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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Free-Standing Two-Legged Robot Conquers Terrain
From ACM TechNews

Free-Standing Two-Legged Robot Conquers Terrain

University of Michigan researchers report an unsupported bipedal robot can walk down steep slopes, through a thin layer of snow, and over uneven and unstable ground...

Not Lost in Translation: Researchers 'teach' Computers to Translate Accurately
From ACM TechNews

Not Lost in Translation: Researchers 'teach' Computers to Translate Accurately

Scientists are seeking to improve the capabilities of online translation programs by embedding new artificial intelligence methods to build complete sentences. 

Gene Therapy's First Out-and-Out Cure Is Here
From ACM News

Gene Therapy's First Out-and-Out Cure Is Here

A treatment now pending approval in Europe will be the first commercial gene therapy to provide an outright cure for a deadly disease.

Stingrays, the Spy Tool the Government Tried, and Failed, to Hide
From ACM News

Stingrays, the Spy Tool the Government Tried, and Failed, to Hide

Stingrays, a secretive law enforcement surveillance tool, are one of the most controversial technologies in the government’s spy kit.

How Nasa's Next Big Telescope Could Take Pictures of Another Earth
From ACM News

How Nasa's Next Big Telescope Could Take Pictures of Another Earth

Can NASA's next big space telescope take a picture of an alien Earth-like planet orbiting another star?

A New Mobile Phone App For Grassroots Mapping
From ACM TechNews

A New Mobile Phone App For Grassroots Mapping

Researchers have developed a mobile phone application that uses geographic data to map landscapes and help humanitarian rescue workers in disaster-struck regions...

Ais Are Starting to Learn Like Human Babies By Grasping and Poking Objects
From ACM TechNews

Ais Are Starting to Learn Like Human Babies By Grasping and Poking Objects

A project at Carnegie Mellon University could enable artificial intelligences to learn in a more human way. 

The Scientists Who Simulate the End of the World
From ACM TechNews

The Scientists Who Simulate the End of the World

The U.S. National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center models how national infrastructure and human behavior would be affected by attacks or catastrophes...

Building AI Is Hard--So Facebook Is Building AI That Builds AI
From ACM TechNews

Building AI Is Hard--So Facebook Is Building AI That Builds AI

Facebook is building artificial intelligence algorithms that can help build AI algorithms by automating much of the trial and error that goes into their testing...

Imagine Discovering That Your Teaching Assistant Really Is a Robot
From ACM TechNews

Imagine Discovering That Your Teaching Assistant Really Is a Robot

Researchers at schools such as the Georgia Institute of Technology are testing artificial intelligence to relieve the burden of teaching assistants. 

Enceladus Jets: Surprises in Starlight
From ACM News

Enceladus Jets: Surprises in Starlight

During a recent stargazing session, NASA's Cassini spacecraft watched a bright star pass behind the plume of gas and dust that spews from Saturn's icy moon Enceladus...

Computer Gleans Chemical Insight from Lab Notebook Failures
From ACM News

Computer Gleans Chemical Insight from Lab Notebook Failures

Did your experiment fail? Don't bin the data just yet—they could be useful.

Building AI Is Hard‹so Facebook Is Building AI That Builds AI
From ACM News

Building AI Is Hard‹so Facebook Is Building AI That Builds AI

Deep neural networks are remaking the Internet. Able to learn very human tasks by analyzing vast amounts of digital data, these artificially intelligent systems...

Artificial Intelligence: Where's the Philosophical Scrutiny?
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence: Where's the Philosophical Scrutiny?

Most researchers focus on technical achievement rather than the philosophical ramifications of artificial intelligence, writes Duke University's Vincent Conitzer...

After Moore's Law: Predicting The Future Beyond Silicon Chips
From ACM Opinion

After Moore's Law: Predicting The Future Beyond Silicon Chips

For several decades now, Georgia Tech professor Tom Conte has been studying how to improve computers: "How do we make them faster and more efficient next time around...

Moore's Law Running Out of Room, Tech Looks For a Successor
From ACM News

Moore's Law Running Out of Room, Tech Looks For a Successor

For decades, the computer industry has been guided by a faith that engineers would always find a way to make the components on computer chips smaller, faster and...

Google, ­-M to Build Digital Tools For Flint Water Crisis
From ACM TechNews

Google, ­-M to Build Digital Tools For Flint Water Crisis

Researchers at Google and the University of Michigan's Flint and Ann Arbor campuses will develop digital tools to help Flint, MI, manage its water crisis. 

Skintrack Technology Turns Arm Into Smartwatch Touchpad
From ACM TechNews

Skintrack Technology Turns Arm Into Smartwatch Touchpad

SkinTrack is a new wearable technology that enables continuous touch tracking on the user's hands and arms. 

White House Worries About Bad AI Coding
From ACM TechNews

White House Worries About Bad AI Coding

The White House released a report this week suggesting it may be important to develop ethical frameworks for designing automated computer systems. 

Before Heading to Mars, Nasa's Valkyrie Humanoid Lands at MIT
From ACM TechNews

Before Heading to Mars, Nasa's Valkyrie Humanoid Lands at MIT

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has delivered a humanoid robot to the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. 
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