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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The One Big Question About Rsa and Its Relationship With the Nsa
From ACM News

The One Big Question About Rsa and Its Relationship With the Nsa

Last week, the Internet security world was jolted by a Reuters report detailing a secret $10 million payment to the security company RSA from the National Security...

Google's Schaft Robot Wins DARPA Rescue Challenge
From ACM News

Google's Schaft Robot Wins DARPA Rescue Challenge

Team Schaft's machine carried out all eight rescue-themed tasks to outscore its rivals by a wide margin.

Graphene Can Host Exotic New Quantum Electronic States at Its Edges
From ACM TechNews

Graphene Can Host Exotic New Quantum Electronic States at Its Edges

Researchers have uncovered unexpected features of graphene that appear under extreme conditions, which could allow the material to be used for exotic applications...

Stanford Researchers: It Is Trivially Easy to Match Metadata to Real People
From ACM Opinion

Stanford Researchers: It Is Trivially Easy to Match Metadata to Real People

In defending the NSA's telephony metadata collection efforts, government officials have repeatedly resorted to one seemingly significant detail: This is just metadata—numbers...

New Magnetic Behavior in Nanoparticles Discovered
From ACM TechNews

New Magnetic Behavior in Nanoparticles Discovered

Researchers say they have reproduced the antiferromagnetic coupling between layers in particles measuring 10 to 20 nanometers.

Increase Cybersecurity Workforce, Government ­rged
From ACM TechNews

Increase Cybersecurity Workforce, Government ­rged

The International Internet System Security Certification Consortium is suggesting ways to increase the number of candidates for open federal cybersecurity positions...

Analytics: Where the Girls Are
From ACM TechNews

Analytics: Where the Girls Are

Although women are generally underrepresented in many science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, analytics offers a level playing field for women...

New Data Compression Method Reduces Big-Data Bottleneck; Outperforms, Enhances Jpeg
From ACM TechNews

New Data Compression Method Reduces Big-Data Bottleneck; Outperforms, Enhances Jpeg

A new method of data compression outperforms existing techniques and could eventually be integrated into medical, scientific, and video-streaming applications. 

The Predictive Power of Big Data
From ACM Opinion

The Predictive Power of Big Data

Right now, the average person's data footprint—the annual amount of data produced worldwide, per capita—is just a little short of one terabyte.

Edward Snowden, After Months of Nsa Rvelations, Says His Mission's Accomplished
From ACM Opinion

Edward Snowden, After Months of Nsa Rvelations, Says His Mission's Accomplished

The familiar voice on the hotel room phone did not waste words.

Alan Turing Gets Royal Pardon For 'gross Indecency' – 61 Years After He Poisoned Himself
From ACM News

Alan Turing Gets Royal Pardon For 'gross Indecency' – 61 Years After He Poisoned Himself

Nearly 60 years after his suicide, Alan Turing has been officially pardoned by the Queen.

Distant Planet Weighed ­sing Clues from Starlight
From ACM News

Distant Planet Weighed ­sing Clues from Starlight

Researchers have weighed a planet orbiting a distant star by measuring the starlight passing through its atmosphere.

Into the Bitcoin Mines
From ACM News

Into the Bitcoin Mines

On the flat lava plain of Reykjanesbaer, Iceland, near the Arctic Circle, you can find the mines of Bitcoin.

How Rodents and Coffee Could Shape Future Space Robots
From ACM News

How Rodents and Coffee Could Shape Future Space Robots

What do artificial whiskers and coffee-filled balloons have in common?

Japanese Team Dominates Competition to Create Generation of Rescue Robots
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Team Dominates Competition to Create Generation of Rescue Robots

The Schaft robot developed by Japanese researchers dominated the U.S. Pentagon's Defense Advance Research Projects Agency's Robotics Challenge 2013 Trials. 

Research Trio Crack Rsa Encryption Keys By Listening to Computer Noise
From ACM TechNews

Research Trio Crack Rsa Encryption Keys By Listening to Computer Noise

It is possible to crack 4,096-bit RSA encryption keys by using a microphone to listen to high-pitched noises generated by internal computer components. 

Go Easy on Moocs
From ACM TechNews

Go Easy on Moocs

A new report recommends the federal government not interfere with massive open online course vendors and providers. 

French Team Invents Faster Code-Breaking Algorithm
From Communications of the ACM

French Team Invents Faster Code-Breaking Algorithm

New method can crack certain cryptosystems far faster than earlier alternatives.

How Do You Feel? Your Computer Knows
From Communications of the ACM

How Do You Feel? Your Computer Knows

Interfaces can sense your mood, if you let them.

'Peace Technologies' Enable Eyewitness Reporting When Disasters Strike
From Communications of the ACM

'Peace Technologies' Enable Eyewitness Reporting When Disasters Strike

Ushahidi — or "testimony" in Swahili — has played a central role in coordinating responses to crises around the globe.
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