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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Contact Lens Computer: Like Google Glass, Without the Glasses
From ACM News

Contact Lens Computer: Like Google Glass, Without the Glasses

For those who find Google Glass indiscreet, electronic contact lenses that outfit the user’s cornea with a display may one day provide an alternative.

President Obama: 'right Balance' on Surveillance
From ACM News

President Obama: 'right Balance' on Surveillance

President Barack Obama defended his administration’s data-gathering programs Friday, calling them necessary for national security and well within the bounds of...

China Is Victim of Hacking Attacks
From ACM News

China Is Victim of Hacking Attacks

China has been the target of serious cyberattacks from the United States, but Beijing has never blamed Washington or the Pentagon because such accusations would...

Google Says It Can Guess Movie Box Office Hauls—with 94% Accuracy
From ACM News

Google Says It Can Guess Movie Box Office Hauls—with 94% Accuracy

Google released a research paper this week showing that the frequency of a movie being searched for on Google and YouTube is a surprisingly accurate indicator of...

U.S. Spy Chief Clapper Defends PRISM and Phone Surveillance
From ACM News

U.S. Spy Chief Clapper Defends PRISM and Phone Surveillance

U.S. spy chief James Clapper has strongly defended government surveillance programmes after revelations of phone records being collected and internet servers being...

Cormoran Project Exploring Ways to Improve Cooperation In and Between Wireless Body Area Networks
From ACM TechNews

Cormoran Project Exploring Ways to Improve Cooperation In and Between Wireless Body Area Networks

The French National Research Agency is funding research on new forms of cooperation in and between wireless body area networks.

How You and I Could Become Nodes in the Internet of Things
From ACM News

How You and I Could Become Nodes in the Internet of Things

Ever wonder what the network infrastructure of the future will be? Try looking in the mirror.

5 Things You Need to Know About NSA Phone Tracking
From ACM News

5 Things You Need to Know About NSA Phone Tracking

The revelation that the Obama administration is pursuing a massive surveillance program that tracks countless U.S. and international phone calls has brought privacy...

A Day in the Life of the Relentlessly Tracked
From ACM News

A Day in the Life of the Relentlessly Tracked

Controversy is raging over a court order allowing the FBI and the National Security Agency to seize aggregate information of millions of Verizon customer phone...

How Can Computing Become More Accessible?
From ACM News

How Can Computing Become More Accessible?

A growing number of tools and strategies are available to make computers and digital content accessible to people with disabilities.

Nasa Spacecraft Sees Tornado's Destructive Swath
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Sees Tornado's Destructive Swath

A new image from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument on NASA's Terra spacecraft shows the extent of destruction...

Nsa Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily
From ACM News

Nsa Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily

The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon, one of America's largest telecoms providers,...

Wisee ­ses Wi-Fi Signals to Recognize Body Gestures
From ACM News

Wisee ­ses Wi-Fi Signals to Recognize Body Gestures

Researchers say they have found a way to detect and recognize human gestures based on how they affect Wi-Fi signals.

They're Coming for Your DNA
From ACM News

They're Coming for Your DNA

DNA analysis is the major crime-solving advance of our time.

Mit's Magic Bag Of Sand
From ACM Opinion

Mit's Magic Bag Of Sand

The camera pushes in. And there, near the meridian line, you see a faint scattering of red lights. Something is in the tar. And it's glowing.

Fixing America's Patent Problem Means Going Beyond Trolls
From ACM News

Fixing America's Patent Problem Means Going Beyond Trolls

The so-called patent troll has become one of the tech industry’s favorite monsters in recent years, and on Tuesday the Obama administration announced it would ...

This Man Is Not a Cyborg. Yet.
From ACM News

This Man Is Not a Cyborg. Yet.

Get right up close to Dmitry Itskov and sniff all you like—you will not pick up even the faintest hint of crazy.

A Camera Without a Lens (and a Sensor the Size of a Pixel)
From ACM News

A Camera Without a Lens (and a Sensor the Size of a Pixel)

Cameras as we know them have long been eye-like: a lens captures light and focuses it on film or a detection sensor, just as the lenses in our eyes focus light...

Presidential Candidate: ­.s., Israel Wary of Iran's Cyber Power
From ACM News

Presidential Candidate: ­.s., Israel Wary of Iran's Cyber Power

Supreme Leader's top aide Ali Akbar Velayati, who is also a candidate in Iran's presidential election, hailed the Iranian IT engineers and experts for their good...

Hack a Virus, Win a Prize: Scientist Recognized For 'useful' Germ Modding
From ACM Careers

Hack a Virus, Win a Prize: Scientist Recognized For 'useful' Germ Modding

The inventor of a viral technology behind tomorrow's electric car batteries, flexible touchscreen computers, and non-invasive cancer screening was awarded a $500...
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