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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Inside the Response to the New York Times Attack
From ACM News

Inside the Response to the New York Times Attack

Late Tuesday morning, one of the engineers in CloudFlare's San Francisco office saw a message on Twitter saying that the New York Times Web site was down. Minutes...

The Proof in the Quantum Pudding
From ACM News

The Proof in the Quantum Pudding

In early May, news reports gushed that a quantum computation device had for the first time outperformed classical computers, solving certain problems thousands...

A Camera That Sees Like the Human Eye
From ACM News

A Camera That Sees Like the Human Eye

The retina is an enormously powerful tool. It sorts through massive amounts of data while operating on only a fraction of the power that a conventional digital...

How Syrian Hackers Found the New York Times's Australian Weak Spot
From ACM News

How Syrian Hackers Found the New York Times's Australian Weak Spot

A hacking attack launched by the Syrian Electronic Army may have targeted the New York Timesand other U.S. media companies, but the weak link was Melbourne IT (...

Think You Can Drive a Bulldozer?
From ACM News

Think You Can Drive a Bulldozer?

As he closed the door, leaving me alone at the controls of a 41,000-pound bulldozer with list price of nearly $432,000, a Komatsu Ltd. executive shouted, "No worries...

Researcher Controls Colleague's Motions in First Human Brain-to-Brain Interface
From ACM News

Researcher Controls Colleague's Motions in First Human Brain-to-Brain Interface

University of Washington researchers have performed what they believe is the first noninvasive human-to-human brain interface, with one researcher able to send...

Nasa's Mars Curiosity Debuts Autonomous Navigation
From ACM News

Nasa's Mars Curiosity Debuts Autonomous Navigation

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has used autonomous navigation for the first time, a capability that lets the rover decide for itself how to drive safely on Mars.

The New York Times Web Site Was Taken Down By Dns Hijacking. Here's What That Means.
From ACM News

The New York Times Web Site Was Taken Down By Dns Hijacking. Here's What That Means.

Just weeks after The Washington Post had our own run-in with the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), the New York Times is down, and the SEA is claiming responsibility...

How Surveillance Changes Behavior: A Restaurant Workers Case Study
From ACM News

How Surveillance Changes Behavior: A Restaurant Workers Case Study

Surveillance is certainly much in the news lately. Most notably, of course, there is the continuing outcry over the National Security Agency’s call-tracking program...

NASA's Plan to Put a Landsail Rover on Venus
From ACM News

NASA's Plan to Put a Landsail Rover on Venus

Venus is like a reclusive celebrity that gets the public's attention every couple of years, though in the planet's case it's more like every century.

Wearable Robots Are No Longer Science Fiction
From ACM News

Wearable Robots Are No Longer Science Fiction

Exoskeletons will address military, medical, commercial applications.

Why Video Games May Be Good For You
From ACM News

Why Video Games May Be Good For You

Games have long been accused of making players violent, but evidence has been building over the years that they can have positive effects.

How a Look at Your Gmail Reveals the Power of Metadata
From ACM News

How a Look at Your Gmail Reveals the Power of Metadata

Sometimes you have to give up a little privacy in order to find out how much—or how little—privacy you really have.

How Snowden Did It
From ACM News

How Snowden Did It

When Edward Snowden stole the crown jewels of the National Security Agency, he didn't need to use any sophisticated devices or software or go around any computer...

Productivity Tools For Cybercrime
From ACM News

Productivity Tools For Cybercrime

Stealing 10 million dollars a few hundred dollars at a time used to be too labor-intensive to be a great business.

The Pentagon as Silicon Valley's Incubator
From ACM News

The Pentagon as Silicon Valley's Incubator

In the ranks of technology incubator programs, there is AngelPad here in San Francisco and Y Combinator about 40 miles south in Mountain View. And then there is...

NASA's Spitzer Telescope Celebrates 10 Years in Space
From ACM News

NASA's Spitzer Telescope Celebrates 10 Years in Space

Ten years after a Delta II rocket launched NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, lighting up the night sky over Cape Canaveral, Fla., the fourth of the agency's four...

In Markets' Tuned-­p Machinery, Stubborn Ghosts Remain
From ACM News

In Markets' Tuned-­p Machinery, Stubborn Ghosts Remain

A generation ago, when the stock market crashed on Oct. 19, 1987, the Nasdaq stock market appeared to have done much better than the New York Stock Exchange.

Laser Listening: Could You Eavesdrop on the Guardian?
From ACM News

Laser Listening: Could You Eavesdrop on the Guardian?

The U.K. government has warned the Guardian newspaper that foreign agents could use laser technology to eavesdrop on them, in the wake of recent surveillance leaks...

Magnetic Diversion For Electronic Switches
From Communications of the ACM

Magnetic Diversion For Electronic Switches

'Chameleon processors' could function as programmable logic or nonvolatile memory.
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