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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

In Mobile World, Tech Giants Scramble to Get ­p to Speed
From ACM News

In Mobile World, Tech Giants Scramble to Get ­p to Speed

Intel made its fortune on the chips that power personal computers, and Microsoft on the software that goes inside. Google’s secret sauce is that it finds what you...

Faster Chips 'cut Cloud-Computing Bills'
From ACM TechNews

Faster Chips 'cut Cloud-Computing Bills'

Researchers at Deutsch Telekom Laboratories and Aalto University have found that customers of Amazon's EC2 cloud service do not receive the same level of performance...

Software on Mars
From Communications of the ACM

Software on Mars

With the AEGIS system, the Mars Exploration Rovers can autonomously select, capture, and analyze images using onboard logic.

Control Without Controllers
From Communications of the ACM

Control Without Controllers

Disney's Touché project could transform every conductive surface into a touch-control surface.

Google and Microsoft ­nder Threat from the March of the Mobiles
From ACM News

Google and Microsoft ­nder Threat from the March of the Mobiles

We're used to the idea of "peak oil"—that there's only a finite amount of that stuff in the ground. What's the equivalent in the computing field?

Virtues of the Virtual Autopsy
From ACM News

Virtues of the Virtual Autopsy

Once a common medical procedure, the standard autopsy is passing out of use.

Microsoft's Plan to Bring About the Era of Gesture Control
From ACM News

Microsoft's Plan to Bring About the Era of Gesture Control

While most of the headlines about Microsoft this fall will concern its new operating system, Windows 8, and its new Surface tablet, the company is also working...

'live-Fire' Cyberwar-In-A-Box Tests Mettle of Military, It Pros
From ACM News

'live-Fire' Cyberwar-In-A-Box Tests Mettle of Military, It Pros

In August, a collection of military, government, and nongovernmental humanitarian organizations from 22 countries in the Pacific gathered in Singapore for Pacific...

In Des Moines, Turning Off Beacon Unleashes a Storm
From ACM Careers

In Des Moines, Turning Off Beacon Unleashes a Storm

A Des Moines television station has turned off the lights on the city's Weather Beacon, igniting a tempest among residents who were raised to look downtown for...

One Step Closer to a Brain
From ACM News

One Step Closer to a Brain

A few months ago Google shared with us another challenge it had taken on. It wasn't as fanciful as a driverless car or as geekily sexy as augmented reality glasses...

3 Questions: A Web For Everyone
From ACM Opinion

3 Questions: A Web For Everyone

During the opening ceremonies of this summer’s Olympic games in London, a musical performance culminated with a stage-set house rising into the rafters to reveal...

Steven Sinofsky: Microsoft's Controversial Mr. Windows 8
From ACM News

Steven Sinofsky: Microsoft's Controversial Mr. Windows 8

Two years ago, Microsoft Chief Software Architect Ray Ozzie was working on a file synchronization technology that would make stashing and grabbing pictures, documents...

Zero-Day Attacks Are Meaner, More Rampant Than We Ever Thought
From ACM News

Zero-Day Attacks Are Meaner, More Rampant Than We Ever Thought

Computer attacks that target undisclosed vulnerabilities are more common and last longer than many security researchers previously thought. The finding comes from...

Google Throws Open Doors to Its Top-Secret Data Center
From ACM News

Google Throws Open Doors to Its Top-Secret Data Center

If you're looking for the beating heart of the digital age—a physical location where the scope, grandeur, and geekiness of the kingdom of bits become manifest—you...

Mars Soil Sample Delivered for Analysis Inside Rover
From ACM News

Mars Soil Sample Delivered for Analysis Inside Rover

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has ingested its first solid sample into an analytical instrument inside the rover, a capability at the core of the two-year mission...

Devices Go Nose to Nose With Bomb-Sniffer Dogs
From ACM News

Devices Go Nose to Nose With Bomb-Sniffer Dogs

Denis Spitzer wants to beat dogs at their own game.

Ftc Offers $50,000 to Robocall Killers
From ACM Careers

Ftc Offers $50,000 to Robocall Killers

The Federal Trade Commission is offering a cash reward of $50,000 to whoever develops a solution to block robotic calling on both landlines and mobiles.

Graphene Could ­sher in Flexible, ­ltra-Slim Gadgets
From ACM News

Graphene Could ­sher in Flexible, ­ltra-Slim Gadgets

You've probably never heard of graphene, a carbon-based material, but it might be stuffed into your pocket or wrapped around your wrist in the not-too-distant future...

Computer Viruses Are 'rampant' on Medical Devices in Hospitals
From ACM News

Computer Viruses Are 'rampant' on Medical Devices in Hospitals

Computerized hospital equipment is increasingly vulnerable to malware infections, according to participants in a recent government panel. These infections can clog...

Remembering Jon Postel—and the Day He Hijacked the Internet
From ACM News

Remembering Jon Postel—and the Day He Hijacked the Internet

One January day in 1998, Jon Postel emailed eight of the 12 organizations that handled the address books for the entire internet.
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