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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Big Data and Its Big Problems
From ACM News

Big Data and Its Big Problems

Imagine every thousandth blood cell in your body has a tiny radio transmitter in it.

Iran Preparing Internal Version of Internet
From ACM TechNews

Iran Preparing Internal Version of Internet

The Iranian government reportedly has established a technical platform for a national online network that would exist independent of the Internet and allow for...

Watch Your Tongue: Law Enforcement Speech Recognition System Stores Millions of Voices
From ACM News

Watch Your Tongue: Law Enforcement Speech Recognition System Stores Millions of Voices

Intercepting thousands of phone calls is easy for government agencies. But quickly analyzing the calls and identifying the callers can prove a difficult task.

Cameras Know You By Your Walk
From ACM News

Cameras Know You By Your Walk

Everyone knows how easy it is to recognize a friend or family member from their walk—even from a distance.

Bionic Eyes: Sensors That ­se Lookout's Brainwaves to Spot Trouble
From ACM News

Bionic Eyes: Sensors That ­se Lookout's Brainwaves to Spot Trouble

As good as surveillance technology has gotten at some tasks, computers still frequently fail when it comes to figuring out the difference between a threat and a...

Does Rise of Biometrics Mean a Future Without Anonymity?
From ACM News

Does Rise of Biometrics Mean a Future Without Anonymity?

Long envisioned as an alternative to remembering scores of computer passwords or lugging around keys to cars, homes and businesses, technology that identifies people...

Alan Turing at 100
From ACM TechNews

Alan Turing at 100

Harvard University is celebrating Alan Turing's 100th birthday with a new exhibit titled, "Go Ask A.L.I.C.E., Turing Tests, Parlor Games, and ChatterBots," which...

Stuxnet Tricks Copied By Computer Criminals
From ACM News

Stuxnet Tricks Copied By Computer Criminals

Malicious code apparently used by governments to spy on, harass, and sabotage one another has grabbed headlines in recent years, yet the highly targeted nature...

Europeana's Huge Cultural Dataset Opens For Reuse
From ACM TechNews

Europeana's Huge Cultural Dataset Opens For Reuse

The digital portal Europeana has made its dataset of more than 20 million cultural objects available to be used freely by developers, designers, and other digital...

A Robot With a Reassuring Touch
From ACM News

A Robot With a Reassuring Touch

If you grab the hand of a two-armed robot named Baxter, it will turn its head and a pair of cartoon eyes—displayed on a tablet-size computer-screen "face"—will...

From ACM News

Google's Restricting of Anti-Muslim Video Shows Role of Web Firms As Free-Speech Arbiters

Google lists eight reasons on its "YouTube Community Guidelines" page for why it might take down a video. Inciting riots is not among them.

Twitter Reluctantly Coughs ­p Occupy Protester's Data
From ACM News

Twitter Reluctantly Coughs ­p Occupy Protester's Data

Twitter on Friday reluctantly complied with a judge's order to divulge the tweets and account information connected to an Occupy protester.

Flame C&c Server Analysis Reveals New Malware in the Wild
From ACM News

Flame C&c Server Analysis Reveals New Malware in the Wild

Forensic analysis of a number of Flame malware toolkit command-and-control servers revealed an additional three unidentified pieces of malicious code are under...

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China
From ACM News

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China

It's not easy to give over 1.3 billion people access to the internet—especially if that population is spread across a vast area that ranges from hinterland to sprawling...

Ethical Robots: Let Their Artificial Consciences Be Their Guides
From ACM News

Ethical Robots: Let Their Artificial Consciences Be Their Guides

When lethal autonomous robots take their place on the field of battle and function independent of human control, what will govern the decisions of these next-gen...

Researchers Develop Rapid Method to Measure Carbon Footprints
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop Rapid Method to Measure Carbon Footprints

Researchers at Columbia University's Earth Institute have developed software that can rapidly calculate the carbon footprints of thousands of products simultaneously...

Despite a Slowdown, Smartphone Advances Are Still Ahead
From ACM TechNews

Despite a Slowdown, Smartphone Advances Are Still Ahead

Apple's new iPhone 5 has faster chips and a bigger screen, but these improvements lack the dramatic impact the first iPhone had in 2007. However, analysts say...

European Commission Deploys Crack Computer Emergency Response Team
From ACM TechNews

European Commission Deploys Crack Computer Emergency Response Team

The European Commission announced that it has deployed its anti-hacker Computer Emergency Response Team on a permanent basis to combat the growing number of cyberthreats...

Online Mentors to Guide Women Into the Sciences
From ACM TechNews

Online Mentors to Guide Women Into the Sciences

Harvey Mudd College president Maria Klawe recently launched the WitsOn project, which organizes hundreds of prominent women working in STEM industries to become...

Intel Seeks to Eliminate Computer Passwords With Wave of Hand
From ACM TechNews

Intel Seeks to Eliminate Computer Passwords With Wave of Hand

Intel researchers recently demonstrated a system that has the potential to do away with computer passwords.
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