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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Eff Reveals How Your Digital Fingerprint Makes You Easy to Track

Think that turning off cookies and turning on private browsing makes you invisible on the web? Think again. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has launched...

Tim Berners-Lee ­nveils Government Data Project
From ACM TechNews

Tim Berners-Lee ­nveils Government Data Project

Sir Tim Berners-Lee has unveiled a new venture for the U.K. government, a Web site at designed to provide the public with better access to official...

From ACM News

Innovative Technique Can Spot Errors in Key Technological Systems

An innovative computational technique that draws on statistics, imaging, and other disciplines has the capability to detect errors in sensitive technological systems...

Quantum Computer Simulates Hydrogen Molecule Just Right
From ACM News

Quantum Computer Simulates Hydrogen Molecule Just Right

Almost three decades ago, Richard Feynman — known popularly as much for his bongo drumming and pranks as for his brilliant insights into physics — told an electrified...

Networking Formula Could Predict Research Success
From ACM News

Networking Formula Could Predict Research Success

A Texas Tech University economist Miaomiao Wang has found that a fairly simple networking formula could increase the odds that policymakers will fund dynamic and...

Report Reveals Critical Infrastructure ­nder Constant Cyber Attack
From ACM News

Report Reveals Critical Infrastructure ­nder Constant Cyber Attack

The staggering cost and impact of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure such as electrical grids, oil and gas production, telecommunications and transportation...

As Devices Pull More Data, Patience May Be Required
From ACM News

As Devices Pull More Data, Patience May Be Required

Could Apple's new iPad end up being too much of a good thing? Steven P. Jobs, Apple's chief executive, played up the iPad's ability to stream live baseball games...

From ACM TechNews

World Wide Web May Split ­p Into Several Separate Networks

The recent dispute between the Chinese government and Google, and the latter's subsequent threat to leave China, has some analysts worried that the World Wide Web...

From ACM News

Apple Wins Patent For "proximity Sensing" Multi-Touch Display

Apple has been granted a patent for a multi-touch display that can sense when and where a finger is near the screen. The patent was one of 13 granted to Apple,U...

From ACM News

U.s. Businesses Face Increasing Threats From Chinese Cyber Attacks

U.S. businesses and government agencies are facing increasing risks of potential cyber attacks from China, according to a recent report. And IT departments that...

From ACM News

Pentagon Searches For

One of the trickiest problems in cyber security is trying to figure who’s really behind an attack. Darpa, the Pentagon agency that created the Internet, is trying...

In Digital Combat, U.s. Finds No Easy Deterrent
From ACM News

In Digital Combat, U.s. Finds No Easy Deterrent

On a Monday morning earlier this month, top Pentagon leaders gathered to simulate how they would respond to a sophisticated cyberattack aimed at paralyzing the...

From ACM TechNews

APNIC: IPv6 Adoption Delay Could Create Costs

As the supply of available Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) Web addresses dwindles, the cost of Internet access could rise unless the industry steps up efforts...

From Communications of the ACM

ACM Fellows Honored

Forty-seven men and women are inducted as 2009 ACM Fellows.

Alternate Interface Technologies Emerge
From Communications of the ACM

Alternate Interface Technologies Emerge

Researchers working in human-computer interaction are developing new interfaces to produce greater efficiencies in personal computing and enhance miniaturization...

Better Computing, Communication For Disaster Response
From ACM News

Better Computing, Communication For Disaster Response

The response to natural disasters like the killer earthquake in Haiti is complicated by the difficulty delivering medical care in a chaotic environment where the...

New Life For Magnetic Tape
From ACM News

New Life For Magnetic Tape

Music lovers may have long forsaken them, but magnetic tapes still reign supreme when it comes to storing vast amounts of digital data. And new research from IBM...

Spasers Set to Sum: A New Dawn For Optical Computing
From ACM News

Spasers Set to Sum: A New Dawn For Optical Computing

It's a laser, but not as we know it. For a start, you need a microscope to see it. Gleaming eerily green, a "spaser" is a single spherical particle just a few tens...

Security Technique Protects Multi-Party Computation
From ACM News

Security Technique Protects Multi-Party Computation

Recent academic research is advancing the development of secure multi-party computation (SMC), an security technique aimed at protecting data for various online...

From ACM News

Touchscreen Merges the Real and Digital Worlds

For all the advances in table-top and tablet computing, some design professionals will always prefer the feel of pen on paper to stylus on glass. A new device could...
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