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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

May 5, 1992: Wolfenstein 3-D Shoots First-Person Shooter Into Stardom
From ACM News

May 5, 1992: Wolfenstein 3-D Shoots First-Person Shooter Into Stardom

Id Software releases Wolfenstein 3-D, launching a huge computer-game category.

Researchers Use Xbox Technology to Improve Programs
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Use Xbox Technology to Improve Programs

University of Texas at Arlington researchers are using Microsofte's Xbox Kinect technology to improve virtual sign language software.

From ACM News

Best Practices For Keeping Your Home Network Secure

The cyber threat is no longer limited to your office network and work persona.

How Credit Card Data Is Stolen and Sold
From ACM News

How Credit Card Data Is Stolen and Sold

Last week, after the Sony PlayStation Network was attacked by a group of unknown hackers, Sony's 77 million customers, along with security specialists and government...

Wall Street's Cult Calculator Turns 30
From ACM News

Wall Street's Cult Calculator Turns 30

Matthew Rothman bought an HP 12c financial calculator for his first job out of college in 1989. Years later, he still has the same calculator. And he still uses...

From ACM News

Data Analysis Is Creating New Business Opportunities

Sitting in the left-field upper deck to watch the San Francisco Giants play baseball on May 11 would cost you eight bucks if you'd bought the ticket in late April...

How Satellites Helped Get Bin Laden
From ACM News

How Satellites Helped Get Bin Laden

The climax of the Osama drama took place on the ground in Pakistan, but the gutsy military operation would have been impossible to pull off without a web of orbiting...

From ACM News

Helmet Camera Technology Enables Live Front-Line Video

Helmet-mounted cameras mean live video can be sent direct from the front line back to headquarters. This technology enabled military and intelligence chiefs to...

Online 24/7: "life Logging" Pioneer Clarifies the Future of Cloud Computing
From ACM Opinion

Online 24/7: "life Logging" Pioneer Clarifies the Future of Cloud Computing

Microsoft researcher Gordon Bell, paperless for more than a decade, envisions data centers saturated with information and services readily available via the...

From ACM News

Army Wants Its Computers Acting Like Human Brains

The brain is our body’s natural multi-system parallel processing organ. Its job, on a continuous basis, is to compute a huge onslaught of incoming data and spit...

From ACM News

What to Expect from Bin Laden's Hard Drives

The Navy SEALs who raided Osama bin Laden's hideout Sunday tapped into the "mother lode of intelligence," according to a U.S. official speaking to Politico. It...

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Rails Against Facebook, Says It's a Spy Tool For ­.s. Government
From ACM News

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Rails Against Facebook, Says It's a Spy Tool For ­.s. Government

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange called Facebook "the most appalling spying machine ever invented" in an interview with Russia Today, pointing to the popular social...

Data Privacy, Put to the Test
From ACM News

Data Privacy, Put to the Test

To the catalog of corporate "bigs" that worry a lot of us little people, add this: Big Data.

Pacific Biosciences' $600 Million Decoder Ring
From ACM News

Pacific Biosciences' $600 Million Decoder Ring

On Apr. 28, in a factory in Menlo Park, Calif., a few black and white machines were being assembled and prepped to go into shipping crates. The machines looked...

Csi Bin Laden: Commandos Use Thumb, Eye Scans to Track Terrorists
From ACM News

Csi Bin Laden: Commandos Use Thumb, Eye Scans to Track Terrorists

The U.S. forces that killed Osama bin Laden in his Abbottabad compound were more than expert marksmen. Some of them were forensics experts as well, using sophisticated...

Google, a Giant in Mobile Search, Seeks New Ways to Make It Pay
From ACM News

Google, a Giant in Mobile Search, Seeks New Ways to Make It Pay

In early 2008, in the early days of the iPhone era, Google engineers began noticing something unusual in the search engine’s logs. Owners of these new phones...

Origami: Not Just For Paper Anymore
From ACM News

Origami: Not Just For Paper Anymore

While the primary job of DNA in cells is to carry genetic information from one generation to the next, some scientists also see the highly stable and programmable...

Voyager Set to Enter Interstellar Space
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Voyager Set to Enter Interstellar Space

More than 30 years after they left Earth, NASA's twin Voyager probes are now at the edge of the solar system.

From ACM News

Court Hears Arguments In Data Mining Case

The U.S. Supreme Court appeared split on Tuesday as it considered a case testing state limits on data mining. At issue is whether states can bar the buying, selling...

Jobs and Apple Execs on Tracking Down the Facts About Iphones and Location
From ACM Opinion

Jobs and Apple Execs on Tracking Down the Facts About Iphones and Location

Although Apple was silent for several days after researchers raised issues about location information being stored on the iPhone, that wasn’t because it was ignoring...
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