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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Building A.i. That can Build A.i.
From ACM News

Building A.i. That can Build A.i.

They are a dream of researchers but perhaps a nightmare for highly skilled computer programmers: artificially intelligent machines that can build other artificially...

A Better Technique For Spotting Bugs in Self-Driving AI Could Save Lives
From ACM News

A Better Technique For Spotting Bugs in Self-Driving AI Could Save Lives

Most software bugs won't kill you.

Captcha Is Dying. This Is How It's Being Reinvented For the AI Age
From ACM TechNews

Captcha Is Dying. This Is How It's Being Reinvented For the AI Age

Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHAs) appear to be heading toward obsolescence.

Crowdsourcing Big-Data Analysis
From ACM TechNews

Crowdsourcing Big-Data Analysis

FeatureHub is a new collaboration tool designed to make feature identification more efficient and effective.

Smart Access to Homes and Cars ­sing Fingers
From ACM TechNews

Smart Access to Homes and Cars ­sing Fingers

Researchers at Rutgers University have developed a low-cost, minimal-power smart access system that can authenticate users by sensing their finger vibrations.

Humans Are Still Better Than AI at Starcraft--For Now
From ACM TechNews

Humans Are Still Better Than AI at Starcraft--For Now

Professional player Song Byung-gu won a recent "StarCraft" tournament in South Korea, beating four artificial intelligence programs in less than 30 minutes.

Graphene Enables High-Speed Electronics on Flexible Materials
From ACM TechNews

Graphene Enables High-Speed Electronics on Flexible Materials

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have used graphene transistors on plastic substrates to develop a flexible detector for terahertz frequencies...

Uss mccain collision Ultimately Caused By Ui Confusion
From ACM News

Uss mccain collision Ultimately Caused By Ui Confusion

On November 1, the US Navy issued its report on the collisions of the USS Fitzgerald and USS John S. McCain this summer.

Russian Ads, Now Publicly Released, Show Sophistication of Influence Campaign
From ACM News

Russian Ads, Now Publicly Released, Show Sophistication of Influence Campaign

Lawmakers on Wednesday released a trove of ads that Russian operatives bought on Facebook, providing the fullest picture yet of how foreign actors sought to promote...

Ornl, City of Oak Ridge Partner on Sensor Project to Capture Trends in Cities
From ACM TechNews

Ornl, City of Oak Ridge Partner on Sensor Project to Capture Trends in Cities

Researchers are partnering with Oak Ridge, TN, to develop a sensor network and real-time visualization platform that helps cities evaluate urban activity trends...

­. of Michigan Expert Puts Bird-Like Robot Through Its Paces
From ACM TechNews

­. of Michigan Expert Puts Bird-Like Robot Through Its Paces

University of Michigan researchers are working with a two-legged robot bird they say could eventually be used in search-and-rescue missions.

Propaganda Bots vs. Transparency
From ACM News

Propaganda Bots vs. Transparency

An electoral 'arms race.'

'twisted' Light Could Illuminate New Path For Wireless Communications
From ACM TechNews

'twisted' Light Could Illuminate New Path For Wireless Communications

Researchers have researched "optical angular momentum" to overcome challenges with using "twisted" photons across open spaces and enable advanced wireless communications...

How Songbirds Learn a New Song
From ACM TechNews

How Songbirds Learn a New Song

Researchers studying how Zebra finches learn new songs have found the birds' strategy closely resembles methods used in computer linguistics to compare documents...

Small Words in an Email Can Reveal a Person's Identity
From ACM TechNews

Small Words in an Email Can Reveal a Person's Identity

Researchers have demonstrated it is possible to identify someone by analyzing small sequences of words in emails.

New Robobee Flies, Dives, Swims, and Explodes Out of the Water
From ACM TechNews

New Robobee Flies, Dives, Swims, and Explodes Out of the Water

The latest generation of RoboBee is an aerial-to-aquatic robot that is 1,000 times lighter than any previous model.

Building Tomorrow's Robots
From ACM Careers

Building Tomorrow's Robots

When Brandon Araki arrived at MIT in 2015 as a master's candidate in mechanical engineering, he brought along the picobug, a tiny robot that can fly, crawl, and...

The Physics of Time Travel Isn't Just the Stuff of Science Fiction
From ACM Opinion

The Physics of Time Travel Isn't Just the Stuff of Science Fiction

We're all time travelers nowadays. We project ourselves mentally into the misty past and the risky future.

To Secure the Internet of Things, We Must Build It Out of 'patchable' Hardware
From ACM TechNews

To Secure the Internet of Things, We Must Build It Out of 'patchable' Hardware

The security of the Internet of Things could depend on its constituent hardware being "patchable" so it can adapt to future threats, write several experts.

Anticipating Aftershocks
From ACM TechNews

Anticipating Aftershocks

Researchers in June released a major report summarizing the scientific and hazard results of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast.
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