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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Who Owns Your Face?
From ACM News

Who Owns Your Face?

It takes a feast of facial imagery to teach a machine how to recognize an individual person.

I Took the AI Class Facebookers Are Literally Sprinting to Get Into
From ACM Careers

I Took the AI Class Facebookers Are Literally Sprinting to Get Into

Chia-Chiunn Ho was eating lunch inside Facebook headquarters, at the Full Circle Cafe, when he saw the notice on his phone: Larry Zitnick, one of the leading figures...

Nasa Tests Observing Capability on Hawaii's Coral Reefs
From ACM News

Nasa Tests Observing Capability on Hawaii's Coral Reefs

NASA pulled off a scientific double play in Hawaii this winter, using the same instruments and aircraft to study both volcanoes and coral reefs.

Evidence That Robots Are Winning the Race For American Jobs
From ACM News

Evidence That Robots Are Winning the Race For American Jobs

Who is winning the race for jobs between robots and humans?

Toward Printable, Sensor-Laden 'skin' For Robots
From ACM TechNews

Toward Printable, Sensor-Laden 'skin' For Robots

Researchers believe three-dimensional printing of flexible electronics integrating sensors and processing circuitry is key to bulk manufacturing of a robot "skin...

Machine Learning Lets Scientists Reverse-Engineer Cellular Control Networks
From ACM TechNews

Machine Learning Lets Scientists Reverse-Engineer Cellular Control Networks

Researchers are using the Texas Advanced Computing Center's Stampede supercomputer to create tadpoles with pigmentation never before seen in nature.

Google's AI Explosion in One Chart
From ACM News

Google's AI Explosion in One Chart

Nature. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  The Journal of the American Medical Association.

These AI Bots Created Their Own Language to Talk to Each Other
From ACM TechNews

These AI Bots Created Their Own Language to Talk to Each Other

OpenAI last week disclosed new research detailing the training of artificial intelligence bots to generate their own shared language.

Silicon Valley's Quest to Live Forever
From ACM News

Silicon Valley's Quest to Live Forever

On a velvety March evening in Mandeville Canyon, high above the rest of Los Angeles, Norman Lear's living room was jammed with powerful people eager to learn the...

Scientists Hack a Human Cell and Reprogram It Like a Computer
From ACM News

Scientists Hack a Human Cell and Reprogram It Like a Computer

Cells are basically tiny computers: They send and receive inputs and output accordingly.

People Remain Calm as the World Ends, Video Game Study Suggests
From ACM TechNews

People Remain Calm as the World Ends, Video Game Study Suggests

University at Buffalo researchers found despite some violent acts, most people will be helpful to others as the world ends.

New AI Algorithm Beats Even the World's Worst Traffic
From ACM TechNews

New AI Algorithm Beats Even the World's Worst Traffic

Researchers have developed an intelligent routing algorithm designed to minimize the occurrence of spontaneous traffic jams across a roadway network.

Machine Learning Opens ­p New Ways to Help Disabled People
From ACM TechNews

Machine Learning Opens ­p New Ways to Help Disabled People

Companies are developing and launching machine-learning technologies and applications to enhance the experience of disabled persons.

Elon Musk's Billion-Dollar Crusade to Stop the A.i. Apocalypse
From ACM News

Elon Musk's Billion-Dollar Crusade to Stop the A.i. Apocalypse

It was just a friendly little argument about the fate of humanity. Demis Hassabis, a leading creator of advanced artificial intelligence, was chatting with ...

Sensors on the Brain
From Communications of the ACM

Sensors on the Brain

Implantable wireless monitors give researchers a new look inside the human body.

Digitizing the World
From Communications of the ACM

Digitizing the World

Digital maps trawl for real-time updates.

Computing the Arts
From Communications of the ACM

Computing the Arts

Artists can use software to create art, and some software creates art all on its own.

How to Hunt For a Black Hole with a Telescope the Size of Earth
From ACM News

How to Hunt For a Black Hole with a Telescope the Size of Earth

Here's how to catch a black hole. First, spend many years enlisting eight of the top radio observatories across four continents to join forces for an unprecedented...

Atomic Clocks Make Best Measurement Yet of Relativity of Time
From ACM News

Atomic Clocks Make Best Measurement Yet of Relativity of Time

Our most accurate clocks are probing a key tenet of Einstein's theory of relativity: the idea that time isn't absolute.

Point-and-Click Method Makes Robot Grasping Control Less Tedious
From ACM TechNews

Point-and-Click Method Makes Robot Grasping Control Less Tedious

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are working to make the process of a robot autonomously grasping an object easier.
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