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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

High-Tech Warriors: A Glimpse Into the Stadium of the Future
From ACM News

High-Tech Warriors: A Glimpse Into the Stadium of the Future

Floor tiles that generate electricity when people walk on them. Streetlamps that transmit data to people passing beneath them.

Attempts to Predict Terrorist Attacks Hit Limits
From ACM News

Attempts to Predict Terrorist Attacks Hit Limits

From France to Nigeria, the world is reeling from a wave of deadly terrorist attacks.

Here's What Helped Sony's Hackers Break In: Zero-Day Vulnerability
From ACM News

Here's What Helped Sony's Hackers Break In: Zero-Day Vulnerability

The hackers behind the devastating attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment late last year exploited a previously undisclosed vulnerability in its computer systems...

The Hidden Ways Traffic Flows Around ­s
From ACM News

The Hidden Ways Traffic Flows Around ­s

Get in your car and drive.

'lost' 2003 Mars Lander Found By Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
From ACM News

'lost' 2003 Mars Lander Found By Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

The Beagle 2 Mars Lander, built by the United Kingdom, has been thought lost on Mars since 2003, but has now been found in images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance...

Nasa Begins Countdown to Pluto Flyby
From ACM News

Nasa Begins Countdown to Pluto Flyby

Today marks the beginning of the world’s encounter with Pluto, as a NASA spacecraft that has journeyed for nine years begins its first phrase of approach to the...

What Advanced Tech Will Dominate Your Car By 2025? IBM Knows
From ACM TechNews

What Advanced Tech Will Dominate Your Car By 2025? IBM Knows

An IBM study on the future of automotive technologies found self-healing cars and connections to the Internet of Things are the wave of the future. 

Keeping Better Tabs on Suspicious Persons
From ACM TechNews

Keeping Better Tabs on Suspicious Persons

A cyber security researcher wonders if information technology, the Internet, and social media could determine whether a suspicious person is likely to commit a...

Need Some Espionage Done? Hackers Are For Hire Online
From ACM Careers

Need Some Espionage Done? Hackers Are For Hire Online

A man in Sweden says he will pay up to $2,000 to anyone who can break into his landlord’s website.

Crystal-Rich Rock 'mojave' Is Next Mars Drill Target
From ACM News

Crystal-Rich Rock 'mojave' Is Next Mars Drill Target

A rock target where NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is using its sample-collection drill this week may have a salty story to tell.

A Speedy Wireless Protocol Is Coming to Many Gadgets
From ACM News

A Speedy Wireless Protocol Is Coming to Many Gadgets

Smartphones, tablets and PCs should appear this year that can send and receive data wirelessly more than 10 times faster than a Wi-Fi connection.

Computers May Soon Know You Better Than Your Spouse
From ACM TechNews

Computers May Soon Know You Better Than Your Spouse

Researchers say a new program analyzes a user's likes on Facebook to characterize their personality with an accuracy rivaling that of a close family member. 

The Voice-Activated Video Game
From ACM Opinion

The Voice-Activated Video Game

When he was in grad school, the roboticist Daniel Wilson installed 150 binary sensors in his house.

Nasa and Esa Celebrate 10 Years Since Titan Landing
From ACM News

Nasa and Esa Celebrate 10 Years Since Titan Landing

Ten years ago, an explorer from Earth parachuted into the haze of an alien moon toward an uncertain fate.

Colleges Rush to Create Cybersecurity Soldiers
From ACM TechNews

Colleges Rush to Create Cybersecurity Soldiers

The recent increase in computer attacks at major corporations have pushed colleges and universities to educate more cybersecurity students and professionals. 

Tropical Paradise Inspires Virtual Ecology Lab
From ACM News

Tropical Paradise Inspires Virtual Ecology Lab

A paradise on Earth could soon become the first ecosystem in the world to be replicated in digital form in pain­staking detail, from the genes of its plants and...

We Know How You Feel
From ACM News

We Know How You Feel

Three years ago, archivists at A.T. & T. stumbled upon a rare fragment of computer history: a short film that Jim Henson produced for Ma Bell, in 1963.

What You 'like' on Facebook Gives Away Your Personality
From ACM News

What You 'like' on Facebook Gives Away Your Personality

Be careful what you "like" on Facebook. You're opening a small window on your soul.

License to Fly
From ACM News

License to Fly

Unmanned aerial vehicles, long used by the military, are entering the commercial sector in growing numbers. Who is going to fly them?

Machines Teach Astronomers About Stars
From ACM News

Machines Teach Astronomers About Stars

Astronomers are enlisting the help of machines to sort through thousands of stars in our galaxy and learn their sizes, compositions and other basic traits.
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