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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Federal Agency Wants Black Boxes in Every New Car By September 2014
From ACM News

Federal Agency Wants Black Boxes in Every New Car By September 2014

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has proposed a new unified standard for event data recorders for cars, commonly known as "black boxes."

Iran: All Data of Captured U.S. RQ-170 Drone Decoded
From ACM News

Iran: All Data of Captured U.S. RQ-170 Drone Decoded

A senior Iranian commander announced that the country has extracted all the data and information existing in the intelligence gathering systems of the United States'...

In South Korea, the Republic of Samsung
From ACM Careers

In South Korea, the Republic of Samsung

So sprawling is Samsung’s modern-day empire that some South Koreans say it has become possible to live a Samsung-only life: You can use a Samsung credit card to...

Tim Cook's Freshman Year: The Apple Ceo Speaks
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook's Freshman Year: The Apple Ceo Speaks

Prior to his death on Oct. 5, 2011, Steve Jobs made sure that the elevation of Tim Cook—his longtime head of operations and trusted deputy—to Apple chief executive...

In Eye Control, a Promise to Let Your Tablet Go Hands-Free
From ACM News

In Eye Control, a Promise to Let Your Tablet Go Hands-Free

Forget touch screens and voice recognition; what if you could control your computer just by looking at it?

A Machine That Makes Cameras: The Aesthetics of the Lytro
From ACM News

A Machine That Makes Cameras: The Aesthetics of the Lytro

Let's think about photography as people live it.

Online Social Science: Can the Web Graduate from Digital Petri Dish to Virtual Laboratory?
From ACM Opinion

Online Social Science: Can the Web Graduate from Digital Petri Dish to Virtual Laboratory?

In many ways the Internet is the ultimate virtual laboratory.

New '4-D' Transistor Is Preview of Future Computers
From ACM TechNews

New '4-D' Transistor Is Preview of Future Computers

Researchers at Purdue and Harvard universities have developed a transistor that consists of three nanowires made out of indium-gallium-arsenide. The three nanowires...

Planning His Legacy, Cisco Chief Maps an Expansion
From ACM Opinion

Planning His Legacy, Cisco Chief Maps an Expansion

John T. Chambers has readied his last great act as the leader of Cisco Systems, fearing major changes in the technology business that could doom his company.

ARM R&D Chief: Intel Can’t Beat ­s Without A New Business Model
From ACM Opinion

ARM R&D Chief: Intel Can’t Beat ­s Without A New Business Model

Although Intel is still the undisputed king of silicon, it's a surprising fact that the ARM processor design is in more 32-bit chips than Intel’s x86 design, thanks...

Intel Tech Chief Rattner Peers Into the Future
From ACM Opinion

Intel Tech Chief Rattner Peers Into the Future

What does the future of computing look like? Justin Rattner has a better inkling than most.

What If NASA Could Figure Out the Math of a Workable Warp Drive?
From ACM News

What If NASA Could Figure Out the Math of a Workable Warp Drive?

When, a few weeks ago, astronomers announced that an Earth-sized planet had been detected orbiting a Alpha Centauri B, a star in the closest system of stars to...

How Tin Whiskers Screw Up Everything From Servers to Smartphones
From ACM TechNews

How Tin Whiskers Screw Up Everything From Servers to Smartphones

Tin whiskers are tiny metal filaments that grow inside electronic devices, and they have been known to contribute to problems since the 1940s. New research sheds...

Michael Bloomberg Wants to Do Something Cool with New York's Phone Booths
From ACM Careers

Michael Bloomberg Wants to Do Something Cool with New York's Phone Booths

Just 15 years ago, New York City had 35,000 phone booths. Thanks to cell phones it now has just 11,000, most of which serve little purpose for anyone but Clark...

Leaping Into the Gesture-Control Era
From ACM News

Leaping Into the Gesture-Control Era

A trip to any big electronics store this fall will tell you that computer makers from Samsung to Microsoft think laptop and desktop computers need touch screens...

Hacker Locates John Mcafee Through Smartphone Tracks
From ACM News

Hacker Locates John Mcafee Through Smartphone Tracks

Weeks of international intrigue about the whereabouts of tech millionaire John McAfee ended Tuesday after the Internet pioneer made an elementary digital mistake...

Texas Teen Wins $100,000 National Science Prize
From ACM Careers

Texas Teen Wins $100,000 National Science Prize

A high school student from Texas has won a $100,000 scholarship for a developing a computer algorithm that helps robots navigate around obstacles, an algorithm...

Nasa Voyager 1 Encounters New Region in Deep Space
From ACM News

Nasa Voyager 1 Encounters New Region in Deep Space

NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has entered a new region at the far reaches of our solar system that scientists feel is the final area the spacecraft has to cross before...

The Robotic Equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife
From ACM News

The Robotic Equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife

The device doesn't look like much: a caterpillar-sized assembly of metal rings and strips resembling something you might find buried in a home-workshop drawer.

For Lonely Astronauts, a Robotic Companion
From ACM News

For Lonely Astronauts, a Robotic Companion

You know the only thing lonelier than Sgt. Pepper's Hearts Club Band, and the Heartbreak Hotel, and the number one? Being alone and also not on Earth.
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