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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Inexpensive 'nano-Camera' Can Operate at the Speed of Light
From ACM TechNews

Inexpensive 'nano-Camera' Can Operate at the Speed of Light

Researchers have created a $500 "nano-camera" that operates at the speed of light and could have applications in areas like medical imaging. 

Something About STEM Drives Women Out
From ACM TechNews

Something About STEM Drives Women Out

Women who have worked in STEM fields are more likely to leave their field for other careers than other professional women.

Interview: Peter Denning
From ACM TechNews

Interview: Peter Denning

Computer scientist and former ACM president Peter Denning explains how fundamental security principles were lost with the advent of the PC era. 

Rise of the Robot Artist
From ACM TechNews

Rise of the Robot Artist

Software programs are emerging that are able to generate works that meet some definitions.

Weaponizing Robots
From ACM News

Weaponizing Robots

Should we expect to see autonomous killing machines on future battlefields?

Already Anticipating 'terminator' Ethics
From ACM News

Already Anticipating 'terminator' Ethics

What could possibly go wrong?

Study Looks at Better Prediction For Epileptic Seizures Through Adaptive Learning Approach
From ACM TechNews

Study Looks at Better Prediction For Epileptic Seizures Through Adaptive Learning Approach

Researchers have developed a computational model they say can more accurately predict when an epileptic seizure will occur. 

25 Ideas to Improve Government--From Citizens
From ACM TechNews

25 Ideas to Improve Government--From Citizens

Ideation Nation, a five-week civic engagement project, is striving to promote greater collaboration among citizens and governments. 

Tim Berners-Lee Says 'surveillance Threatens Web'
From ACM TechNews

Tim Berners-Lee Says 'surveillance Threatens Web'

The Internet is threatened by a "growing tide of surveillance and censorship," warns Sir Tim Berners-Lee. 

The Online Dating Engine That Assesses Your Taste in the Opposite Sex (and Whether They Find You Attractive)
From ACM TechNews

The Online Dating Engine That Assesses Your Taste in the Opposite Sex (and Whether They Find You Attractive)

A new dating recommendation engine suggests potential dates based not only on mutual interests, but also on a person's likelihood to reply to initial contact. 

My Quantum Algorithm Won't Break the Internet… Yet
From ACM Opinion

My Quantum Algorithm Won't Break the Internet… Yet

Internet security relies on the fact that our computers can't break its cryptosystems. But the quantum algorithm you devised has the potential to do just that.

Newegg Trial: Crypto Legend Takes the Stand, Goes For Knockout Patent Punch
From ACM News

Newegg Trial: Crypto Legend Takes the Stand, Goes For Knockout Patent Punch

Newegg's courtroom face-off with patent-licensing giant TQP Development is nearing its end.

From ACM News

Why the ­.s. May Lose the Race to Exascale

In the global race to build the next generation of supercomputers—exascale—there is no guarantee the U.S. will finish first.

CS Enrollments Rise . . . at the Expense of the Humanities?
From Communications of the ACM

CS Enrollments Rise . . . at the Expense of the Humanities?

A growing proportion of U.S. college students are earning degrees in computer and information sciences, surprising some in academia.

Meet The 'assassination Market' Creator Who's Crowdfunding Murder With Bitcoins
From ACM News

Meet The 'assassination Market' Creator Who's Crowdfunding Murder With Bitcoins

As Bitcoin becomes an increasingly popular form of digital cash, the cryptocurrency is being accepted in exchange for everything from socks to sushi to heroin.

Wikimedia Foundation Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Wikipr
From ACM Opinion

Wikimedia Foundation Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Wikipr

On October 21, the Wikimedia Foundation issued a statement from Sue Gardner, our executive director, condemning the black hat practice of paid advocacy editing...

Tech Leaders Warn IT Talent Shortage Could Curb Hiring Plans
From ACM TechNews

Tech Leaders Warn IT Talent Shortage Could Curb Hiring Plans

Although technology companies would like to increase hiring this year, they are concerned that a shortage of skilled workers will limit their ability to do so,...

Stuxnet's Earlier Version Much More Powerful and Dangerous, New Analysis Finds
From ACM TechNews

Stuxnet's Earlier Version Much More Powerful and Dangerous, New Analysis Finds

The version of the Stuxnet worm developed in 2005 was much stronger than the version used in a cyberattack against an Iranian nuclear facility in 2010.

The Good Judgment Project
From ACM News

The Good Judgment Project

A team of researchers tries to determine the best approach to predicting world events by making a game out of it.

The Brain's Crowdsourcing Software
From ACM TechNews

The Brain's Crowdsourcing Software

Neuroscientists are discovering how groups of cells in the human brain cooperate to produce certain results, in a manner similar to crowdsourcing software. 
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