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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Disney Research Soccer Formations Analysis Suggests Home Advantage Is Result of Execution
From ACM TechNews

Disney Research Soccer Formations Analysis Suggests Home Advantage Is Result of Execution

An automated analysis of soccer team formations shows visiting teams are less successful than home teams only because they play conservatively. 

The Job After Steve Jobs: Tim Cook and Apple
From ACM Opinion

The Job After Steve Jobs: Tim Cook and Apple

Shortly after Tim Cook succeeded Steve Jobs as CEO of Apple in August 2011, he told a confidant that he got up every morning reminding himself just to do the right...

The Ietf Needed a Wake-Up Call on Security, Says Chairman
From ACM TechNews

The Ietf Needed a Wake-Up Call on Security, Says Chairman

Internet Engineering Task Force members are focusing on security and how to protect users from pervasive monitoring in a meeting that began Sunday in London. 

Rise of the Human Exoskeletons
From ACM News

Rise of the Human Exoskeletons

On the outskirts of Pisa in a back room of a modern block, a machine is waiting for its operator.

Report Calls for Better Backstops to Protect Power Grid From Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

Report Calls for Better Backstops to Protect Power Grid From Cyberattacks

Despite increasing anxiety over the possibility of a cyberattack on the power grid, the U.S. energy industry and government are ill-equipped to counter the threat...

What Do Data Brokers Know About Me?
From ACM Opinion

What Do Data Brokers Know About Me?

I once ran into a friend and her husband at the playground in our neighborhood in Manhattan.

Brands Take Advantage of Hci Technologies
From ACM News

Brands Take Advantage of Hci Technologies

Technologies demonstrated in motion pictures are coming to life for advertisers.

Experts Urge Conservatism on Crypto Standards
From ACM News

Experts Urge Conservatism on Crypto Standards

Security people are, by nature, cautious and methodical, and that is even more true of cryptographers.

Meet the Seven People Who Hold the Keys to Worldwide Internet Security
From ACM News

Meet the Seven People Who Hold the Keys to Worldwide Internet Security

In a nondescript industrial estate in El Segundo, a boxy suburb in south-west Los Angeles just a mile or two from LAX international airport, 20 people wait in a...

Hackers Allegedly Stole $400 Million in Bitcoins. Here's How to Catch Them.
From ACM Opinion

Hackers Allegedly Stole $400 Million in Bitcoins. Here's How to Catch Them.

On Friday, what had been the world's leading Bitcoin exchange declared bankrutpcy, claiming that hackers had exploited a technical issue called "transaction malleability...

Mobile Voting Systems Potentially Better Than Electronic Ones: Study
From ACM TechNews

Mobile Voting Systems Potentially Better Than Electronic Ones: Study

Rice University researchers have designed a mobile voting system optimized for use on smartphones and have tested it against traditional voting platforms. 

Phone's Wi-Fi Hotspot Acts as Sos Beacon in Disasters
From ACM TechNews

Phone's Wi-Fi Hotspot Acts as Sos Beacon in Disasters

A new app turns a smartphone into a wireless SOS beacon that could help rescuers find people who have been trapped in collapsed buildings. 

Battery-Free Technology Brings Gesture Recognition to All Devices
From ACM TechNews

Battery-Free Technology Brings Gesture Recognition to All Devices

A new gesture-recognition system runs without batteries and enables gesture control for electronic devices that are hidden from sight. 

Draft Language Signals More Transparent Nist
From ACM TechNews

Draft Language Signals More Transparent Nist

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology has released new guidance on cryptographic standards.

DARPA Targets Counterfeit Electronics
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Targets Counterfeit Electronics

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is developing a tool to verify the trustworthiness of electronic components. 

The Mammoth Cometh
From ACM News

The Mammoth Cometh

The first time Ben Novak saw a passenger pigeon, he fell to his knees and remained in that position, speechless, for 20 minutes.

Computer Models Help ­nravel Mystery of Puebloans' Disappearance
From ACM News

Computer Models Help ­nravel Mystery of Puebloans' Disappearance

Remember playing "The Oregon Trail" computer game in middle school?

Xi Jinping Leads Internet Security Group
From ACM News

Xi Jinping Leads Internet Security Group

President Xi Jinping will head the central Internet security and informatization leading group, according to a statement released after the first meeting of the...

Autonomous Drones Flock Like Birds
From ACM News

Autonomous Drones Flock Like Birds

A Hungarian team has created the first drones that can fly as a coordinated flock.

Hp Launching New Scholarship Program For Women in Information Security
From ACM TechNews

Hp Launching New Scholarship Program For Women in Information Security

Women interested in the theory and practice of cybersecurity can now turn to a new scholarship program launched by Hewlett-Packard to support their studies. 
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