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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Can the Apple Watch Enhance Student Achievement?
From ACM TechNews

Can the Apple Watch Enhance Student Achievement?

Pennsylvania State University researchers will test how the Apple Watch can enhance student achievement via self-regulation and learning strategy. 

Astronomers Teach Machine to 'See' Galaxies in Space
From ACM TechNews

Astronomers Teach Machine to 'See' Galaxies in Space

University of Hertfordshire researchers say they have taught a machine to "see" astronomical images, including the ability to distinguish between galaxies. 

The Camera Behind the New Pluto Photos
From ACM News

The Camera Behind the New Pluto Photos

For decades after its discovery in 1930, Pluto looked like nothing more than a gray smudge in the abyss of space.

Minecraft Shows Robots How to Stop Dithering
From ACM News

Minecraft Shows Robots How to Stop Dithering

The computer game Minecraft, which depicts a world made up of retro, pixelated blocks that can be modified and rearranged in endless architectural configurations...

Virtual Medical Training: Don’t Call It Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Virtual Medical Training: Don’t Call It Virtual Reality

Medical professionals prefer to reference the technology with terms that are "less sci-fi."

Nasa's Three-Billion-Mile Journey to Pluto Reaches Historic Encounter
From ACM News

Nasa's Three-Billion-Mile Journey to Pluto Reaches Historic Encounter

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is at Pluto.

Mapping Tools Show Boston's Disparity
From ACM TechNews

Mapping Tools Show Boston's Disparity

Daniel Hartman, a Web developer for the MIT Technology Review, has used new mapping tools to provide a better view of the economic disparities in Boston.

National Security Agency Funds ­c Berkeley Cybersecurity Summer Camp For High School Students
From ACM TechNews

National Security Agency Funds ­c Berkeley Cybersecurity Summer Camp For High School Students

The University of California, Berkeley is hosting a camp called CY-BEAR to teach 22 high school students about cybersecurity.

Microsoft Research: Making the Wearable Battery Last Longer By Lightening Its Load
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Research: Making the Wearable Battery Last Longer By Lightening Its Load

Microsoft Research has developed WearDrive, technology designed to extend the life of batteries used to power fitness bands.  

Internet Voting Not Ready Yet, but Can Be Made More Secure
From ACM TechNews

Internet Voting Not Ready Yet, but Can Be Made More Secure

Online voting systems lack sufficient security to ensure accurate vote counts, but election officials could take steps to improve their security and transparency...

The Real Threat Posed By Powerful Computers
From ACM TechNews

The Real Threat Posed By Powerful Computers

Computer specialists are less concerned about computers doing away with the human race than with the threat of programs rapidly overdoing a single task. 

How Big Is Pluto? New Horizons Settles Decades-Long Debate
From ACM News

How Big Is Pluto? New Horizons Settles Decades-Long Debate

NASA's New Horizons mission has answered one of the most basic questions about Pluto—its size.

An Algorithmic Sense of Humor? Not Yet.
From ACM News

An Algorithmic Sense of Humor? Not Yet.

In recent months, artificial-intelligence researchers have made giant strides in matching human performance in all kind of tasks that had, until recently, been...

The Social Security Number's Insecurities
From ACM Opinion

The Social Security Number's Insecurities

In both the Anthem insurance hack and the two Office of Personnel Management hacks this year, attackers gained access to Social Security numbers, affecting 80 million...

Unc Explores Future of Transportation
From ACM TechNews

Unc Explores Future of Transportation

University of North Carolina researchers are working with General Motors to create data for a more reliable, safe, and less expensive autonomous car. 

Collaborative Photography App Allows Smartphones to Record 'bullet Time'
From ACM TechNews

Collaborative Photography App Allows Smartphones to Record 'bullet Time'

Anyone can now create "bullet-time" movies using collaborative photography techniques on their smartphones. 

Researchers Build First Working Memcomputer Prototype
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Build First Working Memcomputer Prototype

Researchers say they have built the first working prototype of a memory-crunching computer (memcomputer). 

Study: Smartphone Use May Be Detrimental to Learning
From ACM TechNews

Study: Smartphone Use May Be Detrimental to Learning

A year-long study of first-time smartphone users by Rice University and the U.S. Air Force found users believed the devices were detrimental to their ability to...

And Now, the Hopping Robot
From ACM TechNews

And Now, the Hopping Robot

Using three-dimensional printing, engineers at Harvard University have developed a robot that integrates rigid and soft materials and can move autonomously. 

Moxie Marlinspike: The Coder Who Encrypted Your Texts
From ACM News

Moxie Marlinspike: The Coder Who Encrypted Your Texts

Dreadlocked programmer has spooked the FBI by creating a tool that police cannot crack.
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