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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
From ACM News

A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find

Modern humans evolved in Africa roughly 200,000 years ago. But how did our species go on to populate the rest of the globe?

Google's Internet-Beaming Balloon Gets a New Pilot: AI
From ACM News

Google's Internet-Beaming Balloon Gets a New Pilot: AI

This summer, the Google X lab launched a balloon into the stratosphere over Peru, and it stayed there for 98 days.

Worldwide Brain-Mapping Project Sparks Excitement, and Concern
From ACM News

Worldwide Brain-Mapping Project Sparks Excitement, and Concern

Worries include how to coordinate research programs and resources from different countries.

Tech Giants Team ­p to Fix Typography's Biggest Problem
From ACM News

Tech Giants Team ­p to Fix Typography's Biggest Problem

Fonts have a serious image problem.

Nasa Scientists Find 'impossible' Cloud on Titan--Again
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Nasa Scientists Find 'impossible' Cloud on Titan--Again

The puzzling appearance of an ice cloud seemingly out of thin air has prompted NASA scientists to suggest that a different process than previously thought—possibly...

Cheap Lidar: The Key to Makingself-Driving Cars Affordable
From ACM News

Cheap Lidar: The Key to Makingself-Driving Cars Affordable

Chances are you've never seen a fully autonomous self-driving car out on the street.

Send Secret Messages Hidden in the Dna of Bacterial Spores
From ACM News

Send Secret Messages Hidden in the Dna of Bacterial Spores

Humble bacterial spores are taking us closer to an age of DNA information storage, thanks to new ways of protecting archived data from corruption as well as from...

Quantum Teleportation Was Just Achieved Over More Than 7 Km of City Fibre
From ACM News

Quantum Teleportation Was Just Achieved Over More Than 7 Km of City Fibre

Quantum teleportation just moved out of the lab and into the real world, with two independent teams of scientists successfully sending quantum information across...

In Memoriam: Boris Trakhtenbrot, 1921-2016
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In Memoriam: Boris Trakhtenbrot, 1921-2016

The mathematician discovered and proved the Gap Theorem, as well as what is now called Trakhtenbrot's Theorem.

Geneticists Attempt to Heal Rifts with Aboriginal Communities
From ACM News

Geneticists Attempt to Heal Rifts with Aboriginal Communities

In 1938, anthropologists Norman Tindale and Joseph Birdsell set off on an 18-month, 29,000-kilometre expedition to survey Australia's indigenous groups.

In Backing Autonomous Cars, ­.s. Tells Automakers to Figure It Out
From ACM News

In Backing Autonomous Cars, ­.s. Tells Automakers to Figure It Out

The Obama administration's approach to hands-free driving is remarkably hands-off.

Obama's Science Advisors: Much Forensic Work Has No Scientific Foundation
From ACM News

Obama's Science Advisors: Much Forensic Work Has No Scientific Foundation

Last year, the US Department of Justice released a report that involved some painful self-examination.

Artificial Intelligence Software Is Booming. But Why Now?
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Software Is Booming. But Why Now?

This is the year artificial intelligence came into its own for mainstream businesses, at least as a marketing feature.

Hubble Telescope Snaps Best-Ever Views of a Comet's Disintegration
From ACM News

Hubble Telescope Snaps Best-Ever Views of a Comet's Disintegration

Building-size chunks of rock were photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope in January as they broke free from a disintegrating comet zooming around the sun.

Ornl Helps Develop Hybrid Computational Strategy For Efficient Sequencing of Massive Genome Datasets
From ACM TechNews

Ornl Helps Develop Hybrid Computational Strategy For Efficient Sequencing of Massive Genome Datasets

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers say they have developed a novel hybrid computational strategy to efficiently discover genetic variants.

How Random Is Your Randomness, and Why Does It Matter?
From ACM News

How Random Is Your Randomness, and Why Does It Matter?

Randomness is vital for computer security, making possible secure encryption that allows people to communicate secretly even if an adversary sees all coded messages...

How Police Trace Cellphones in Ieds Like the Ones in Nyc
From ACM News

How Police Trace Cellphones in Ieds Like the Ones in Nyc

A cellphone makes a convenient detonator for an improvised explosive device. But it's also one of the most conveniently trackable devices under the eye of American...

Human Brain Map Gets a Bold New Update
From ACM News

Human Brain Map Gets a Bold New Update

Most of us think little of hopping on Google Maps to look at everything from a bird's-eye view of an entire continent to an on-the-ground view of a specific street...

A Lesson of Tesla Crashes? Computer Vision Can't Do It All Yet
From ACM News

A Lesson of Tesla Crashes? Computer Vision Can't Do It All Yet

Jitendra Malik, a researcher in computer vision for three decades, doesn't own a Tesla, but he has advice for people who do.

How the Fbi Could Have Hacked the San Bernardino Shooter's Iphone
From ACM News

How the Fbi Could Have Hacked the San Bernardino Shooter's Iphone

More than six months have passed since the FBI first ordered Apple to help the agency bypass the encryption on the iPhone 5c of Rizwan Syed Farook, an ISIS supporter...
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