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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Video Game Addiction is Now Being Recognized—What Happens Next?
From ACM News

Video Game Addiction is Now Being Recognized—What Happens Next?

Finding help can be a struggle for gamers who feel their playing has gotten out of control.

States, Cities Make Cybersecurity Pledge After Trump Administration Rejects It
From ACM TechNews

States, Cities Make Cybersecurity Pledge After Trump Administration Rejects It

Several U.S. state and local governments are signing an international pledge aimed at making cyberspace safer, even though the Trump administration will not endorse...

Las Vegas Brings AI to Traffic Lights
From ACM TechNews

Las Vegas Brings AI to Traffic Lights

Las Vegas is using artificial intelligence to facilitate real-time traffic analysis in order to relieve traffic congestion.

White House Updates National Strategic Computing Initiative
From ACM TechNews

White House Updates National Strategic Computing Initiative

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has released an update to the National Strategic Computing Initiative.

Intel Fixes a Security Flaw It Said Was Repaired
From ACM TechNews

Intel Fixes a Security Flaw It Said Was Repaired

Researchers discovered the continued existence of vulnerabilities in Intel's computer processors that the company said were patched months ago.

Bots Are More Successful If They Impersonate Humans
From ACM TechNews

Bots Are More Successful If They Impersonate Humans

A team of researchers found that human-robot interactions are more successful when the bots are able to hide their non-human identity.

Team of 'White Hat' Hackers Found Bugs in Amazon Echo, Galaxy S10
From ACM TechNews

Team of 'White Hat' Hackers Found Bugs in Amazon Echo, Galaxy S10

A pair of security researchers found vulnerabilities across multiple devices including an Alexa-powered Amazon Echo and a Samsung Galaxy S10 smartphone.

Room-Sized LED Egg Captures Amazing 3D Models Of People Inside It
From ACM TechNews

Room-Sized LED Egg Captures Amazing 3D Models Of People Inside It

Google researchers have designed a prismatic light-emitting-diode (LED) "egg." 

How VR Is Augmenting Realty
From ACM TechNews

How VR Is Augmenting Realty

Over the past 30 years, virtual reality has evolved from a science fiction curiosity to an essential tool for the real estate industry. 

Better Listening with Lossless Audio
From ACM News

Better Listening with Lossless Audio

The challenges and opportunities of Hi-Res streaming music services.

Future of Autonomous Delivery May Be Unfolding in Suburban Houston
From ACM TechNews

Future of Autonomous Delivery May Be Unfolding in Suburban Houston

Robotics company Nuro has been field-testing delivery via autonomous vehicles (AV) in Houston.

Hyundai Develops Next-Generation Noise Cancellation Technology
From ACM TechNews

Hyundai Develops Next-Generation Noise Cancellation Technology

Hyundai researchers developed next-generation active noise cancellation (ANC) technology.

U.S. Army Creating Robots That Can Follow Orders
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Army Creating Robots That Can Follow Orders

Researchers have developed software that allows robots to understand verbal instructions, carry out those instructions, and report back.

Bespoke Bionic Hand Made in 10 Hours
From ACM TechNews

Bespoke Bionic Hand Made in 10 Hours

Researchers have developed a method of three-dimensionally printing a bionic hand that incorporates muscle sensors to control an articulated thumb, enabling it...

Man versus Artificial Intelligence: From Deep Blue to DeepMind in 20 Years
From ACM News

Man versus Artificial Intelligence: From Deep Blue to DeepMind in 20 Years

Garry Kasparov and DeepMind's CEO Demis Hassabis discuss Kasparov's new book "Deep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins," his chess...

Fordham Business Students Have New Tool to Prepare Them for Boardrooms: VR
From ACM TechNews

Fordham Business Students Have New Tool to Prepare Them for Boardrooms: VR

Fordham University students are using virtual reality technology to build their business skills in simulated environments.

AI System Evolves to Evade Internet Censorship
From ACM TechNews

AI System Evolves to Evade Internet Censorship

A artificial intelligence system based on genetic evolution has learned to automatically evade online censorship by repressive governments.

Sensor to Save Children, Pets Left in Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

Sensor to Save Children, Pets Left in Vehicles

A new device combines radar technology with artificial intelligence to detect unattended children or animals left in vehicles when the driver leaves with 100% accuracy...

IBM Hopes to Change Weather Forecasting Around the Globe Using Big Data, Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

IBM Hopes to Change Weather Forecasting Around the Globe Using Big Data, Supercomputer

IBM has launched a global weather model that it says offers more accurate forecasts for the entire world and can provide details for regions as small as two miles...

How Russia's Online Censorship Could Jeopardize Internet Freedom Worldwide
From ACM TechNews

How Russia's Online Censorship Could Jeopardize Internet Freedom Worldwide

Researchers have found Russia's Internet censorship laws have troubling implications for online freedom in the U.S. and other countries that share its decentralized...
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