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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Reauthorization of Competes Act Brings Changes to Nist

President Obama on Tuesday (Jan. 4) signed the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, which provides several important updates to NIST funding, programs...

IBM's Jeopardy Strategy: Divide and Conquer
From ACM News

IBM's Jeopardy Strategy: Divide and Conquer

When it comes tackling a challenge as tough as answering a human question, the best computational approach may be to break the job down into multiple parts and...

Utah's $1.5 Billion Cyber-Security Center Under Way
From ACM News

Utah's $1.5 Billion Cyber-Security Center Under Way

Today's groundbreaking for a $1.5 billion National Security Agency data center is being billed as important in the short term for construction jobs and important...

Can Cash Prizes For Innovation Get the Economy Rolling Again?
From ACM TechNews

Can Cash Prizes For Innovation Get the Economy Rolling Again?

Contests for innovation are back in vogue and are a major component of the Obama administration's agenda for federal government support of private-sector R&D. 

From ACM TechNews

Girls-Only Computer Class Hits Refresh on It's Geeky-Male Image

Canada's Cardinal Leger Secondary School teacher Dan Harmer  put all the girls into a single computer science class, hoping that the single-sex environment would...

Total Recall: Data Diaries Explain Who You Really Are
From ACM TechNews

Total Recall: Data Diaries Explain Who You Really Are

The collection, archival, and search of everyday personal experiences that are recorded by cameras and other devices could support the digital diaries envisioned...

Interactive Window Shopping
From ACM TechNews

Interactive Window Shopping

Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications researchers have developed a three-dimensional camera system that enables consumers to interact with items inside window...

3-D Steps Up to Decode Mobility
From ACM TechNews

3-D Steps Up to Decode Mobility

Stanford University researchers are using computer-generated 3-D simulations of human mobility to improve the lives of people with disabilities. The technique...

Beyond Surveillance: Darpa Wants a Thinking Camera
From ACM News

Beyond Surveillance: Darpa Wants a Thinking Camera

It’s tough being an imagery analyst for the U.S. military: you’re drowning in pictures and drone video, with more pouring in endlessly from the tons of sensors...

The American Wikileaks Hacker
From ACM News

The American Wikileaks Hacker

Jacob Appelbaum fights repressive regimes around the world—including his own.

Don't Track Me, Bro
From ACM Opinion

Don't Track Me, Bro

Here is how Jon Leibowitz, chairman of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, describes the current state of affairs on the Internet: "Say I’m walking through a mall...

Berkeley Lab To Help China Improve Energy Efficiency of Data Centers
From ACM News

Berkeley Lab To Help China Improve Energy Efficiency of Data Centers

The U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has started working with China to improve the energy performance of its data centers.

From ACM News

Computers That See You and Keep Watch Over You

Hundreds of correctional officers from prisons across America descended last spring on a shuttered penitentiary in West Virginia for annual training exercises...

From ACM TechNews

Rules of Engagement For Cyberwars See Slow Progress

Rules of cyberwar engagement are lagging behind world powers' development of their cyberwarfare capabilities.  Meanwhile, cyberwarfare funding continues to rise...

When Innovation, Too, Is Made in China
From ACM News

When Innovation, Too, Is Made in China

As a national strategy, China is trying to build an economy that relies on innovation rather than imitation.

­pcoming Auction Will Offer Space-Race Artifacts
From ACM News

­pcoming Auction Will Offer Space-Race Artifacts

RR Auction of Amherst, NH, is offering at auction this month approximately 500 unique space-themed artifacts, featuring high-quality pieces spanning the early...

From ACM News

Inside Higher Ed to Carry Series of Commentaries by Academics

Beginning Monday (January 3), the Inside Higher Ed website will begin carrying The Academic Minute, a series of daily 90-second commentaries by scholars speaking...

Earth Project Aims to 'simulate Everything'
From ACM News

Earth Project Aims to 'simulate Everything'

An international group of scientists are aiming to create a simulator that can replicate everything happening on Earth—from global weather patterns and the spread...

Rise of the Machines
From ACM News

Rise of the Machines

With factories swapping technology for workers during the recovery, jobs may not come back for decades.

Cheaters Find an Adversary in Technology
From ACM News

Cheaters Find an Adversary in Technology

Mississippi had a problem born of the age of soaring student testing and digital technology. High school students taking the state’s end-of-year exams were using...
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