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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Search Engine For Your Memories
From ACM News

A Search Engine For Your Memories

People are always forgetting names. That's because, at least in part, names are arbitrary. A name, in and of itself, doesn't offer much context.

Sandy Selfie Sent from Nasa Mars Rover
From ACM News

Sandy Selfie Sent from Nasa Mars Rover

The latest self-portrait from NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows the car-size mobile laboratory beside a dark dune where it has been scooping and sieving samples...

New Technologies Give Government Ample Means to Track Suspects, Study Finds
From ACM TechNews

New Technologies Give Government Ample Means to Track Suspects, Study Finds

U.S. intelligence agencies' persistent warning that encrypted communications will prevent them from tracking criminals is greatly distorted.

Searching For a Fix to ­nreliable Nutritional Research
From ACM TechNews

Searching For a Fix to ­nreliable Nutritional Research

A $1-million U.S. National Science Foundation grant aims to improve the accuracy of food intake recording by using Google Glass to record what participants eat. ...

Graduate Students Work to Help Make Voting Process Easier
From ACM TechNews

Graduate Students Work to Help Make Voting Process Easier

Researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) are working to enable anyone to rapidly fact-check politicians' claims. 

To Make AI More Human, Teach It to Chitchat
From ACM TechNews

To Make AI More Human, Teach It to Chitchat

The future of artificial intelligence and its acceptance by people may lie in giving it the ability to master small talk, as embodied by Microsoft's XiaoIce chatbot...

Microsoft Plumbs Ocean's Depths to Test ­nderwater Data Center
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Plumbs Ocean's Depths to Test ­nderwater Data Center

A solution to the expensive requirement of cooling data-center servers could be found underwater.

The Tech Giving People Power to Deal with Disability
From ACM News

The Tech Giving People Power to Deal with Disability

In Europe and America, this is one in five people. And since they are less likely to be in work, their poverty rate is about twice as high.

Scientists Decode Brain Signals Nearly at Speed of Perception
From ACM News

Scientists Decode Brain Signals Nearly at Speed of Perception

Using electrodes implanted in the temporal lobes of awake patients, scientists have decoded brain signals at nearly the speed of perception.

New Animation Takes a Colorful Flight Over Ceres
From ACM News

New Animation Takes a Colorful Flight Over Ceres

A colorful new animation shows a simulated flight over the surface of dwarf planet Ceres, based on images from NASA's Dawn spacecraft.

Babylonian Astronomers ­sed Geometry to Track Jupiter
From ACM News

Babylonian Astronomers ­sed Geometry to Track Jupiter

A reanalysis of markings on Babylonian tablets has revealed that astronomers working between the fourth and first centuries bc used geometry to calculate the motions...

Are We Thinking About Artificial Intelligence All Wrong?
From ACM TechNews

Are We Thinking About Artificial Intelligence All Wrong?

Computer scientist and author Jerry Kaplan contends a rethink of artificial intelligence may be necessary.

Companies Find Tech Talent in Robust Freelance Market
From ACM TechNews

Companies Find Tech Talent in Robust Freelance Market

Companies are turning to private marketplaces of software developers to assemble teams for specific projects, rather than hiring permanent personnel. 

Alphabet Program Beats the European Human Go Champion
From ACM TechNews

Alphabet Program Beats the European Human Go Champion

The AlphaGo program beat European Go champion Fan Hui in a series of five matches and achieved a 99.8-percent winning rate against other Go programs. 

Recognizing Correct Code
From ACM TechNews

Recognizing Correct Code

A new machine-learning system can analyze repairs made to open source programs, learn their general properties, and produce new repairs for other programs. 

Csi: Cyberattack Scene Investigation--a Malware Whodunit
From ACM TechNews

Csi: Cyberattack Scene Investigation--a Malware Whodunit

Forensic probes of cyberattacks can uncover their modus operandi and severity, but finding perpetrators is a difficult proposition. 

Nsa Hacker Chief Explains How to Keep Him Out of Your System
From ACM News

Nsa Hacker Chief Explains How to Keep Him Out of Your System

It was the talk most anticipated at this year's inaugural Usenix Enigma security conference in San Francisco and one that even the other speakers were eager to...

The Top Technews Stories of 2015
From ACM News

The Top Technews Stories of 2015

ACM sent more than 1,800 news abstracts to around 100,000 of its members last year via email, in the form of TechNews.

Massive Space Telescope Is Finally Coming Together
From ACM News

Massive Space Telescope Is Finally Coming Together

This week, NASA is set to reach a milestone on one of its most ambitious projects. If all goes to plan, workers will finish assembling the huge mirror of the ...

Glowing 4d-Printed Flowers Could Pave Way For Replacement Organs
From ACM News

Glowing 4d-Printed Flowers Could Pave Way For Replacement Organs

This delicate, glowing flower could one day save your life. It’s the latest example of "4D printing"–3D printed objects that change their shape over time—and it...
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