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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Justices Consider Whether Patents on Genes Are Valid
From ACM News

Justices Consider Whether Patents on Genes Are Valid

The Supreme Court is poised to take up the highly charged question of whether human genes can be patented. But another question could trump it: Has the field of...

Where Are the Best Windows Into Europa's Interior?
From ACM News

Where Are the Best Windows Into Europa's Interior?

The surface of Jupiter's moon Europa exposes material churned up from inside the moon and also material resulting from matter and energy coming from above.

Hacker Says Phone App Could Hijack Plane
From ACM News

Hacker Says Phone App Could Hijack Plane

Could this be the deadliest smartphone app ever?

How Technology Is Slowly Developing Its Sense of Smell
From ACM Opinion

How Technology Is Slowly Developing Its Sense of Smell

Last week I attended what was, I think it is fair to say, the oddest conference I have been to yet. It was the first world congress of the Digital Olfaction Society...

Mathematicians Predict the Future With Data From the Past
From ACM News

Mathematicians Predict the Future With Data From the Past

In Issac Asimov's classic science fiction saga Foundation, mathematics professor Hari Seldon predicts the future using what he calls psychohistory.

Coming Soon: A Truly Chinese Internet
From ACM News

Coming Soon: A Truly Chinese Internet

Replete with its own thriving news portals, social media, and gaming sites, the Chinese Internet could take a major step toward becoming fully Chinese by the end...

Never Mind Facebook; Winklevoss Twins Rule in Digital Money
From ACM News

Never Mind Facebook; Winklevoss Twins Rule in Digital Money

The Winklevoss twins, Cameron and Tyler—Olympic rowers, nemeses of Mark Zuckerberg—are laying claim to a new title: bitcoin moguls.

Tiny Chiplets: A New Level of Micro Manufacturing
From ACM News

Tiny Chiplets: A New Level of Micro Manufacturing

Under a microscope, four slivers of silicon—electronic circuits called chiplets—perform an elaborate, jerky dance as if controlled by a hidden puppet master.

Nasa 2014 Budget: More For Asteroids, Less For Planets and Education
From ACM News

Nasa 2014 Budget: More For Asteroids, Less For Planets and Education

The White House released its requested federal budget yesterday, which includes NASA funding.

Obama Budget Makes Cybersecurity a Growing ­.s. Priority
From ACM News

Obama Budget Makes Cybersecurity a Growing ­.s. Priority

President Barack Obama proposed on Wednesday increased spending to protect U.S. computer networks from Internet-based attacks in a sign that the government aims...

Will Bitcoins Make Me Rich?
From ACM Opinion

Will Bitcoins Make Me Rich?

Let me begin this column with a lengthy disclosure. One morning last week, I stopped at my bank, filled out a withdrawal slip for $1,027.51, and walked away with...

Robot Truck Platoons Roll Forward
From ACM News

Robot Truck Platoons Roll Forward

Imagine cruising down a three-lane highway and rounding a bend to find four trucks rolling along in single-file. They are all traveling close together—perhaps too...

Crash Course: Training the Brain of a Driverless Car
From ACM News

Crash Course: Training the Brain of a Driverless Car

Early attempts at driverless cars have had little difficulty gathering the loads of data required to operate autonomously.

Silicon Valley Goes Hollywood: Top Coders Can Now Get Agents
From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley Goes Hollywood: Top Coders Can Now Get Agents

To be a good coder in Silicon Valley is to be among the pampered elite.

Nasa Associate Administrator on Asteroid Initiative
From ACM News

Nasa Associate Administrator on Asteroid Initiative

"The mission to find, capture and redirect an asteroid robotically, and then visit it with astronauts to study it and return samples takes advantage of expertise...

Intel Cooks ­p Future of TV—A Potential Mess for Cable
From ACM Opinion

Intel Cooks ­p Future of TV—A Potential Mess for Cable

Visualize the TV service you've always wanted: a gorgeous interface that does away with clunky (and often ad-strewn) programming grids; a simple remote that isn't...

Cyberattacks Abound Yet Companies Tell Sec Losses Are Few
From ACM News

Cyberattacks Abound Yet Companies Tell Sec Losses Are Few

The 27 largest U.S. companies reporting cyber attacks say they sustained no major financial losses, exposing a disconnect with federal officials who say billions...

Robot Hot Among Surgeons But Fda Taking Fresh Look
From ACM Careers

Robot Hot Among Surgeons But Fda Taking Fresh Look

The biggest thing in operating rooms these days is a million-dollar, multi-armed robot named da Vinci, used in nearly 400,000 surgeries nationwide last year—triple...

Scientific Articles Accepted (personal Checks, Too)
From ACM Careers

Scientific Articles Accepted (personal Checks, Too)

The scientists who were recruited to appear at a conference called Entomology-2013 thought they had been selected to make a presentation to the leading professional...

Remaining Martian Atmosphere Still Dynamic
From ACM News

Remaining Martian Atmosphere Still Dynamic

Mars has lost much of its original atmosphere, but what's left remains quite active, recent findings from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity indicate. Rover team members...
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