetic Poles Could Be About to Swap Places, and How It Would Affect us
From ACM News

Why the Earth's Magnetic Poles Could Be About to Swap Places, and How It Would Affect us

The Earth's magnetic field surrounds our planet like an invisible force field, protecting life from harmful solar radiation by deflecting charged particles away...

Information Paradox and Black Holes in Plasmas
From ACM News

Information Paradox and Black Holes in Plasmas

Black holes are a problem for physics, and the physics community has never fully warmed to the idea of them.

NASA's Curiosity Rover Sharpens Paradox of Ancient Mars
From ACM News

NASA's Curiosity Rover Sharpens Paradox of Ancient Mars

Mars scientists are wrestling with a problem.

Google Brain Super-Resolution Image Tech Makes 'zoom, Enhance!' Real
From ACM News

Google Brain Super-Resolution Image Tech Makes 'zoom, Enhance!' Real

Google Brain has devised some new software that can create detailed images from tiny, pixelated source images. Google's software, in short, basically means thetrope...

How Plants Evolved Into Carnivores
From ACM News

How Plants Evolved Into Carnivores

Any insect unlucky enough to land on the mouth-like leaves of an Australian pitcher plant will meet a grisly end.

150-Year Journey to Alpha Centauri Proposed
From ACM News

150-Year Journey to Alpha Centauri Proposed

Interstellar travel, a timeworn staple of science fiction, can already be science fact if one has cash to spare

China's Intelligent Weaponry Gets Smarter
From ACM News

China's Intelligent Weaponry Gets Smarter

Robert O. Work, the veteran defense official retained as deputy secretary by President Trump, calls them his "A.I. dudes."

Cosmic Test Backs 'quantum Spookiness'
From ACM News

Cosmic Test Backs 'quantum Spookiness'

A version of an iconic experiment to confirm quantum theory has for the first time used the light of distant stars to bolster the case for a phenomenon that Albert...

Could Your Robot Go to Work Instead of You?
From ACM News

Could Your Robot Go to Work Instead of You?

Getting yourself out of bed and into work can feel like one of the toughest parts of the day.
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