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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Data, It's Just a Click Away
From ACM News

Data, It's Just a Click Away

Sensorpedia, a network of more than 5,000 sensors that monitor weather conditions, seismic activity, traffic, water levels and much more, is a significant resource...

From ACM News

Jump in Enrollments of First-Time, Full-Time S&e Graduate Students

Enrollments of first-time, full-time graduate students in science and engineering programs in the United States reached a record 108,819 in 2008, an increase...

Detecting a Crime Before It Happens
From ACM TechNews

Detecting a Crime Before It Happens

U.S. government scientists at the Homeland Security Advanced Research Project Agency are immersed in research to see whether various high-tech devices can be exploited...

Defence Lab Reveals ­ltimate CCTV
From ACM TechNews

Defence Lab Reveals ­ltimate CCTV

The United Kingdom's Defence Science and Technology Laboratory is developing high-resolution imaging technology for a surveillance systems that can recognize and...

Video Game Accessibility Project to Help Blind Children Exercise
From ACM TechNews

Video Game Accessibility Project to Help Blind Children Exercise

University of Nevada, Reno researchers have developed motion sensing-based tennis and bowling video games that use physical activity as input and might help visually...

From ACM TechNews

House Allocates $84 Billion for Technology R&D

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed the America Competes Reauthorization Act of 2010, which provides $85 billion in science and technology research and...

What Motivates Volunteer Computing Contributors? It Depends
From ACM News

What Motivates Volunteer Computing Contributors? It Depends

Contributors to "volunteer computing" projects such as Wikipedia and Galaxy Zoo are motivated by enjoyment, the desire to 'do good,' to gain knowledge, or by the...

Watch the Oil Spill As It Changes
From ACM News

Watch the Oil Spill As It Changes

Some of the most reliable witnesses to the changes in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill have been satellites in orbit.

Willow Garage Gets Robots Into Researchers' Hands
From ACM TechNews

Willow Garage Gets Robots Into Researchers' Hands

Willow Garage has given 11 teams from around the world the right to use its PR2 open source robots and operating system to develop new uses for the technology and...

From ACM News

What Sites Such as Facebook and Google Know and Whom They Tell

When Disa Powell's husband and brother were badly burned in an electrical explosion while conducting maintenance at a Wal-Mart store and the family sued, the defense...

Researchers Work to Help Mobile Devices Keep Going and Going . . .
From ACM News

Researchers Work to Help Mobile Devices Keep Going and Going . . .

Three researchers have been awarded a $1.2 million, four-year grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to develop a more energy-efficient processor for mobile...

From ACM News

Oak Ridge National Lab to Lead Reactor Simulation Innovation Hub

Oak Ridge National Laboratory was awarded $122 million to establish and operate a new Nuclear Energy Modeling and Simulation Energy Innovation Hub, which will...

Teens Getting Creative With Web 2.0 Tools
From ACM News

Teens Getting Creative With Web 2.0 Tools

A pilot study shows that teens were able to use Web 2.0 technological tools in new and innovative ways to connect with each other—ways that the tools' creators...

Olpc and Marvell to Develop Xo Tablet Computer For Students
From ACM News

Olpc and Marvell to Develop Xo Tablet Computer For Students

One Laptop per Child and Marvell will jointly develop a family of next-generation OLPC XO tablet computers based on the Marvell Moby reference design.

Cyber Command: We Don
From ACM News

Cyber Command: We Don

Members of the military’s new Cyber Command insist that they’ve got no interest in taking over civilian Internet security--or even in becoming the Pentagon’s primary...

Spinoffs Reveal Earth Benefits of Nasa Technologies
From ACM News

Spinoffs Reveal Earth Benefits of Nasa Technologies

Congressional staffers in the Rayburn House Office Building on May 20 were wondering why a robot was roaming the halls. Those who followed the robot were led to...

Educators Seek New Ways to Steer Kids Toward Technical Fields
From ACM News

Educators Seek New Ways to Steer Kids Toward Technical Fields

Students at the new Hughes STEM High School, in collaboration with the University of Cincinnati, learn concepts of science, technology, engineering and math by...

From ACM News

Worldwide R&d Expenditures Top $330 Billion

U.S.-owned businesses and U.S. affiliates of foreign companies had worldwide R&D expenses of $330 billion in calendar year 2008 and worldwide sales of $11 trillion...

From ACM TechNews

Despite Green Diet, Data Centers Still Gobble Power

Despite U.S. government warnings on exploding energy consumption, data centers are not getting more power-efficient.

Mobile Data: A Gold Mine For Telcos
From ACM News

Mobile Data: A Gold Mine For Telcos

Cell phone companies are finding that they're sitting on a gold mine--in the form of the call records of their subscribers.
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