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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Lab's Behavioral System Can Catch Insider Threats
From ACM TechNews

Lab's Behavioral System Can Catch Insider Threats

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have developed a tool to identify malicious insiders and stop them from sending sensitive information outside the organization...

The Problem With Landing Humans on Mars (and How to Fix It)
From ACM News

The Problem With Landing Humans on Mars (and How to Fix It)

When NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory—scheduled to lift-off from Cape Canaveral later this week—touches down on the Red Planet in August of 2012, the one-ton probe...

Russian Probe Misses Mars Trip
From ACM News

Russian Probe Misses Mars Trip

Russia's stranded Phobos-Grunt spacecraft reportedly has lost its main opportunity to go to Mars, land on one of its moons and return to Earth with a sample....

Dennis Ritchie, 1941-2011
From Communications of the ACM

Dennis Ritchie, 1941-2011

 Colleagues recall the creator of C and codeveloper Unix, an unassuming but brilliant man who enjoyed playing practical jokes on his coworkers.

The Rise of Molecular Machines
From Communications of the ACM

The Rise of Molecular Machines

The field of molecular computing is achieving new levels of control over biochemical processes and fostering sophisticated connections between computer science...

From ACM News

H(ackers)2O: Attack on City Water Station Destroys Pump

Hackers gained remote access into the control system of the city water utility in Springfield, Illinois, and destroyed a pump, according to a report released...

From ACM News

Cyberwar Most Likely to Take Place Among Smaller Powers, Experts Say

Most Americans who worry about cyberwarfare are concerned that it will be directed against the United States. But the truth is that cyber conflict is far more...

Obfuscated Code Contest Returns
From ACM TechNews

Obfuscated Code Contest Returns

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest recently launched a challenge for the first time in five years, asking participants to write bizarre and unnecessarily...

Panoramic Tool Lets ­sers Observe Dynamic Imagery
From ACM News

Panoramic Tool Lets ­sers Observe Dynamic Imagery

New imagery available through Carnegie Mellon's GigaPan Time Machine lets users move in space and time to explore the sun, a beehive, or the chlorophyll content...

From ACM News

A New Perspective on Crime Scenes

In 2009, to better record crime scenes, the New York City Police Department began using the Panoscan, a camera that creates high-resolution, 360-degree panoramic...

Google and Microsoft Talk Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Google and Microsoft Talk Artificial Intelligence

Google and Microsoft don't share a stage often, being increasingly fierce competitors in areas such as Web search, mobile, and cloud computing. But the rivals...

Intel Shows Off Its Knights Corner One Teraflops Chip
From ACM News

Intel Shows Off Its Knights Corner One Teraflops Chip

Intel has developed an accelerator chip capable of running at speeds of one teraflops, equal to one trillion calculations per second.

Misconceptions in Ai: Or Why Watson Can't Talk to Siri
From ACM Opinion

Misconceptions in Ai: Or Why Watson Can't Talk to Siri

On Tuesday night, I was schooled by Watson on playing Jeopardy in an exhibition match at the Computer History Museum. I discovered that despite our fear of the...

W3c Proposes Do Not Track Privacy Standard
From ACM TechNews

W3c Proposes Do Not Track Privacy Standard

The World Wide Web Consortium released the first draft of its proposed standard for implementing Do Not Track online, which is designed to give consumers the ability...

German Court Rules Users Can Modify Free Software
From ACM TechNews

German Court Rules Users Can Modify Free Software

Advocates of free software are hailing a decision by a German court to prevent a DSL router vendor from blocking a software maker from altering the device's Linux...

Authorship Recognition Software From Drexel ­niversity Lab to Be Released December
From ACM TechNews

Authorship Recognition Software From Drexel ­niversity Lab to Be Released December

Drexel University researchers have developed two software tools focused on authorship recognition. 

Accelerating Robotic Innovation
From ACM TechNews

Accelerating Robotic Innovation

A holistic system for modeling and simulating the behavior of robots is the focus of a collaboration involving researchers at Rice, Texas A&M, and Halmstad universities...

Linux Loses its Luster as a Darling Among Developers
From ACM TechNews

Linux Loses its Luster as a Darling Among Developers

Linux as an application development platform has fallen to third place in popularity behind Mac OS and Windows, according to an Evans Data Corp. survey. 

From ACM News

Barcelona Center Makes Super Bet on Cellphone Chips

Supercomputers, once built from handcrafted circuitry, were transformed when companies started assembling them from inexpensive PC-style microprocessors. Researchers...

From ACM News

Digital Evidence Becoming Central in Criminal Cases

If you are unfortunate enough to land in court after a serious automobile accident, the star witness against you may not be an eyewitness or even a human being....
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