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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Robots to Get Their Own Operating System

Robots are limited by the fact that they are often designed and built in isolation for specific functions, and roboticists have started to consider what aspects...

From ACM TechNews

Tiny 'mems' Devices to Filter, Amplify Electronic Signals

Purdue University researchers are developing a new class of microelectromechanical (MEMS) devices called resonators that contain vibrating, hair-thin structures...

From ACM TechNews

­.s. Web-Tracking Plan Stirs Privacy Fears

The White House is proposing to soften a long-existing prohibition on tracking how users peruse U.S. government Web sites with cookies and other methods, inciting...

From ACM TechNews

Computer 'agents' Take to the Web

Artificial intelligence agents that automatically negotiate for online shoppers, called Negotiation Ninjas, will be tested on a shopping Web site called Aroxo this...

From ACM TechNews

Finding the Right Piece of Sky

At the recent ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 conference, Microsoft Research's Visual Computing Group presented SkyFinder, a search system designed to analyze images of the sky...

Supercomputer Visuals Without Graphics Chip
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputer Visuals Without Graphics Chip

The obsolescence of graphics-processing clusters is being hastened by the rapidly accelerating data processing speed of supercomputers. Scientists at Argonne National...

From ACM TechNews

Communication Devices 2033

Motorola's Consumer Xperience Design (CXD) teams have speculated possible evolutionary paths that communication devices may take during the next 25 years. They...

Broadband Is This Generation
From ACM TechNews

Broadband Is This Generation

In early August, U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski toured California to build support for the FCC's ongoing effort to create...

From ACM TechNews

The Group That Holds the Internet Together

ICANN remains under international pressure to sever ties with the United States government when its current contract expires in September 2009. The pressure comes...

Internet Society Honors CSNET Designers
From ACM TechNews

Internet Society Honors CSNET Designers

The Internet Society has honored the designers of an early computer network with its 2009 Jonathan B. Postel Service Award. The University of Wisconsin-Madison's...

Intel Taps Facebook Multitudes For Massive Research Efforts
From ACM TechNews

Intel Taps Facebook Multitudes For Massive Research Efforts

Intel has launched Progress Thru Processors, a new Facebook application that provides users with an interface to donate their unused computer processing time to...

Top Cybersecurity Aide at White House Resigns
From ACM TechNews

Top Cybersecurity Aide at White House Resigns

Melissa E. Hathaway, the Obama administration's senior aide on cybersecurity, is stepping down from her role due to delays in the choosing of an administrator to...

Computer Graphics Innovator Wins ACM Siggraph Research Award
From ACM News

Computer Graphics Innovator Wins ACM Siggraph Research Award

ACM SIGGRAPH has awarded its 2009 Significant New Researcher Award to Wojciech Matusik for his original contributions to accurately capturing and representing real...

Wiring Rural America: Which Technology Is Best?
From ACM News

Wiring Rural America: Which Technology Is Best?

Reaching the most remote rural customers with high-speed Internet access can be prohibitively expensive. Consider the case of Hill Country Telephone Cooperative...

Halted '03 Iraq Plan Illustrates ­.s. Fear of Cyberwar Risk
From ACM TechNews

Halted '03 Iraq Plan Illustrates ­.s. Fear of Cyberwar Risk

At the core of the U.S. Obama Administration and its Pentagon leadership's efforts to develop rules governing cyberwarfare is the question of whether offensive...

From ACM News

Nist Releases Cybersecurity Recommendations For Federal Government

he U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released on Friday (July 31) its final version of a publication that represents...

Adding Meaning to Millions of Numbers
From ACM TechNews

Adding Meaning to Millions of Numbers

True Engineering Technology has developed semantic technology that gives meaning to numerical data to prevent number-related mixups. The company has launched Numberspace...

Haptics: The Feel-Good Technology of the Year
From ACM TechNews

Haptics: The Feel-Good Technology of the Year

Touchscreens are already being implemented in cell phones and are expected to sweep through mobile and desktop computing, but a pair of Silicon Valley companies...

Icann President Debunks Internet Economics
From ACM TechNews

Icann President Debunks Internet Economics

New ICANN president Rod Beckstrom has proposed an economic model for valuing computer networks. In his speech at the recent Black Hat USA 2009 conference in Las...

From ACM TechNews

­.s. Government Soliciting Broadband Experts

The Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is seeking industry experts to evaluate grant proposals for its $4...
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