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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Teachers Resist High-Tech Push in Idaho Schools
From ACM News

Teachers Resist High-Tech Push in Idaho Schools

Ann Rosenbaum, a former military police officer in the Marines, does not shrink from a fight, having even survived a close encounter with a car bomb in Iraq.

Your Connected Vehicle Is Arriving
From ACM TechNews

Your Connected Vehicle Is Arriving

The networking of vehicles to the Internet and each other over the next decade will spark new technological and societal trends, such as lower accident rates, reduced...

So, What's Your Algorithm?
From ACM TechNews

So, What's Your Algorithm?

The beginning of a transformation in day-to-day business decisions informed by real-time analytics mined from immense databases is in store for this year, as computers...

Japanese Govt Working on Defensive Cyberweapon
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Govt Working on Defensive Cyberweapon

Researchers at Japan's Defense Ministry are developing a computer virus that can track, identify, and disable sources of cyberattacks. Since the launch of the...

Explaining Why Computing Is Important
From ACM TechNews

Explaining Why Computing Is Important

IBM fellow Grady Booch recently launched a transmedia project that he says will "teach the essential science of computing, present the stories of the people, events...

Social Robotics: Beyond the ­ncanny Valley
From ACM TechNews

Social Robotics: Beyond the ­ncanny Valley

Social roboticists are developing ways to make robots seem more human like and overcome the uncanny valley, which is the reaction humans have to robotic appearance...

The Next Big Thing(s) in Tech
From ACM TechNews

The Next Big Thing(s) in Tech

The next big advances in technology include the replacement of desktop computers with smartphones, the emergence of nanotech batteries, and the rise of augmented...

From ACM News

Stuxnet Weapon Has at Least 4 Cousins: Researchers

The Stuxnet virus that damaged Iran's nuclear program was likely one of at least five cyber weapons developed on a single platform whose roots trace back to 2007...

Rise of the Drone: From Calif. Garage to Multibillion-Dollar Defense Industry
From ACM News

Rise of the Drone: From Calif. Garage to Multibillion-Dollar Defense Industry

In 1980, Abraham Karem, an engineer who had emigrated from Israel, retreated into his three-car garage in Hacienda Heights outside Los Angeles and, to the bemusement...

Computer Cop Humble About His Success
From ACM TechNews

Computer Cop Humble About His Success

The Saint John Police Force's computer scientist James Stewart has developed software that ranks every criminal violation based on severity, taking into account...

From ACM News

Apropos Appropriation

One recent afternoon in the offices of the Midtown law firm run by David Boies and his powerful litigation partners, a large black clamshell box sat on a conference...

Beijing Launches Its Own Gps Rival
From ACM News

Beijing Launches Its Own Gps Rival

China has begun operating a homegrown satellite navigation service that is designed to provide an alternative to the U.S. Global Positioning System and, according...

John McCarthy, 1927 - 2011
From Communications of the ACM

John McCarthy, 1927 - 2011

Winner of the 1971 A.M. Turing Award, John McCarthy was a founder of artificial intelligence and inventor of the Lisp programming language.

Analyzing Apple Products
From Communications of the ACM

Analyzing Apple Products

Researchers untangle the complex web of Apple's global supply chain — and offer lessons for managers and policymakers trying to chart the future course of U.S....

Celebration Time
From Communications of the ACM

Celebration Time

The centennial celebrations of Alan Turing's birth might help turn a quiet British genius into an iconic global hero.

Law and Disorder
From Communications of the ACM

Law and Disorder

International law has always been a murky and Byzantine area. However, the Internet and digital technology have raised the stakes, the risks, and the challenges...

Revamping Storage Performance
From Communications of the ACM

Revamping Storage Performance

Great strides are being made in finding fast alternatives to the slow disks that dominate storage systems, but fast media are not nearly enough.

Cheating Spreads Like Infections in Online Games
From ACM TechNews

Cheating Spreads Like Infections in Online Games

Online gaming communities are investing significant resources to find and stop cheaters. 

Network Analysis Predicts Drug Side Effects
From ACM TechNews

Network Analysis Predicts Drug Side Effects

Researchers at Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital Boston have developed a mathematical network to predict drug side effects that normally are not discovered...

Mexico's Cartels Build Own National Radio System
From ACM News

Mexico's Cartels Build Own National Radio System

When convoys of soldiers or federal police move through the scrubland of northern Mexico, the Zetas drug cartel knows they are coming.
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