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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Why Microsoft Believes We're on the Threshold of Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

Why Microsoft Believes We're on the Threshold of Quantum Computing

Most researchers aiming to make quantum computing a reality focus on superconducting quantum bits (qubits), but Microsoft's approach avoids harnessing electronic...

Swearing Dolls, Other Iot Intrusions Threaten Children's Well-Being, Privacy, Data
From ACM News

Swearing Dolls, Other Iot Intrusions Threaten Children's Well-Being, Privacy, Data

The Internet of Playthings is not necessarily a safe place.

European Court of Justice Rules Against Mass Data Retention in Eu
From ACM News

European Court of Justice Rules Against Mass Data Retention in Eu

The Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) ruled on Wednesday that laws allowing for the blanket collection and retention of location and traffic data are...

Slowing the Spread of Viral Misinformation: Can Crowdsourcing Help?
From ACM TechNews

Slowing the Spread of Viral Misinformation: Can Crowdsourcing Help?

Social media platforms play a pivotal role in the modern information-sharing environment's facility with virally spreading misinformation, which leads to speculation...

Obama White House's Final Tech Recommendation: Invest in AI
From ACM TechNews

Obama White House's Final Tech Recommendation: Invest in AI

The White House has recommended continued investment in artificial intelligence research and development to shore up the U.S. economy and help the country "stay...

Researchers Propose ­sing Software-Defined Networking to ­nify Cloud and Edge
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Propose ­sing Software-Defined Networking to ­nify Cloud and Edge

Researchers from Germany, Canada, and the U.S. have proposed a method to use cloud and fog computing structures to complement one another.

Report ­rges States to Take Action on Computer Science Education
From ACM TechNews

Report ­rges States to Take Action on Computer Science Education

The Southern Regional Education Board has published a report recommending actions states and schools can take to help more young people learn computer science. ...

Driverless Platoons
From ACM TechNews

Driverless Platoons

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a mathematical model to study the effects of scheduling policies on fuel consumption and travel...

The Great A.i. Awakening
From ACM News

The Great A.i. Awakening

Late one Friday night in early November, Jun Rekimoto, a distinguished professor of human-computer interaction at the University of Tokyo, was online preparing...

Bias in Technology
From Communications of the ACM

Bias in Technology

As leading companies release troubling diversity statistics, experts search for solutions.

Computers Can Take Social Media Data and Make Marketing Personas
From ACM TechNews

Computers Can Take Social Media Data and Make Marketing Personas

Pennsylvania State University researchers have used computers to study information from social media accounts and automatically build marketing personas.

Database of Software 'fingerprints' Expands to Include Mobile Apps
From ACM TechNews

Database of Software 'fingerprints' Expands to Include Mobile Apps

U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology researchers have spent 15 years maintaining an archive of the world's software.

Welcome to the Machines
From ACM News

Welcome to the Machines

The home robotics market poised for growth, technological advancement.

The Man Behind the Internet
From ACM News

The Man Behind the Internet

A chat with worldwide pioneer Vinton Cerf.

Scientists Are Frantically Copying U.S. Climate Data, Fearing It Might Vanish Under Trump
From ACM Careers

Scientists Are Frantically Copying U.S. Climate Data, Fearing It Might Vanish Under Trump

Alarmed that decades of crucial climate measurements could vanish under a hostile Trump administration, scientists have begun a feverish attempt to copy reams of...

These ­niversities Are Training the World's Top Coders
From ACM TechNews

These ­niversities Are Training the World's Top Coders

The three best coders in the world come from the Russian ITMO University, China's Sun Yat-sen Memorial Middle School, and the Ho Chi Minh City University of Science...

Posture Could Explain Why Women Get More Vr Sickness Than Men
From ACM TechNews

Posture Could Explain Why Women Get More Vr Sickness Than Men

New studies explore why women experience more motion sickness than men while using virtual reality.

Autonomous Swarmboats: New Missions, Safe Harbors
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Swarmboats: New Missions, Safe Harbors

Researchers used a combination of software, radar, and other sensors to develop a swarm of autonomous rigid hull inflatable boats and other small boats that can...

How Do We Keep Gps Safe From Sabotage?
From ACM TechNews

How Do We Keep Gps Safe From Sabotage?

Stanford University professor Per Enge is working to combat potential threats to autonomous navigation systems.

Artificial Intelligence to Predict Odors
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence to Predict Odors

Researchers are working on the Computer Linguistics for Olfaction project to develop an application that can predict which molecule structures will produce or suppress...
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