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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Digital Media Essential in Building Democracies, Research Shows

Research from the University of Washington finds that digital media, such as mobile phones and the Internet, have become all but essential in building democracies...

K-Anonymity Privacy Protection Model Needs a Little Help
From ACM News

K-Anonymity Privacy Protection Model Needs a Little Help

The "K-anonymity"  method of providing anonymity to large data sets has raised excitement in realms as diverse as social networks and medical records, but it appears...

From ACM News

The Internet's Secret Back Door

Web users in the United Arab Emirates have more to worry about than having just their BlackBerries cracked.

From ACM News

Advances Offer Path to Shrink Computer Chip

Scientists at Rice University and Hewlett-Packard are reporting this week that they can overcome a fundamental barrier to the continued rapid miniaturization...

Retargeting Ads Follow Surfers to Other Sites
From ACM News

Retargeting Ads Follow Surfers to Other Sites

The shoes that Julie Matlin recently saw on were kind of cute, or so she thought. But Ms. Matlin wasn’t ready to buy and left the site. Then the shoes...

N.c. Scientists Helping Soldiers
From ACM TechNews

N.c. Scientists Helping Soldiers

University of North Carolina researchers are collaborating with the Naval Postgraduate School to develop an intelligent-training system for the military using automatically...

From ACM TechNews

Panel: ­.s. Lacks Legal Framework to Fight in Cyberspace

The absence of a legal framework for waging cyberwarfare is crippling the U.S.'s ability to defend itself in cyberspace, according to a panel of government and...

Location Determines Social Network Influence, Ccny-Led Team Finds
From ACM TechNews

Location Determines Social Network Influence, Ccny-Led Team Finds

Researchers led by professor Hernan Makse at The City College of New York have found that location is more important than having the most connections when determining...

­.s. Escalates Air War Over Afghanistan
From ACM News

­.s. Escalates Air War Over Afghanistan

There may not be quite as many bombs falling from the sky. But don’t let that fool you. The United States has dramatically escalated its air war over Afghanistan...

Technology Aside, Most People Still Decline to Be Located
From ACM News

Technology Aside, Most People Still Decline to Be Located

Internet companies have appropriated the real estate business’s mantra—it’s all about location, location, location. But while a home on the beach will always be...

Intel, Amd Vie to Rewire Pc's Brain
From ACM News

Intel, Amd Vie to Rewire Pc's Brain

Intel and AMD are off to the races again. This time it's about making PCs not just faster, but more versatile.

From ACM News

But He Looked Good on Paper

Web start-ups are having a hard time hiring good programmers.

Emotionml: Will Computers Tap Into Your Feelings?
From ACM News

Emotionml: Will Computers Tap Into Your Feelings?

For all those who believe the computing industry is populated by people who are out of touch with the world of emotion, it's time to think again.

Nsf Announces Future Internet Architecture Awards
From ACM News

Nsf Announces Future Internet Architecture Awards

Four basic research projects funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation will explore different aspects of network architecture to foster new ideas and innovations...

­.s. Military Wants to Exert Influence Over Private Cyber Infrastructure
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Military Wants to Exert Influence Over Private Cyber Infrastructure

The U.S. military wants more authority to protect the nation's cyberinfrastructure because it depends on power grids, transportation networks, and financial systems...

From ACM TechNews

Shake to Adjust Your Smartphone's Privacy Settings

Open University's Lukasz Jedrzejczyk led the development of Privacy Shake, an application that enables users with global positioning system-enabled smartphones...

From ACM News

Court Allows Agents to Secretly Put GPS Trackers on Cars

Law enforcement officers may secretly place a GPS device on a person's car without seeking a warrant from a judge, according to a recent federal appeals court...

Searching For Fun
From ACM News

Searching For Fun

Research suggests that search engines could tap into users' need to be entertained.

From ACM News

Apple Reinvents the Audio Jack

Although Apple is known for filing patents on complex multi-touch algorithms, anti-piracy measures and advanced user interfaces, it still has a focus on basic...

Luring Shoppers to Stores
From ACM News

Luring Shoppers to Stores

Marketers try interactive mirrors, discounts via scanners.
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