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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Robot Learns to Tie Knots Using Only Two Fingers on Each Hand
From ACM TechNews

Robot Learns to Tie Knots Using Only Two Fingers on Each Hand

Tetsuya Ogata and colleagues at Japan's Waseda University have taught an artificial intelligence-powered robot to tie knots around a box using just two fingers...

Computer Model Tracks Cellphone Data to Predict Covid Spread
From ACM TechNews

Computer Model Tracks Cellphone Data to Predict Covid Spread

Binghamton University's Arti Ramesh and Anand Seetharam have designed an algorithm to predict the spread of Covid-19 by tracking cellphone data.

Unlocking the Covid Code
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Unlocking the Covid Code

Scientists can now sequence an entire genome overnight. This technology has been the key tool in identifying and tracking Covid variants.

Is Coffee Good for Us? Maybe Machine Learning Can Help Figure It Out.
From ACM News

Is Coffee Good for Us? Maybe Machine Learning Can Help Figure It Out.

The advice from research on coffee, and nutrition more generally, always seems to be changing. Processing vast amounts of data could help us pin it down.

Fewer Troops, but More Tech: U.K. Military Downsizes as it Shifts to AI, Drones, Cyber
From ACM News

Fewer Troops, but More Tech: U.K. Military Downsizes as it Shifts to AI, Drones, Cyber

New defense plans for the next decade come with a strong focus on new technologies, pitching leaner but more effective armed forces.

Stay on Track! Support System to Help the Visually Impaired Navigate Tactile Paving
From ACM TechNews

Stay on Track! Support System to Help the Visually Impaired Navigate Tactile Paving

A support system to help the visually impaired navigate tactile paving includes an image processing algorithm to make paving detection independent of color thresholds...

Want a Vaccination Appointment? It Helps to Know a Python Programmer
From ACM TechNews

Want a Vaccination Appointment? It Helps to Know a Python Programmer

A boutique online community of computer programmers has emerged to help family and friends gain a competitive advantage in securing vaccination appointments.

A Vaccine Passport Is the New Golden Ticket as the World Reopens
From ACM News

A Vaccine Passport Is the New Golden Ticket as the World Reopens

Companies and countries that depend on travel or large gatherings are counting on a totally unproven concept.

Fears of 'Digital Dictatorship' as Myanmar Deploys AI
From ACM TechNews

Fears of 'Digital Dictatorship' as Myanmar Deploys AI

Human rights groups are worried about a potential "digital dictatorship" in Myanmar due to the use of artificial intelligence to monitor citizens' movements.

Safety Concerns Determine Level of Public Support for Driverless Vehicles, Finds NTU Singapore Study
From ACM TechNews

Safety Concerns Determine Level of Public Support for Driverless Vehicles, Finds NTU Singapore Study

Researchers in Singapore found that support for autonomous vehicle adoption generally is based on perceptions of safety issues.

Vaccination Megasites Lean on Enterprise Tech to Keep the Line Moving
From ACM TechNews

Vaccination Megasites Lean on Enterprise Tech to Keep the Line Moving

Popup Covid-19 vaccination megasites are using digital enterprise technology to accommodate surging numbers of inoculations as more Americans qualify to be immunized...

Newly-Wormable Windows Botnet Ballooning in Size
From ACM TechNews

Newly-Wormable Windows Botnet Ballooning in Size

Researchers say a botnet targeting Windows devices is expanding, due to a new infection method that lets malware spread between computers with weak passwords.

Ultrasound Reads Monkey Brains, Opening Path to Controlling Machines with Thought
From ACM TechNews

Ultrasound Reads Monkey Brains, Opening Path to Controlling Machines with Thought

Researchers have developed a method of predicting a monkey's intended eye or hand movements using ultrasound imaging.

Identifying Banknote Fingerprints Can Stop Counterfeits on Streets
From ACM TechNews

Identifying Banknote Fingerprints Can Stop Counterfeits on Streets

Researchers said a technique called Polymer Substrate Fingerprinting could be used to identify the unique, unclonable “fingerprints” of Bank of England banknotes...

What a Gambling App Knows About You
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What a Gambling App Knows About You

Sky Bet, the most popular gambling app in Britain, compiled extensive records about a user, tracking him in ways he never imagined.

You Probably Don’t Remember the Internet
From ACM News

You Probably Don’t Remember the Internet

How do we memorialize life online when it's constantly disappearing?

William Shatner Turns 90, AI Version of Him will Live On Indefinitely
From ACM News

William Shatner Turns 90, AI Version of Him will Live On Indefinitely

Shatner partners with StoryFile to create an interactive version of himself that answers fan questions and talks back to them.

AI Helps Assess Pain Levels in People With Sickle Cell Disease
From ACM TechNews

AI Helps Assess Pain Levels in People With Sickle Cell Disease

Northwestern University researchers used artificial intelligence to assess pain levels in patients with sickle cell disease, based on their vital signs.

Microsoft to Ease Workers Back to the Office Starting Next Week
From ACM News

Microsoft to Ease Workers Back to the Office Starting Next Week

It plans to remove restrictions only once the virus acts "more like an endemic virus such as the seasonal flu," an executive wrote.

System Detects Errors When Medication is Self-Administered
From ACM TechNews

System Detects Errors When Medication is Self-Administered

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a system to detect and reduce errors when patients administer their own medication.
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