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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Engineering Phase Changes in Nanoparticle Arrays
From ACM TechNews

Engineering Phase Changes in Nanoparticle Arrays

Scientists are developing dynamic nanomaterials whose structure and associated properties can be switched on demand. 

Cassini Prepares For Last ­p-Close Look at Hyperion
From ACM News

Cassini Prepares For Last ­p-Close Look at Hyperion

NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make its final close approach to Saturn's large, irregularly shaped moon Hyperion on Sunday, May 31.

How Companies Turn Your Facebook Activity Into a Credit Score
From ACM News

How Companies Turn Your Facebook Activity Into a Credit Score

Nicole Keplinger, 22, had long seen ads on Facebook promising financial relief, but she always ignored them and assumed that they were scams.

An Algorithm That Can Help Robots Walk Off Injuries
From ACM TechNews

An Algorithm That Can Help Robots Walk Off Injuries

University of Wyoming and Pierre and Marie Curie University researchers are developing robots that find ways to adapt and keep moving after an injury. 

Solid-State Photonics Goes Extreme ­ltraviolet
From ACM TechNews

Solid-State Photonics Goes Extreme ­ltraviolet

Researchers have demonstrated the emission of extreme ultraviolet radiation from thin dielectric films using ultrashort laser pulses.

A Chip Placed ­nder the Skin For More Precise Medicine
From ACM TechNews

A Chip Placed ­nder the Skin For More Precise Medicine

A new biosensor chip can simultaneously monitor the concentration of a number of molecules and certain drugs in a person.

A New Kind of Wood Chip: Collaboration Could Lead to Biodegradable Computer Chips
From ACM TechNews

A New Kind of Wood Chip: Collaboration Could Lead to Biodegradable Computer Chips

Researchers have developed a semiconductor chip made almost entirely of wood. 

Dali: Robot Walker For Elderly People in Public Spaces
From ACM TechNews

Dali: Robot Walker For Elderly People in Public Spaces

To help elderly people navigate busy public places, an European Union research project has developed a robotic cognitive walker.

Mystery of Black Hole Fireworks Solved
From ACM News

Mystery of Black Hole Fireworks Solved

Gigantic jets of gas that leap out of galaxies at nearly the speed of light occur only after two galaxies merge, a survey of the distant Universe shows.

The Long Life of a Quick 'fix'
From ACM News

The Long Life of a Quick 'fix'

By the time a pair of engineers sat down for lunch together in Austin, the Internet's growing pains had become dire.

A Flaw in the Design
From ACM News

A Flaw in the Design

The Internet’s founders saw its promise but didn’t foresee users attacking one another.

Can Google Fix Gesture Tech with Tiny, All-Knowing Sensors?
From ACM News

Can Google Fix Gesture Tech with Tiny, All-Knowing Sensors?

Ivan Poupyrev looks like he's playing the world's smallest violin.

Military Technology: Laser Weapons Get Real
From ACM News

Military Technology: Laser Weapons Get Real

Silently, the drone aircraft glides above the arid terrain of New Mexico—until it suddenly pivots out of control and plummets to the ground.

Dartmouth Researchers Create First Smartphone App That Predicts Gpa
From ACM TechNews

Dartmouth Researchers Create First Smartphone App That Predicts Gpa

Dartmouth College researchers have developed a smartphone app that automatically predicts college students' grade point average based on their smartphone data.

Researchers Develop Intelligent Handheld Robots
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop Intelligent Handheld Robots

University of Bristol researchers have developed, and are studying, intelligent handheld robots. 

Advance in Quantum Error Correction
From ACM TechNews

Advance in Quantum Error Correction

Researchers have developed a quantum error correction code that requires the measurement of only a few quantum bits at a time. 

'deep Web Search' May Help Scientists
From ACM TechNews

'deep Web Search' May Help Scientists

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Jet Propulsion Laboratory  is collaborating on a platform for searching the Deep Web. 

Scientist Created Drones that Fly Autonomously and Learn New Routes
From ACM TechNews

Scientist Created Drones that Fly Autonomously and Learn New Routes

A researcher at Mexico's National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics is developing a drone that can fly autonomously without GPS. 

Nasa Begins Testing Mars Lander For Next Mission to Red Planet
From ACM News

Nasa Begins Testing Mars Lander For Next Mission to Red Planet

Testing is underway on NASA's next mission on the journey to Mars, a stationary lander scheduled to launch in March 2016.

Household Robots Are Here, but Where Are They Going?
From ACM News

Household Robots Are Here, but Where Are They Going?

Social robots like the quasi-anthropomorphic Jibo and Amazon's far more utilitarian Echo are beginning to find their places in our living rooms.
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