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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Banned From the ­s? There's a Robot For That
From ACM News

Banned From the ­s? There's a Robot For That

Two telepresence robots roll into a human-computer interaction conference.

Sensor Tracks Eye Movements in Real Time to Enhance Virtual Reality
From ACM TechNews

Sensor Tracks Eye Movements in Real Time to Enhance Virtual Reality

A team of researchers has developed a sensor that can detect eye movements in real time using an array of electrodes.

Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89
From ACM News

Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89

Jean E. Sammet, an early software engineer and a designer of COBOL, a programming language that brought computing into the business mainstream, died on May 20 in...

Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the Web, Plots a Radical Overhaul of His Creation
From ACM News

Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the Web, Plots a Radical Overhaul of His Creation

On the better web Berners-Lee envisions, users control where their data is stored and how it's accessed.

Curiosity Peels Back Layers on Ancient Martian Lake
From ACM News

Curiosity Peels Back Layers on Ancient Martian Lake

A long-lasting lake on ancient Mars provided stable environmental conditions that differed significantly from one part of the lake to another, according to a comprehensive...

Wearable System Helps Visually Impaired ­sers Navigate
From ACM TechNews

Wearable System Helps Visually Impaired ­sers Navigate

A new system to help visually impaired users navigate employs a three-dimensional camera, a belt with vibrational motors, and a refreshable Braille interface.

Random Numbers: Hard Times Ahead For Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Random Numbers: Hard Times Ahead For Hackers

Researchers at the University of Geneva  have developed a new random-number generator based on the principles of quantum physics.

Robot Design For Dummies
From ACM TechNews

Robot Design For Dummies

A interactive design tool enables novices and experts to build customized legged or wheeled robots using three-dimensionally-printed components and commercially...

20 Years After Deep Blue: How AI Has Advanced Since Conquering Chess
From ACM Opinion

20 Years After Deep Blue: How AI Has Advanced Since Conquering Chess

Twenty years ago IBM's Deep Blue computer stunned the world by becoming the first machine to beat a reigning world chess champion in a six-game match.

How a Gene Editing Tool Went From Labs to a Middle-School Classroom
From ACM News

How a Gene Editing Tool Went From Labs to a Middle-School Classroom

On a Saturday afternoon, 10 students gather at Genspace, a community lab in Brooklyn, to learn how to edit genes.

Got a Face-Recognition Algorithm? ­ncle Sam Wants to Review It
From ACM News

Got a Face-Recognition Algorithm? ­ncle Sam Wants to Review It

The nation's top-level intelligence office, the Director of National Intelligence, wants to find "the most accurate unconstrained face recognition algorithm."

Soft Robotic Structures Fold Themselves ­p in Hot Water
From ACM TechNews

Soft Robotic Structures Fold Themselves ­p in Hot Water

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have developed a new approach for making compliant, controllable robotic structures.

­cf Research Could Bring 'drastically' Higher Resolution to Your Phone and Tv
From ACM TechNews

­cf Research Could Bring 'drastically' Higher Resolution to Your Phone and Tv

Researchers at the University of Central Florida have developed a color-changing surface that is tunable via electric voltage.

Mind-Controlled Device Helps Stroke Patients Retrain Brains to Move Paralyzed Hands
From ACM TechNews

Mind-Controlled Device Helps Stroke Patients Retrain Brains to Move Paralyzed Hands

Researchers have developed a hand-worn device connected to a brain-computer interface to help stroke patients retrain their brains to recover hand movements.

­w Engineers Borrow From Electronics to Build Largest Circuits to Date in Living Eukaryotic Cells
From ACM TechNews

­w Engineers Borrow From Electronics to Build Largest Circuits to Date in Living Eukaryotic Cells

University of Washington researchers have demonstrated a new method for digital information processing in living cells.

The Soft Side of Quantum Computing
From ACM News

The Soft Side of Quantum Computing

Future quantum computers will need software tailored to their specific ways of operating.

A New Spin on Electronics
From ACM TechNews

A New Spin on Electronics

Researchers at the University of Utah found perovskites permit easily controllable electron spin and have a sufficiently long spin lifetime to transport information...

Software Simplified
From ACM News

Software Simplified

In 2015, geneticist Guy Reeves was trying to configure a free software system called Galaxy to get his bioinformatics projects off the ground.

Cassini Finds Saturn Moon May Have Tipped Over
From ACM News

Cassini Finds Saturn Moon May Have Tipped Over

Saturn's icy, ocean-bearing moon Enceladus may have tipped over in the distant past, according to recent research from NASA's Cassini mission.

Shedding Light on How Humans Walk…with Robots
From ACM TechNews

Shedding Light on How Humans Walk…with Robots

Researchers have discovered that humans whose lower limbs are fastened to a typical clinical robot only modify their gait if the forces the robot applies threaten...
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