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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Gene-Edited Crispr Mushroom Escapes ­S Regulation
From ACM News

Gene-Edited Crispr Mushroom Escapes ­S Regulation

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) will not regulate a mushroom genetically modified with the gene-editing tool CRISPR–Cas9.

Your Phone Number Is All a Hacker Needs to Read Texts, Listen to Calls and Track You
From ACM News

Your Phone Number Is All a Hacker Needs to Read Texts, Listen to Calls and Track You

Hackers have again demonstrated that no matter how many security precautions someone takes, all a hacker needs to track their location and snoop on their phone...

Saturn Spacecraft Samples Interstellar Dust
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Saturn Spacecraft Samples Interstellar Dust

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected the faint but distinct signature of dust coming from beyond our solar system.

Why a Chip That's Bad at Math Can Help Computers Tackle Harder Problems
From ACM News

Why a Chip That's Bad at Math Can Help Computers Tackle Harder Problems

Your math teacher lied to you. Sometimes getting your sums wrong is agood thing.

A Scheme to Encrypt the Entire Web Is Actually Working
From ACM News

A Scheme to Encrypt the Entire Web Is Actually Working

Apple's move to encrypt your iPhone and WhatsApp's rollout of end-to-end encrypted messaging have generated plenty of privacy applause and law enforcement controversy...

Nasa Study Solves Two Mysteries About Wobbling Earth
From ACM News

Nasa Study Solves Two Mysteries About Wobbling Earth

Using satellite data on how water moves around Earth, NASA scientists have solved two mysteries about wobbles in the planet's rotation—one new and one more than...

Moore's Law's Ultraviolet Savior Is Finally Ready
From ACM News

Moore's Law's Ultraviolet Savior Is Finally Ready

It is easy to take for granted the advancements in our mobile phones, wearable electronics, and other gadgets. But advances in computing rely on processes that...

Arms Control Groups ­rge Human Control of Robot Weaponry
From ACM News

Arms Control Groups ­rge Human Control of Robot Weaponry

Two international arms control groups on Monday issued a report that called for maintaining human control over a new generation of weapons that are increasingly...

First Paralysed Person to Be 'reanimated' Offers Neuroscience Insights
From ACM News

First Paralysed Person to Be 'reanimated' Offers Neuroscience Insights

A quadriplegic man who has become the first person to be implanted with technology that sends signals from the brain to muscles—allowing him to regain some movement...

Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?
From ACM News

Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?

If you, me and every person and thing in the cosmos were actually characters in some giant computer game, we would not necessarily know it.

Measurement of Universe's Expansion Rate Creates Cosmological Puzzle
From ACM News

Measurement of Universe's Expansion Rate Creates Cosmological Puzzle

The most precise measurement ever made of the current rate of expansion of the Universe has produced a value that appears incompatible with measurements of radiation...

Kepler Spacecraft in Emergency Mode
From ACM News

Kepler Spacecraft in Emergency Mode

During a scheduled contact on Thursday, April 7, mission operations engineers discovered that the Kepler spacecraft was in Emergency Mode (EM). EM is the lowest...

Searching for Far Out and Wandering Worlds
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Searching for Far Out and Wandering Worlds

Astronomers have made great strides in discovering planets outside of our solar system, termed "exoplanets."

Hiv Overcomes Crispr Gene-Editing Attack
From ACM News

Hiv Overcomes Crispr Gene-Editing Attack

HIV can defeat efforts to cripple it with CRISPR gene-editing technology, researchers say. And the very act of editing—involving snipping at the virus’s genome—may...

Mysterious Gravitational Tug on Orbiter May Help Find Planet Nine
From ACM News

Mysterious Gravitational Tug on Orbiter May Help Find Planet Nine

The hunt is on to find "Planet Nine"—a large undiscovered world, perhaps 10 times as massive as Earth and four times its size—that scientists think could be lurking...

IBM Wants to Implant Fake Brains in Real Brains to Prevent Seizures
From ACM News

IBM Wants to Implant Fake Brains in Real Brains to Prevent Seizures

Talk about neural networking.

Mapping the Brain to Build Better Machines
From ACM News

Mapping the Brain to Build Better Machines

Take a three year-old to the zoo, and she intuitively knows that the long-necked creature nibbling leaves is the same thing as the giraffe in her picture book.

Forget Apple vs. the Fbi: Whatsapp Just Switched on Encryption For a Billion People
From ACM News

Forget Apple vs. the Fbi: Whatsapp Just Switched on Encryption For a Billion People

For most of the past six weeks, the biggest story out of Silicon Valley was Apple's battle with the FBI over a federal order to unlock the iPhone of a mass shooter...

Controversial Dark-Matter Claim Faces ­ltimate Test
From ACM News

Controversial Dark-Matter Claim Faces ­ltimate Test

It is the elephant in the room for dark-matter research: a claimed detection that is hard to believe, impossible to confirm and surprisingly difficult to explain...

Nvidia ­nveils First Pascal Graphics Card, the Monstrous Tesla P100
From ACM News

Nvidia ­nveils First Pascal Graphics Card, the Monstrous Tesla P100

The first full-fat GPU based on Nvidia's all-new Pascal architecture is here.
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