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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mapping the Brain on a Massive Scale
From ACM News

Mapping the Brain on a Massive Scale

Scanning 1,200 brains could help researchers chart the organ's fine structure and better understand neurological disorders.

Should Code Be Released?
From Communications of the ACM

Should Code Be Released?

Software code can provide important insights into the results of research, but it's up to individual scientists whether their code is released---and many opt not...

Personal Fabrication
From Communications of the ACM

Personal Fabrication

Open source 3D printers could herald the start of a new industrial revolution.

From ACM News

Smart Grid Information Clearinghouse Web Portal Launched

Virginia Tech is releasing its full version of the Smart Grid Information Clearinghouse web portal today (Sept. 30). The portal is the platform for direct sharing...

From ACM News

In a Computer Worm, a Possible Biblical Clue

 Deep inside the computer worm that some specialists suspect is aimed at slowing Iran’s race for a nuclear weapon lies what could be a fleeting reference to the...

From ACM News

­.s. Trying to Wage Cyber Warfare Against Iran: Minister

The United States seeks to launch a cyber war against Iran in retaliation to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s remarks at the UN, says Communications and Information Technology...

Technology to Improve Safety in the 'danger Zone'
From ACM TechNews

Technology to Improve Safety in the 'danger Zone'

University of Southampton professor Nick Jennings says the ALADDIN project is developing "autonomous agents which will make decisions on their own without direct...

From ACM TechNews

Nsf ­rges Lawmakers to Back ­se of Better Science Data

The U.S. House's Research and Scientific Education Subcommittee recently held a hearing on the National Science Foundation's approach to scientific policy. The...

Census: Women Closing in on Male-Dominated Fields
From ACM TechNews

Census: Women Closing in on Male-Dominated Fields

Younger generations of women are closing the gender gap in science and business and now account for nearly half of those college majors traditionally dominated...

From ACM TechNews

Saying High-Tech Is a Meritocracy Doesn't Make It So

It is hard to support the assertion that Silicon Valley is a meritocracy that rewards good ideas regardless of gender, according to Caroline Simard, leader of the...

From ACM News

Internet Pioneers Protest Senate Anti-Piracy Bill

Some of the rock stars of Internet engineering (yes, they exist) on Tuesday protested a Senate bill aimed at fighting online piracy, saying the legislation could...

Does Science Education Need a Dose of Danger?
From ACM News

Does Science Education Need a Dose of Danger?

Under the shadow of the Cold War-era Titan II and Atlas rockets set up outside the New York Hall of Science, this weekend's World Maker Faire extravaganza was...

From ACM News

India Launches Project to Id 1.2 Billion People

India's vaunted tech savvy is being put to the test this week as the country embarks on a daunting mission: assigning a unique 12-digit number to each of its...

Physicians See Mobile Phones as Tools to Aid Non-Compliant Patients
From ACM News

Physicians See Mobile Phones as Tools to Aid Non-Compliant Patients

Researchers are using smartphones and other technologies to remind patients to take medication, exercise, and to positively influence their compliance with treatment...

­ga Researchers Apply Artificial Intelligence to the Study of Gothic Cathedrals
From ACM TechNews

­ga Researchers Apply Artificial Intelligence to the Study of Gothic Cathedrals

University of Georgia professors are using artificial intelligence to study gothic cathedrals with the aim of developing an ontology that will make it possible...

From ACM TechNews

Cars as Traffic Sensors

Researchers working on MIT's CarTel project are studying how cars could be used as ubiquitous mobile sensors. The researchers developed an algorithm that optimizes...

­npublished Iraq War Logs Trigger Internal Wikileaks Revolt
From ACM News

­npublished Iraq War Logs Trigger Internal Wikileaks Revolt

A domino chain of resignations at the secret-spilling site WikiLeaks followed a unilateral decision by autocratic founder Julian Assange to schedule an October...

Why the Stuxnet Worm Is Like Nothing Seen Before
From ACM News

Why the Stuxnet Worm Is Like Nothing Seen Before

Stuxnet is the first worm of its type capable of attacking critical infrastructure like power stations and electricity grids: those in the know have been expecting...

Four Organizations Join Open Cirrus Cloud Computing Test Bed
From ACM News

Four Organizations Join Open Cirrus Cloud Computing Test Bed

HP, Intel Corp. and Yahoo! Inc. announced on Monday (Sept. 27) that four new organizations will join Open Cirrus, a global, multiple data center, open source...

China's 'Big Hole' Marks Scale of Supercomputing Race
From ACM News

China's 'Big Hole' Marks Scale of Supercomputing Race

1,000 U.S. scientists are involved in exascale development, but China and Europe have stepped up their investment, IBM warns.
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