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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Women's Issues in Science and Engineering Take Center Stage
From ACM TechNews

Women's Issues in Science and Engineering Take Center Stage

The focus of the recent Women in Science and Engineering Workshop was the challenges that female scientists and engineers must contend with. The goal of the workshop...

From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Education: It's Not Shop Class

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has a plan to reform U.S. high school computer science education by giving the curriculum a much-needed update. NSF...

From ACM TechNews

As Attacks Increase, ­.s. Struggles to Recruit Computer Security Experts

Cyberattacks are increasing in frequency and sophistication at a time when the U.S. government is struggling to address a shortage of proficient computer security...

Obama to Name Chief of Cybersecurity
From ACM News

Obama to Name Chief of Cybersecurity

Nearly seven months after highlighting the vulnerability of banking, energy and communications systems to Internet attacks, the White House on Tuesday is expected...

Stanford Technology Helps Scholars Get 'big Picture' of the Enlightenment
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Technology Helps Scholars Get 'big Picture' of the Enlightenment

Stanford University professors Dan Edelstein and Paula Findlen used visualization technology developed by professor Jeff Heer to map thousands of letters that were...

Robot Assists Surgeon in Removal of Lung Tumor
From ACM News

Robot Assists Surgeon in Removal of Lung Tumor

When Craig Harrison found out he would be the first patient in North Texas to have robot-assisted lung-tumor surgery, an operation performed at UT Southwestern...

From ACM TechNews

Disentangling a Billion Dollar Opportunity

Leading representatives from academia, government, and industry recently met at the Institute of Physics to discuss the most recent advances in quantum information...

Cyber Challenge Tests Nation's Top Hackers
From ACM News

Cyber Challenge Tests Nation's Top Hackers

With the coolness of a card shark at the final table of the World Series of Poker, Matt Bergin pulls the hood of his brown sweatshirt over his head and concentrates...

Learning to Love to Hate Robots
From ACM TechNews

Learning to Love to Hate Robots

Several studies have recently been conducted to determine how humans and robots interact and how to improve the human-robot relationship. For example, a Carnegie...

New Programs Aim to Lure Young Into Digital Jobs
From ACM TechNews

New Programs Aim to Lure Young Into Digital Jobs

Educators and technologists say both the image of computing work and computer science education in high schools need to change to fill what are expected to be the...

Privacy Concerns Could Limit Benefits From Real-Time Data Analysis
From ACM TechNews

Privacy Concerns Could Limit Benefits From Real-Time Data Analysis

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) computer scientist Tom M. Mitchell says society will be unable to capitalize on real-time data analysis technologies unless questions...

Scientists Explore Energy Efficiency in Multi-Scale Computing Systems
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Explore Energy Efficiency in Multi-Scale Computing Systems

The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and nine other universities are collaborating on the Multi-Scale Systems Center (MuSyC), a new research center that...

Smarter Cars Are Gaining Traction
From ICT Results

Smarter Cars Are Gaining Traction

Lives can depend on a vehicle’s moment-by-moment traction. New European technology promises to make cars as good as experienced, alert drivers at sensing and adjusting...

Our Devices Will Spin Denser Webs of Data in 2010
From ACM News

Our Devices Will Spin Denser Webs of Data in 2010

Over the next decade, the evolution of computing and the Internet will produce faster, increasingly intelligent devices. More of our possessions will contain sensors...

From Communications of the ACM

ACM and India

ACM is in the process of establishing ACM India as a legal entity and will hold its first conference in late January....

Mit's Big Wheel in Copenhagen
From ACM TechNews

Mit's Big Wheel in Copenhagen

A bicycle wheel developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers features a hub packed with electronics that can perform multiple unique functions...

Translation Technologies Advancing Rapidly, Expert Says
From ACM TechNews

Translation Technologies Advancing Rapidly, Expert Says

Automatic translation technologies are swiftly advancing to the point where a classroom of speakers of different languages could hear the lecture in their native...

From ACM TechNews

Launch of First Operating System For Smart Grid Home Automation

The Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES) has founded the Open Gateway Energy Management Alliance (OGEMA) to promote an open...

From ACM News

Racing, Shooting, and Zapping Your Way to Better Visual Cognition Skills

Regular video gamers are fast and accurate information processors, not only during game play, but in real-life situations as well, according to a new study in Current...

Virginia Tech Team to Build Battlefield Robots For 2010 Competition
From ACM News

Virginia Tech Team to Build Battlefield Robots For 2010 Competition

The roving, walking robotic soldiers of the "Terminator" films are becoming less sci-fi and more certain future every day. Now, a team of robotics researchers from...
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