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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Stanford Computer Scientist Selected to Join Ambitious Moore Foundation Program
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Computer Scientist Selected to Join Ambitious Moore Foundation Program

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has named Stanford University professor Christopher Re a Moore Investigator as part of the Data-Driven Discovery Initiative...

Online Crowd Can Guess What You Want to Watch or Buy
From ACM TechNews

Online Crowd Can Guess What You Want to Watch or Buy

Crowds of online workers can be used to guess human preferences where there is little data to work with, according to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's...

New Web Privacy System Could Revolutionize the Safety of Surfing
From ACM TechNews

New Web Privacy System Could Revolutionize the Safety of Surfing

Researchers at University College London, Google, Stanford University, Chalmers, and Mozilla Research say they have developed an open source system that protects...

Protesters in Hong Kong Must Weigh the Promise and Risks of Mesh Networking
From ACM News

Protesters in Hong Kong Must Weigh the Promise and Risks of Mesh Networking

In the heart of Hong Kong, where the largest pro-Democracy protest to challenge Beijing since the 1989 Tiananmen Square gathering has been brewing, some protesters...

Snowflake-Shaped Networks Are Easiest to Mend
From ACM News

Snowflake-Shaped Networks Are Easiest to Mend

Networks shaped like delicate snowflakes are the ones that are easiest to fix when disaster strikes.

Neuroscience: Brains of Norway
From ACM Careers

Neuroscience: Brains of Norway

The fact that Edvard and May-Britt Moser have collaborated for 30 years—and been married for 28—has done nothing to dull their passion for the brain.

Intel Meets its 'makers,' with Chips For Diy Set and the Firms They'll Found
From ACM Opinion

Intel Meets its 'makers,' with Chips For Diy Set and the Firms They'll Found

Intel's Edison chip has been launched in a rocket, floated in a weather balloon, fitted into a futuristic light-emitting dress and used to power a dancing robot...

Google Lets Connected Devices Commune Without Specialized Apps
From ACM TechNews

Google Lets Connected Devices Commune Without Specialized Apps

A new initiative by Google seeks to form an open standard for the Internet of Things, dubbed the Physical Web by the company's Chrome team. 

Advances in Computer Mobility, Connectivity, and Networks
From ACM TechNews

Advances in Computer Mobility, Connectivity, and Networks

Researchers are developing programs and platforms that will ensure systems work despite power outages and other issues associated with mobility and connectivity...

Researchers Create Software For Google Glass That Provides Captions For Hard-of-Hearing ­sers
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create Software For Google Glass That Provides Captions For Hard-of-Hearing ­sers

Researchers have developed speech-to-text software for Google Glass to help people with hearing loss conduct conversations more easily. 

Google Working on Large-Scale Video Displays
From ACM TechNews

Google Working on Large-Scale Video Displays

Google's advanced-projects lab, Google X, is developing a giant display consisting of smaller screens that fit together to create a seamless image. 

Carnegie Mellon's Mary Shaw Will Receive National Medal of Technology and Innovation
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon's Mary Shaw Will Receive National Medal of Technology and Innovation

Carnegie Mellon University computer science professor Mary Shaw is one of eight winners of the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. 

School Bets Video Game Scholarship Can Draw Talent
From ACM Careers

School Bets Video Game Scholarship Can Draw Talent

As a teenager, holed up in his bedroom, illuminated by the glow of his laptop, Youngbin Chung became addicted to video games. Ten-hours-a-day addicted.

Technology Takes the Wheel
From ACM News

Technology Takes the Wheel

Google's driverless car may still be a work in progress, but the potential for semiautonomous vehicles on American roads is no longer the stuff of science fiction...

How Scammers Trick Your Mind
From ACM News

How Scammers Trick Your Mind

None of us likes being scammed, and David Modic is no different.

Cyber Spy High: Meet the Nsa's Hacker Recruiter
From ACM Opinion

Cyber Spy High: Meet the Nsa's Hacker Recruiter

The National Security Agency has a recruiting problem.

The Physics of Fake Videos
From ACM News

The Physics of Fake Videos

Was that awesome video real or fake? How could you tell?

­.s. May Be Falling Behind in Researching Tech's Next Big Thing
From ACM TechNews

­.s. May Be Falling Behind in Researching Tech's Next Big Thing

A University of Virginia professor says the U.S. is not spending enough on research and development of cyber-physical systems. 

Here Comes the Future: We're Making Robots That Feel!
From ACM TechNews

Here Comes the Future: We're Making Robots That Feel!

Cornell University professor Hod Lipson envisions the creation of robots with self-awareness. 

Kentucky ­ses Ideafestival to Push Students Toward Hour of Code Movement
From ACM TechNews

Kentucky ­ses Ideafestival to Push Students Toward Hour of Code Movement

Kentucky Coders hopes to register 1 million Hour of Code coding events before December, starting at the 2014 IdeaFestival, an international event held in Louisville...
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