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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Reverse-Engineering the Brain Could Help Machines Learn
From ACM TechNews

How Reverse-Engineering the Brain Could Help Machines Learn

The U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity has announced a research and development program to reverse-engineer the algorithms brains use.

No Need to Panic--Artificial Intelligence Has Yet to Create a Doomsday Machine
From ACM TechNews

No Need to Panic--Artificial Intelligence Has Yet to Create a Doomsday Machine

University of Sheffield professor Tony Prescott says the day people create dangerous artificial intelligence is far off. 

FBI Is Broadening Surveillance Role, Report Shows
From ACM TechNews

FBI Is Broadening Surveillance Role, Report Shows

Since passage of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation has played an ever-larger role in the warrantless wiretapping program...

Quantum Hard Drive Breakthrough
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Hard Drive Breakthrough

Physicists from Australian National University and the University of Otago have developed a prototype quantum hard drive. 

Language Translation Tech Starts to Deliver on Its Promise
From ACM News

Language Translation Tech Starts to Deliver on Its Promise

The tech industry is doing its best to topple the Tower of Babel.

Artificial Intelligence Experts Sign Open Letter to Protect Mankind from Machines
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Experts Sign Open Letter to Protect Mankind from Machines

The Future of Life Institute wants humanity to tread lightly while on the road to really smart, and not so cuddly, robots.

The Leap Second Is About to Rattle the Internet. But There's a Plot to Kill It
From ACM News

The Leap Second Is About to Rattle the Internet. But There's a Plot to Kill It

The Qantas Airways computers started crashing just after midnight.

Snowden: ­.s. Has Put Too Much Emphasis on Cyber-Offense, Needs Defense
From ACM News

Snowden: ­.s. Has Put Too Much Emphasis on Cyber-Offense, Needs Defense

In an on-camera interview with James Bamford for an upcoming episode of PBS' NOVA, Edward Snowden warned that the U.S. Department of Defense and National Security...

Scientists Pinpoint Saturn With Exquisite Accuracy
From ACM News

Scientists Pinpoint Saturn With Exquisite Accuracy

Scientists have paired NASA's Cassini spacecraft with the National Science Foundation's Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) radio-telescope system to pinpoint the position...

A Cyberattack Has Caused Confirmed Physical Damage For the Second Time Ever
From ACM News

A Cyberattack Has Caused Confirmed Physical Damage For the Second Time Ever

Amid all the noise the Sony hack generated over the holidays, a far more troubling cyber attack was largely lost in the chaos. Unless you follow security news closely...

Spin Designers
From ACM TechNews

Spin Designers

The Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces, and Novel Architectures wants to use the spin of electrons on nanomagnets to encode zeros and ones in computers...

You Will Be Able to Touch the Internet By 2035, and It Will Touch Back
From ACM TechNews

You Will Be Able to Touch the Internet By 2035, and It Will Touch Back

A Dresden University of Technology professor anticipates the "Tactile Internet" as one potential result of the speed of next-generation G5 wireless technology. 

Hackers Could Make Smart Homes Stupid--or Worse
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Could Make Smart Homes Stupid--or Worse

A professor working to bolster smart-home security says now is the time to start thinking about cybersecurity nightmares.

Adding Leap Second This Year Expected to Cause Internet Problems
From ACM TechNews

Adding Leap Second This Year Expected to Cause Internet Problems

A leap second will be added to the year this summer, and many Internet companies are concerned this will cause problems for websites. 

Intel Tech Brings US Closer to the World of 'minority Report'
From ACM TechNews

Intel Tech Brings US Closer to the World of 'minority Report'

Technology shown by Intel at the Consumer Electronics Show is largely oriented around a depth-sensing camera that could transform human-computer interaction.

Why Passenger Planes Can Still Vanish
From ACM News

Why Passenger Planes Can Still Vanish

By Dec. 30, when search teams began to recover debris and bodies from the apparent crash site of AirAsia flight QZ8501, the airline industry had begun to hear renewed...

This Computer Knows When to Hold 'em, Knows When to Fold 'em
From ACM News

This Computer Knows When to Hold 'em, Knows When to Fold 'em

Card sharks, beware. A new program cannot be beaten at a variety of poker called heads-up limit Texas Hold 'em—at least in a human lifetime—a team of computer scientists...

Computer Security: Who You Gonna Call?
From ACM News

Computer Security: Who You Gonna Call?

Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) stand ready to battle ever-more-sophisticated cyberthreats. 

A Spectacular Spiral May Encircle the Milky Way
From ACM News

A Spectacular Spiral May Encircle the Milky Way

Mapping a galaxy isn't easy when you live inside it.

Fbi Says Search Warrants Not Needed to Use 'stingrays' in Public Places
From ACM News

Fbi Says Search Warrants Not Needed to Use 'stingrays' in Public Places

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is taking the position that court warrants are not required when deploying cell-site simulators in public places.
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