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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Predicts Autism From Infant Brain Scans
From ACM TechNews

AI Predicts Autism From Infant Brain Scans

Researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill have detected brain growth changes linked to autism in children as young as six months old.

Novel Technique Tracks More Web ­sers Across Browsers
From ACM TechNews

Novel Technique Tracks More Web ­sers Across Browsers

Researchers say they have developed the first cross-browser fingerprinting technique using machine-level features to identify users.

Broad Institute Wins Bitter Battle Over Crispr Patents
From ACM News

Broad Institute Wins Bitter Battle Over Crispr Patents

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has upheld a series of patents granted for the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology to the Broad Institute of MIT and...

The Need For a Digital Geneva Convention
From ACM News

The Need For a Digital Geneva Convention

Responding to the rise in nation-state cybersecurity attacks.

Observations Catch a Supernova Three Hours After It Exploded
From ACM News

Observations Catch a Supernova Three Hours After It Exploded

The skies are full of transient events.

Apple vs. Fbi One Year Later: Still Stuck in Limbo
From ACM News

Apple vs. Fbi One Year Later: Still Stuck in Limbo

It's been a year since Apple fought the FBI over data privacy, and we've barely heard a peep from either side on the issue.

Pushing Boundaries
From ACM TechNews

Pushing Boundaries

The recent Women in Data Science Conference provided a forum for female data scientists to discuss a range of topics in the field.

A Chip Flaw Strips Away Hacking Protections For Millions of Devices
From ACM TechNews

A Chip Flaw Strips Away Hacking Protections For Millions of Devices

The VUSec team at the Free University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands has demonstrated an exploit that undercuts a basic safeguard used in all modern operating...

New Software Will Standardize Data Collection For Great White Sharks
From ACM TechNews

New Software Will Standardize Data Collection For Great White Sharks

Researchers collaborated on software that helps researchers collect and manage data on great white sharks spotted along the coast.

Success By Deception
From ACM TechNews

Success By Deception

Researchers at ETH Zurich in Switzerland say they have refined machine learning by deliberately misleading intelligent machines.

Robotic Bee Could Help Pollinate Crops as Real Bees Decline
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Bee Could Help Pollinate Crops as Real Bees Decline

Researchers have created a drone that transports pollen between flowers.

Lasers Could Give Space Research Its 'broadband' Moment
From ACM News

Lasers Could Give Space Research Its 'broadband' Moment

Thought your Internet speeds were slow? Try being a space scientist for a day.

­S Science Advisers Outline Path to Genetically Modified Babies
From ACM News

­S Science Advisers Outline Path to Genetically Modified Babies

Scientists should be permitted to modify human embryos destined for implantation in the womb to eliminate devastating genetic diseases such as sickle-cell anaemia...

Wave of the Future: Terahertz Chips a New Way of Seeing Through Matter
From ACM TechNews

Wave of the Future: Terahertz Chips a New Way of Seeing Through Matter

Researchers at Princeton University say they have created microchips capable of transmitting and receiving terahertz waves.

Intel Researches Tech to Prepare For a Future Beyond Today's Pcs
From ACM TechNews

Intel Researches Tech to Prepare For a Future Beyond Today's Pcs

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich says his company is investigating and investing in technologies that promise to transcend the computing capabilities of current PCs and...

Millimeter-Scale Computers: Now With Deep Learning Neural Networks on Board
From ACM TechNews

Millimeter-Scale Computers: Now With Deep Learning Neural Networks on Board

University of Michigan computer scientists are researching micro mote computers.

Fixing the Fake News Problem
From ACM News

Fixing the Fake News Problem

Unsubstantiated information can spread like wildfire through social media; new tools aim to make it easy to track down sources of misinformation, no matter where...

Sensors Embedded in Sports Equipment Could Provide Real-Time Analytics to Your Smartphone
From ACM TechNews

Sensors Embedded in Sports Equipment Could Provide Real-Time Analytics to Your Smartphone

Researchers are experimenting with Internet of Things devices that can be embedded into sports equipment, as well as in wearable devices, to make data analytics...

Elusive Triangulene Created By Moving Atoms One at a Time
From ACM News

Elusive Triangulene Created By Moving Atoms One at a Time

Researchers at IBM have created an elusive molecule by knocking around atoms using a needle-like microscope tip.

Physicists Teach AI to Identify Exotic States of Matter
From ACM News

Physicists Teach AI to Identify Exotic States of Matter

Put a tray of water in the freezer. For a while, it's liquid. And then—boom—the molecules stack into little hexagons, and you've got ice.
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