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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

These Patterns Move, But It's All an Illusion
From ACM News

These Patterns Move, But It's All an Illusion

Focus on the ball at the center of the image. The scene appears to vibrate. If you move your head slightly forward and backward, the color fields of the rosette...

Computing Researchers Get 'schooled' on Science Policy at Lispi 2013
From ACM TechNews

Computing Researchers Get 'schooled' on Science Policy at Lispi 2013

The Computing Research Association’s Computing Community Consortium recently held its second Leadership in Science Policy Institute (LiSPI) workshop.

Laser Listening: Could You Eavesdrop on the Guardian?
From ACM News

Laser Listening: Could You Eavesdrop on the Guardian?

The U.K. government has warned the Guardian newspaper that foreign agents could use laser technology to eavesdrop on them, in the wake of recent surveillance leaks...

Magnetic Diversion For Electronic Switches
From Communications of the ACM

Magnetic Diversion For Electronic Switches

'Chameleon processors' could function as programmable logic or nonvolatile memory.

Software-Defined Networking
From Communications of the ACM

Software-Defined Networking

Novel architecture allows programmers to quickly reconfigure network resource usage.

Ephemeral Data
From Communications of the ACM

Ephemeral Data

Privacy issues can evaporate when embarrassing content does likewise.

Remembering Douglas Engelbart
From Communications of the ACM

Remembering Douglas Engelbart

"Inspiring," "visionary," "humble," "honest," "impeccable integrity," "passionate and stubborn about his work." Tributes poured in for Douglas Engelbart, inventor...

Seven Over 70
From ACM Careers

Seven Over 70

For over a decade, we've celebrated innovators under the age of 35. We choose to write about the young because we want to introduce you to the most promising new...

From ACM Careers

35 Innovators Under 35

For our 13th annual celebration of people who are driving the next generation of technological breakthroughs, we're presenting the stories in a new way.

Quantum Paradox Seen in Diamond
From ACM News

Quantum Paradox Seen in Diamond

A quantum effect named after an ancient Greek puzzle has been observed in diamond, paving the way for the use of diamond crystals in quantum computer chips.

A Quantum Leap for the Government in Mining Twitter Feeds
From ACM News

A Quantum Leap for the Government in Mining Twitter Feeds

Last August, around fifty government employees and private contractors gathered at a Defense Department development laboratory in Crystal City, Virginia.

Life After Siri: Nuance's ­phill Climb To Being Your Digital Assistant
From ACM Opinion

Life After Siri: Nuance's ­phill Climb To Being Your Digital Assistant

In the gleaming Silicon Valley branch office of speech-recognition firm Nuance Communications, a small room has been made to look like a homey den.

Profile: Juan Wachs
From ACM News

Profile: Juan Wachs

Surgeons could use his hand-gesture system to control robots.

Printed Graphene Transistors Promise a Flexible Electronic Future
From ACM TechNews

Printed Graphene Transistors Promise a Flexible Electronic Future

Flexible electronic circuits could one day utilize graphene radio-frequency electronics with sufficient speed to generate, receive, and process telecommunication...

Sdsc Launches 'sherlock' to Solve Complex National Challenges
From ACM TechNews

Sdsc Launches 'sherlock' to Solve Complex National Challenges

The San Diego Supercomputer Center is offering Sherlock technology to provide healthcare and government IT services to U.S. government agencies and universities...

Computer Can Read Letters Directly From the Brain
From ACM TechNews

Computer Can Read Letters Directly From the Brain

A mathematical model has allowed scientists to analyze magnetic resonance imaging scans of the human brain and reconstruct thoughts more accurately than ever before...

Purdue Researchers Working on Missile-Defense Software
From ACM TechNews

Purdue Researchers Working on Missile-Defense Software

Researchers are developing software to help explore what-if scenarios involving future missile advances in adversarial nations and U.S. defensive capabilities. 

How Footprint Recognition Software May Help Zoology
From ACM TechNews

How Footprint Recognition Software May Help Zoology

WildTrack has developed image-processing software that the detects physical  characteristics of animal footprints that are hard for an untrained eye to recognize...

Carmakers Look to Video Games For New Routes to Market
From ACM Careers

Carmakers Look to Video Games For New Routes to Market

The spoiler popped up automatically when the speedometer of the new Audi RS7 Sportback moved past 130 kilometers an hour on Charles Bridge in central Prague, creating...

Preparing a Parallel Programming Workforce
From ACM News

Preparing a Parallel Programming Workforce

As many parallel programmers are aging and retiring, the skill set is increasingly in demand.
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