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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Larry Page, Google Founder, Is Still Innovator in Chief
From ACM Careers

Larry Page, Google Founder, Is Still Innovator in Chief

Three years ago, Charles Chase, an engineer who manages Lockheed Martin's nuclear fusion program, was sitting on a white leather couch at Google's Solve for X conference...

This Smartphone Technology 3d Maps Your Meal and Counts Its Calories
From ACM TechNews

This Smartphone Technology 3d Maps Your Meal and Counts Its Calories

NutriRay3D is a new laser-mapping technology/smartphone app that lets users point a smartphone at food and get an accurate count of its total calories and nutrition...

'hack the Dinos' Helps Paleontologists
From ACM Careers

'hack the Dinos' Helps Paleontologists

Kaleigh Clary, a computer science graduate student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, drove down to offer a day of free work for the American Museum of...

Wikipedia Turns 15
From ACM Opinion

Wikipedia Turns 15

It must be difficult for the roughly half a billion people who visit Wikipedia every month to remember a world without the free online encyclopedia.

Virtual Reality For Motor Rehabilitation of the Shoulder
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality For Motor Rehabilitation of the Shoulder

Carlos III University of Madrid researchers have developed a virtual-reality system for motor rehabilitation of the shoulder. 

New Lab to Give Nation's Researchers Remote Access to Robots
From ACM TechNews

New Lab to Give Nation's Researchers Remote Access to Robots

The Georgia Institute of Technology is building the Robotarium, a laboratory that will enable roboticists to conduct experiments remotely. 

The Bbva Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award Goes to Stephen Cook
From ACM News

The Bbva Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award Goes to Stephen Cook

Cook expanded on Turing's concept of computability ... to include efficiency, so we can ascertain which problems are worth trying to solve and which not.

Can Computer Games Improve the Ability to Study?
From ACM TechNews

Can Computer Games Improve the Ability to Study?

University of Bristol researchers conducted a brain-imaging study showing technological game-playing can involve brain activity that supports learning. 

­.s. STEM Funding Still Reeling From Budget Cuts
From ACM TechNews

­.s. STEM Funding Still Reeling From Budget Cuts

Some U.S. agencies and higher education institutions that lost much-needed federal grants to sequestration may still be left wanting. 

In Pursuit of an Affordable Tablet For the Blind
From ACM News

In Pursuit of an Affordable Tablet For the Blind

An inexpensive, full-page braille tablet could make topics like science and math more easily accessible to the blind, according to a team of researchers who have...

New Digital Tools Could Help Speed Up Cultural Heritage Work
From ACM TechNews

New Digital Tools Could Help Speed Up Cultural Heritage Work

The European Union-funded PRESIOUS project is developing software tools intended to facilitate the work of archaeologists via computer simulations. 

MIT Researchers Want to Teach Robots How to Wash Dishes
From ACM News

MIT Researchers Want to Teach Robots How to Wash Dishes

The robots arrived years ago. They help build stuff in factories. They shuttle packages and products across the massive warehouses that drive Amazon’s worldwide...

Bug Eyes: Tiny Glasses Confirm 3D Vision in Insects
From ACM TechNews

Bug Eyes: Tiny Glasses Confirm 3D Vision in Insects

Newcastle University researchers have found the praying mantis uses stereopsis, or three-dimensional perception, for hunting. 

Neil Gershenfeld and the Spread of Fab Labs
From ACM TechNews

Neil Gershenfeld and the Spread of Fab Labs

Neil Gershenfeld, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Bits and Atoms, discusses the growth and impact of the Fab Lab project. 

Iu Southeast Professors Develop Apps That Help Users Experience Physics Concepts
From ACM TechNews

Iu Southeast Professors Develop Apps That Help Users Experience Physics Concepts

Two Indiana University Southeast professors have designed free "Mobile Science" applications to make students more experientially familiar with physics concepts...

Why Stem's Future Rests in the Hands of 12-Year-Old Girls
From ACM TechNews

Why Stem's Future Rests in the Hands of 12-Year-Old Girls

Girls are less confident and more anxious about their math abilities than boys, according to an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report. 

In Memoriam: Peter Naur 1928-2016
From ACM News

In Memoriam: Peter Naur 1928-2016

Peter Naur, a Danish computer scientist and 2005 recipient of the ACM A.M. Turing Award, died January 3 after a brief illness.

Gene Amdahl, 1922-2015
From Communications of the ACM

Gene Amdahl, 1922-2015

Gene Amdahl, who formulated Amdahl's Law and worked with IBM and others on developments related to mainframe computing, died recently from complications of pneumonia...

European Satellites: How Islamic State Takes Its Terror To the Web
From ACM News

European Satellites: How Islamic State Takes Its Terror To the Web

No terror organization uses the Internet as successfully when it comes to marketing itself and recruiting supporters as Islamic State (IS) does. But how is it able...

Online Degree Hits Learning Curve
From ACM TechNews

Online Degree Hits Learning Curve

The Georgia Institute of Technology's launch of an inexpensive online computer science master's degree program two years ago has had mixed results.
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