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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cognitive Computers Work Like the Human Brain
From ACM News

Cognitive Computers Work Like the Human Brain

Neural networks and cognitive computing software emulate the way humans think.

Fire ­p the Atom Forge
From ACM News

Fire ­p the Atom Forge

Electron microscopy is on the brink of a transition.

Artificial Intelligence Robots: Why Human Baby Brains Are Smarter Than AI
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Robots: Why Human Baby Brains Are Smarter Than AI

Machines are capable of understanding speech, recognizing faces and driving cars safely, making recent technological advancements seem impressively powerful.

Google, Facebook, and Microsoft Are Remaking Themselves Around AI
From ACM News

Google, Facebook, and Microsoft Are Remaking Themselves Around AI

Fei-Fei Li is a big deal in the world of AI. As the director of the Artificial Intelligence and Vision labs at Stanford University, she oversaw the creation of...

Microsoft Spends Big to Build a Computer Out of Science Fiction
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Spends Big to Build a Computer Out of Science Fiction

Microsoft is dedicating significant funding and manpower to its efforts related to quantum computing. Microsoft's decision to build a working prototype highlights...

Research Chip Modeled After the Brain Aims to Bring Smarts to Computers
From ACM TechNews

Research Chip Modeled After the Brain Aims to Bring Smarts to Computers

University of Tennessee, Knoxville researchers have developed a neuromorphic chip designed for intelligent computers that are structured to discover patterns through...

Google Translate: 'this Landmark ­pdate Is Our Biggest Single Leap in 10 Years'
From ACM TechNews

Google Translate: 'this Landmark ­pdate Is Our Biggest Single Leap in 10 Years'

Google says it is has vastly improved the accuracy of Google Translate through its new Neural Machine Translation system, which utilizes neural networks to train...

Certikos: A Breakthrough Toward Hacker-Resistant Operating Systems
From ACM TechNews

Certikos: A Breakthrough Toward Hacker-Resistant Operating Systems

Researchers at Yale University have developed CertiKOS, a new operating system they say could lead to a new generation of reliable and secure systems. 

An Efficient Approach For Tracking Physical Activity With Wearable Health-Monitoring Devices
From ACM TechNews

An Efficient Approach For Tracking Physical Activity With Wearable Health-Monitoring Devices

A new technique developed by researchers at North Carolina State University could enable wearable health devices to track user physical activity accurately and...

China's Driverless Trucks Are Revving Their Engines
From ACM News

China's Driverless Trucks Are Revving Their Engines

China is gearing up to overhaul its road delivery with fleets of self-driving long-haul trucks.

World's First Photonic Neural Network ­nveiled
From ACM News

World's First Photonic Neural Network ­nveiled

Neural networks are taking the world of computing by storm.

New Ceres Views as Dawn Moves Higher
From ACM News

New Ceres Views as Dawn Moves Higher

The brightest area on Ceres stands out amid shadowy, cratered terrain in a dramatic new view from NASA's Dawn spacecraft, taken as it looked off to the side of...

Intel Looks to a New Chip to Power the Coming Age of AI
From ACM News

Intel Looks to a New Chip to Power the Coming Age of AI

Microsoft researchers recently built an artificially intelligent system that seems to recognize conversational speech as effectively as a human.

K-Computer Leads Graph 500 List of World's Fastest Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

K-Computer Leads Graph 500 List of World's Fastest Supercomputers

Japan's K-Computer tops the latest Graph 500 list of the world's fastest supercomputers.

New Software Continuously Scrambles Code to Foil Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

New Software Continuously Scrambles Code to Foil Cyberattacks

Columbia University researchers have developed Shuffler, software that tries to preempt hackers who exploit errors in software code by enabling programs to continuously...

Cow Goes Moo: Artificial Intelligence-Based System Associates Images With Sounds
From ACM TechNews

Cow Goes Moo: Artificial Intelligence-Based System Associates Images With Sounds

Using artificial-intelligence techniques, a new system from Disney Research and ETH Zurich is capable of learning the association between images and the sounds...

Automated Pro-Trump Bots Overwhelmed Pro-Clinton Messages, Researchers Say
From ACM TechNews

Automated Pro-Trump Bots Overwhelmed Pro-Clinton Messages, Researchers Say

Researchers from Oxford University found that an automated army of pro-Donald J. Trump chatbots overwhelmed similar programs supporting Hillary Clinton five to...

New AI Algorithm Taught By Humans Learns Beyond Its Training
From ACM TechNews

New AI Algorithm Taught By Humans Learns Beyond Its Training

Researchers at the University of Toronto say they have developed an algorithm that can learn directly from human instructions rather than a set of examples.

Critical Linux Bug Opens Systems to Compromise
From ACM TechNews

Critical Linux Bug Opens Systems to Compromise

Researchers from Spain's Polytechnic University of Valencia have found a flaw that enables attackers to obtain root shell on affected Linux systems. The vulnerability...

Mobile App Behavior Often Appears at Odds With Privacy Policies
From ACM TechNews

Mobile App Behavior Often Appears at Odds With Privacy Policies

Mobile applications' privacy policies often are inconsistent with how an app actually collects and shares users' personal information, according to an automated...
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