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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Telescope Looking For the Beginning of Time
From ACM News

The Telescope Looking For the Beginning of Time

The universe is a big place.

How Daimler Built the World's First Self-Driving Semi
From ACM News

How Daimler Built the World's First Self-Driving Semi

Christian Urban waves his hands to make a point, then looks at his nails and cracks wise about needing a manicure.

Airport Security Advances Clash With Privacy Issues
From ACM News

Airport Security Advances Clash With Privacy Issues

At a mock airport in an underground laboratory here at Northeastern University, students pretending to be passengers head through a security exit in the right direction...

Man Bests Machine in Two-Week Poker Tourney at Rivers Casino
From ACM TechNews

Man Bests Machine in Two-Week Poker Tourney at Rivers Casino

Four professional poker players beat a poker program in the recently concluded Brains vs. Artificial Intelligence poker tournament.

California Launches Digital Democracy Project
From ACM TechNews

California Launches Digital Democracy Project

California officials have launched Digital Democracy, an online and interactive platform aimed at improving transparency in state government. 

Google's Self-Driving Cars of Tomorrow Face the Mean Streets of Today
From ACM TechNews

Google's Self-Driving Cars of Tomorrow Face the Mean Streets of Today

Google says its self-driving cars will be good for road safety because they can pay better attention to the road than humans do. 

Wearable Gadgets Portend Vast Health, Research, and Privacy Consequences
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Gadgets Portend Vast Health, Research, and Privacy Consequences

New devices can provide the average person with unprecedented access to quantifiable information about their bodies. 

Even Robots Now Have Their Own Virtual World
From ACM News

Even Robots Now Have Their Own Virtual World

In a month's time, a motley assortment of robots will attempt to navigate a punishing obstacle course laid out in a fairground park in Pomona, California.

Nasa Selects Advanced Space Technology Concepts For Further Study
From ACM News

Nasa Selects Advanced Space Technology Concepts For Further Study

NASA has selected 15 proposals for study under Phase I of the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC), a program that aims to turn science fiction into science...

Self-Driving Cars Getting Dinged in California
From ACM News

Self-Driving Cars Getting Dinged in California

Four of the nearly 50 self-driving cars now rolling around California have gotten into accidents since September, when the state began issuing permits for companies...

Researchers Craft Network Attack to 'hack' Surgical Robot (sort Of)
From ACM News

Researchers Craft Network Attack to 'hack' Surgical Robot (sort Of)

As part of a series of experiments, a group of researchers at the University of Washington's BioRobotics Lab launched denial-of-service attacks against a remotely...

Emotion Detection Software ­sed to Design Advertising
From ACM TechNews

Emotion Detection Software ­sed to Design Advertising

Mexican computer specialist Enrique Leon Villeda helped revolutionize advertising by developing software to assess the emotions of a person considering consumer...

Improving Organic Transistors That Drive Flexible and Conformable Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Improving Organic Transistors That Drive Flexible and Conformable Electronics

Researchers recently completed an investigation of how micro-scale wrinkling affects electrical performance in carbon-based, single-crystal semiconductors. 

­w Researchers Hack a Teleoperated Surgical Robot to Reveal Security Flaws
From ACM TechNews

­w Researchers Hack a Teleoperated Surgical Robot to Reveal Security Flaws

Researchers recently conducted a series of experiments to test how attackers could hijack remote-controlled surgical robots, and to make such operations more secure...

Google Embeds Engineers as Professors
From ACM TechNews

Google Embeds Engineers as Professors

Google is placing engineers at a handful of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, where they teach, mentor, and advise on curriculum. 

Wearable Technology Finds Its Place on Campus
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Technology Finds Its Place on Campus

Several universities are experimenting with wearable technologies as a way to improve classroom instruction. 

Five Factors That Will Decide If Philae Wakes
From ACM News

Five Factors That Will Decide If Philae Wakes

Ever since the European Space Agency's Philae lander ran out of batteries on 15 November, just three days after it bounced on to comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko...

Does Artificial Intelligence Pose a Threat?
From ACM Opinion

Does Artificial Intelligence Pose a Threat?

After decades as a sci-fi staple, artificial intelligence has leapt into the mainstream.

Engineers of Addiction
From ACM News

Engineers of Addiction

You can play a slot machine in Las Vegas before you've even reached baggage claim: there are tiny slots parlors in every terminal of McCarran International Airport...

Pluto-Bound Craft Hunts For Hazardous Moons
From ACM News

Pluto-Bound Craft Hunts For Hazardous Moons

On 11 May, a telescope aboard a NASA craft will turn and stare at Pluto—like a space-robot equivalent of a sailor watching for shoals that could take out his vessel...
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