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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

If Your Shrink Is a Bot, How Do You Respond?
From ACM News

If Your Shrink Is a Bot, How Do You Respond?

Her hair is brown and tied back into a professional-looking ponytail.

Helper Robots Are Steered, Tentatively, to Care For the Aging
From ACM News

Helper Robots Are Steered, Tentatively, to Care For the Aging

In the opening scene of the movie "Robot & Frank," which takes place in the near future, Frank, an elderly man who lives alone, is arguing with his son about going...

New Imaging System 'reads' Ancient Scrolls
From ACM TechNews

New Imaging System 'reads' Ancient Scrolls

A combination of x-rays and computer modeling offers historians a way to read ancient parchments so fragile they cannot be unrolled. 

Scientists Take Data Approach to Beat Disease
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Take Data Approach to Beat Disease

Researchers are using computer hardware and programming with genetic sequencing tools to help identify the sources of ailments at the genetic level.

Why Google and the Pentagon Want 'quantum Computers'
From ACM News

Why Google and the Pentagon Want 'quantum Computers'

Imagine a computer that can teach your mobile phone to recognize any object it sees, or one that can instantly find optimal travel routes for thousands of planes...

Paul Otellini's Intel: Can the Company That Built the Future Survive It?
From ACM Opinion

Paul Otellini's Intel: Can the Company That Built the Future Survive It?

Forty-five years after Intel was founded by Silicon Valley legends Gordon Moore and Bob Noyce, it is the world's leading semiconductor company.

Should Patents Be Awarded to Software?
From ACM Opinion

Should Patents Be Awarded to Software?

The goal of the U.S. patent system is clear: to provide individuals or companies with an incentive to innovate by offering them 20 years of exclusive rights to...

Moshe Vardi: Robots Could Put Humans Out of Work By 2045
From ACM Opinion

Moshe Vardi: Robots Could Put Humans Out of Work By 2045

Robots began replacing human brawn long ago—now they're poised to replace human brains.

Laptop ­
From ACM News

Laptop ­

Gregory Nagy, a professor of classical Greek literature at Harvard, is a gentle academic of the sort who, asked about the future, will begin speaking of Homer and...

Computer-Automated Traffic Control
From ACM News

Computer-Automated Traffic Control

Smarter cars and smarter roads are paving the way to smoother, safer traffic

Google Introduces New Search Tools to Try to Read Our Minds
From ACM News

Google Introduces New Search Tools to Try to Read Our Minds

The company revealed some new search tools on Wednesday at I/O, its annual developers conference.

A New 'smart Rifle' Decides When To Shoot And Rarely Misses
From ACM News

A New 'smart Rifle' Decides When To Shoot And Rarely Misses

A new rifle goes on sale on Wednesday, and it's not like any other. It uses lasers and computers to make shooters very accurate.

Stuxnet Worm 'increased' Iran's Nuclear Potential
From ACM News

Stuxnet Worm 'increased' Iran's Nuclear Potential

The report, published in the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) journal, claims the Stuxnet worm exposed vulnerabilities in Iranian enrichment facilities that...

'winners-Take-Some' Markets For Electronic Products Are Increasingly Common
From ACM TechNews

'winners-Take-Some' Markets For Electronic Products Are Increasingly Common

Digital converters are reducing the risk of choosing formats that become obsolete.

When Cars Talk, This Is What They'll Tell Each Other
From ACM TechNews

When Cars Talk, This Is What They'll Tell Each Other

Researchers are giving Internet Protocol addresses to all vehicles, allowing them to be instantly identifiable to nearby cars on the same network. 

The Coming Political Battle Over Bitcoin
From ACM Opinion

The Coming Political Battle Over Bitcoin

Given that Bitcoin first broke into mainstream attention when Gawker explained how to use it to buy drugs, perhaps the surprise is that it took federal regulators...

Dawn of the Bot? New Era Nears, Experts Say
From ACM News

Dawn of the Bot? New Era Nears, Experts Say

Science fiction is quickly taking a back seat to science fact. Just look at a new report by the country's leading roboticists.

Iowa State Professor Weighs Benefit vs. Risk of Facial Recognition Technology
From ACM TechNews

Iowa State Professor Weighs Benefit vs. Risk of Facial Recognition Technology

An Iowa State University professor questions whether society is ready for advanced facial-recognition technology. 

Child Care and STEM Fields Are Called Barriers to Women at 2-Year Colleges
From ACM TechNews

Child Care and STEM Fields Are Called Barriers to Women at 2-Year Colleges

Gender stereotypes that discourage women from pursuing STEM careers are among the most formidable barriers holding them back in community colleges.

Networks in 2020: More Traffic, Less Energy
From ACM TechNews

Networks in 2020: More Traffic, Less Energy

New technologies will enable networks to use much less energy by 2020, even though they will be carrying much more traffic.
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