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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Csi: Tech to Automatically Identify the Bad Guy

Researchers hope a new system could automatically scan the hours of CCTV footage police have to comb through to identify suspects without invading privacy.

Technology Is Our Friend... Except When It Isn't
From ACM Opinion

Technology Is Our Friend... Except When It Isn't

The technology in question starts with "gigapixel" photography. Gigapixel photos are giant panoramas that themselves consist of hundreds of component mega-pixel...

Replicating Human Errors to Test Network Security
From ACM News

Replicating Human Errors to Test Network Security

University of Southern California researchers have developed a system for testing the security of computer networks by making computers simulate the type of human...

Sleeping Around Gave Early Humans Immune Boost from Neanderthals, Denisovans
From ACM News

Sleeping Around Gave Early Humans Immune Boost from Neanderthals, Denisovans

The ancestry of modern humans has gotten much more interesting in recent years.

Seeing the Future of the Office Internet
From ACM News

Seeing the Future of the Office Internet

Inside the headquarters of networking giant Cisco in San Jose, California, lies a technology showcase where executives can test out advanced technologies like...

From ACM News

Jobs's Departure as Ceo Puts Product Vision in Hands of Ive

Steve Jobs's departure as chief executive officer this week leaves Apple Inc. without the full- time attention of its technology visionary, putting pressure on...

'smart' Cctv Could Track Rioters
From ACM News

'smart' Cctv Could Track Rioters

Researchers at Kingston University have created a system that uses artificial intelligence to recognise specific types of behaviour, such as someone holding a...

Ben Fry, Information Designer
From ACM News

Ben Fry, Information Designer

In the golden age of data visualization, he helps designers think like programmers, and vice versa.

When Algorithms Control the World
From ACM News

When Algorithms Control the World

If you were expecting some kind warning when computers finally get smarter than us, then think again.

From ACM News

IBM Work With World's Thinnest Material Seen Creating Faster Pcs

A one-atom-thick layer of carbon may one day help International Business Machines Corp. and the U.S. military build more precise radar and computers that operate...

Robonaut Wakes Up In Space
From ACM News

Robonaut Wakes Up In Space

After months of patiently snoring away in its storage bag, Robonaut 2—the first dexterous humanoid robot in space—finally got its wakeup call on Monday.

From ACM Opinion

A Turbulent End to the Pc Era

The personal computer recently celebrated its 30th birthday. Then last week, Silicon Valley staged the PC's funeral.

From ACM News

Court Says Only Hard Math Is Patentable

The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit rejected a patent on a method of detecting credit card fraud. The result was unsurprising, but the...

Taking a Disruptive Approach to Exascale
From ACM TechNews

Taking a Disruptive Approach to Exascale

A recent U.S. Department of Energy workshop concentrating on exascale challenges and current gaps in research and ideology offered insight for those seeking a disruptive...

Air Force Eyes Micromachine Bugs That Can Spy
From ACM News

Air Force Eyes Micromachine Bugs That Can Spy

At the Wright–Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, some Ph.D. candidates are working on micro air vehicles, or tiny flying machines that are remotely piloted...

Red-Light Cameras Throughout Nyc Are Bringing in $52 Million from Speedy City Drivers
From ACM News

Red-Light Cameras Throughout Nyc Are Bringing in $52 Million from Speedy City Drivers

Lights, cameras, cash. New York's driver nanny cams are working, generating more than $52 million in fines last year from unsuspecting motorists who blew through...

Big Silicon Valley Demand For Analog Engineers' 'black Art'
From ACM News

Big Silicon Valley Demand For Analog Engineers' 'black Art'

You want a good look at Silicon Valley's bipolar job market? Step into the 11th-floor office of Young Sohn. The CEO of Santa Clara-based Inphi is tearing his...

From ACM TechNews

The Public, Playing a Molecule-Building Game, Outperforms Scientists

Researchers at Stanford and Carnegie Mellon universities are using EteRNA, a Web-based crowdsourcing game, to understand how RNA molecules fit together. The researchers...

Remaking American Medicine
From Communications of the ACM

Remaking American Medicine

Developing an IT ecosystem for health could improve — and transform — the practice of medicine.

Invasion of the Mobile Apps
From Communications of the ACM

Invasion of the Mobile Apps

The market model pioneered by Apple and others is transforming the software world — and has profound implications for software companies and their customers.
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