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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Solving Silicon Valley's Gender Problem
From ACM TechNews

Solving Silicon Valley's Gender Problem

In an interview, former Stanford University Graduate School of Business doctoral students Julie Oberweis and Monica Leas discuss the genesis of a survey detailing...

Robot Learning Companion Offers Custom-Tailored Tutoring
From ACM TechNews

Robot Learning Companion Offers Custom-Tailored Tutoring

Researchers from Tel Aviv University and MIT have developed a socially assistive robot that can serve as a one-to-one peer for learning in the classroom or for...

The Fbi Warns That Car Hacking Is a Real Risk
From ACM News

The Fbi Warns That Car Hacking Is a Real Risk

It's been eight months since a pair of security researchers proved beyond any doubt that car hacking is more than an action movie plot device when they remotely ...

Searching for the Particle Accelerator at the Heart of the Milky Way
From ACM News

Searching for the Particle Accelerator at the Heart of the Milky Way

We're rightly proud of the Large Hadron Collider, which accelerates protons up to 7 Tera-electron Volts before smashing them together.

Inside Apple Ceo Tim Cook's Fight With the Fbi
From ACM Opinion

Inside Apple Ceo Tim Cook's Fight With the Fbi

Astronomers Discover Colossal 'super Spiral' Galaxies
From ACM News

Astronomers Discover Colossal 'super Spiral' Galaxies

A strange new kind of galactic beast has been spotted in the cosmic wilderness.

Oldest Ancient-Human Dna Details Dawn of Neanderthals
From ACM News

Oldest Ancient-Human Dna Details Dawn of Neanderthals

Matthias Meyer has just published the results of what may be the world's most wasteful genome-sequencing project.

In Africa, Watson's Sister Lucy Is Growing ­p With the Help of Ibm's Research Team
From ACM TechNews

In Africa, Watson's Sister Lucy Is Growing ­p With the Help of Ibm's Research Team

IBM Research Africa's Kenya lab is giving shape to Lucy, a technology platform aimed at finding "commercially viable solutions to the continent's grand challenges...

Bjarne Stroustrup Previews C++ 17
From ACM TechNews

Bjarne Stroustrup Previews C++ 17

In an interview, C++ programming language creator Bjarne Stroustrup discusses its next planned iteration, C++ 17.

Computer Scientists Produce Realistic Face Models From Video Recordings
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Produce Realistic Face Models From Video Recordings

Researchers say they have developed a way to quickly and easily produce very detailed face models. 

Banning Words on Instagram Doesn't Help--It Makes It Worse
From ACM TechNews

Banning Words on Instagram Doesn't Help--It Makes It Worse

A new study shows Instagram's decision to ban certain words used by pro-eating disorder communities had those communities making up new, almost identical words.

The Need For Cognitive Computing
From ACM News

The Need For Cognitive Computing

Companies get help digging the pearls of wisdom out of their big data.

There Is a 'game Changer' Technology on Wall Street and People Keep Confusing It with Bitcoin
From ACM News

There Is a 'game Changer' Technology on Wall Street and People Keep Confusing It with Bitcoin

Wall Street banks are buzzing about blockchain.

On the Hunt For a Mystery Planet
From ACM News

On the Hunt For a Mystery Planet

Astronomer Scott Sheppard runs through his checklist as he settles in for a long night of skygazing at the Subaru telescope atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

Apple Says Constitution 'forbids' What Fbi Is Asking
From ACM News

Apple Says Constitution 'forbids' What Fbi Is Asking

Apple shouldn't have to comply with a search order for an iPhone used by one the San Bernardino, California, terrorists because the Constitution forbids it, the...

DARPA Calls on Diyers For Weaponized Tech
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Calls on Diyers For Weaponized Tech

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is seeking ideas on how products assembled from benign technologies might be transformed into security threats...

Forget the Robots--Here Come the Geminoids!
From ACM TechNews

Forget the Robots--Here Come the Geminoids!

Last weekend's South by Southwest Interactive Festival was a showcase for many types of robots.

What AI Can Tell ­S About the ­.s. Supreme Court
From ACM TechNews

What AI Can Tell ­S About the ­.s. Supreme Court

Researchers at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University's Discovery Analytics Center have proposed using machine learning to model the U.S. Supreme Court...

Computer Science Education in the Age of CS For All
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Education in the Age of CS For All

Momentum for bringing computer science to all primary and secondary U.S. schools is building, even though many issues remain unresolved. 

Why the Government Can't Actually Stop Terrorists From Using Encryption
From ACM TechNews

Why the Government Can't Actually Stop Terrorists From Using Encryption

Security experts say U.S. government efforts to force technology firms to grant access to encrypted devices will do little to prevent terrorists from using the...
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