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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Crime-Fighting Eyes Take to the Skies

In what they say is the first step toward a new era in law enforcement techniques, city officials in Lancaster, Calif. are testing a small airplane mounting a high...

Tying ­p Loose Ends For a Quantum Leap
From ICT Results

Tying ­p Loose Ends For a Quantum Leap

Quantum technologies have become the Holy Grail of the IT industry with research projects springing up throughout  Europe and all over the world. Now a major European...

Flaw Opens Atms to Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Flaw Opens Atms to Hackers

Juniper security researcher Barnaby Jack canceled plans for a live demonstration of the insecurity of automatic teller machines (ATMs) at the upcoming Black Hat...

People Avoiding Automatic Location Information in Mobile Services
From ACM TechNews

People Avoiding Automatic Location Information in Mobile Services

Providers of fully automatic Web and mobile location information services will need to allow users to edit the information to get more people to use the features...

Scientist Shortage? Maybe Not
From ACM News

Scientist Shortage? Maybe Not

The predictions are dire, the language grim: Looming shortfalls. Gathering storm. Disturbing mosaic. It's not the economy or global warming. It's the coming shortage...

Darpa's Smart, Flat Camera Is Packed With Beady Eyes
From ACM TechNews

Darpa's Smart, Flat Camera Is Packed With Beady Eyes

Southern Methodist University professor Marc Christensen, backed by funding from the U.S. Defense Department's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, has developed...

From ACM TechNews

Semantic Search Engine to Speed ­p Administrative Procedures

The Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) School of Computing's Ontology Engineering Group has developed an ontology-based semantic search engine for government...

Nasa Tests 'space Internet' Protocols on International Space Station
From ACM TechNews

Nasa Tests 'space Internet' Protocols on International Space Station

The University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder) is collaborating with NASA on the development of a new Interplanetary Internet currently undergoing testing on...

How Computing Is Changing Journalism
From ACM News

How Computing Is Changing Journalism

Computing has influenced many fields in a big way, and journalism is one of them. There’s an ongoing trend away from print media and toward digital, and this is...

Robot Mowers Take the Sweat Out of Lawn Care
From ACM News

Robot Mowers Take the Sweat Out of Lawn Care

In the summer, the grass just grows and grows and grows. And that means people must mow and mow and mow. But maybe not for long. Grass-cutting robots already exist...

Students' Smartphone App Promotes Good Deeds
From ACM TechNews

Students' Smartphone App Promotes Good Deeds

University of Michigan computer science students have developed DoGood, an application for the iPhone and iPod Touch that encourages users to perform acts of kindness...

CMU Researchers Accurately Predict Social Security Numbers
From ACM News

CMU Researchers Accurately Predict Social Security Numbers

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have shown that public information readily gleaned from governmental sources, commercial databases, or online social networks...

Breaking Down the Gender Barrier
From ACM TechNews

Breaking Down the Gender Barrier

A recent ACM survey of more than 1,400 college-bound high school students found that 45 percent of boys see a computer science major as a "very good" choice, but...

­.s. Takes Aim at Cyberwarfare
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Takes Aim at Cyberwarfare

The U.S. Pentagon's decision last week to open a cybercommand for both offensive and defensive cyberwarfare activities raises a host of questions. U.S. Defense...

Magnet and Glue Turn Tongue Into Joystick
From ACM TechNews

Magnet and Glue Turn Tongue Into Joystick

New ScientistGeorgia Tech University professors Maysam Ghovanloo and Xueliang Huo have developed a headset that enables a person to precisely control a wheelchair...

Second Life Data Offers Window Into How Trends Spread
From ACM TechNews

Second Life Data Offers Window Into How Trends Spread

University of Michigan researchers are using information available through the Second Life virtual world to study how "gestures," or pieces of code that users must...

Sound Imaging: Clever Acoustics Help Blind People See the World
From ACM TechNews

Sound Imaging: Clever Acoustics Help Blind People See the World

The European Union-funded CASBLiP project has developed a portable system to help visually-impaired users navigate outdoors. The system analyzes video from portable...

'mixed Reality' Human Helps Medical Students Learn to Do Intimate Exams
From ACM TechNews

'mixed Reality' Human Helps Medical Students Learn to Do Intimate Exams

The University of Florida is using a life-sized computer avatar on a flat screen and a mannequin with prosthetic body parts to teach medical students how to perform...

Drexel to Deploy Smart Grid System
From ACM News

Drexel to Deploy Smart Grid System

Drexel University will deploy a smart grid system to provide real-time measurements of the University's power usage and allow excess power to be sold back to the...

Mobile Tv Coming to Canada?
From ACM TechNews

Mobile Tv Coming to Canada?

Simon Fraser University (SFU) doctorate student Cheng-Hsin Hsu, along with SFU graduate students Yi Liu and Cong Ly, and their supervisor Mohamed Hefeeda, has designed...
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