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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

IBM Advances on a Computer that Works Like a Human Brain
From ACM TechNews

IBM Advances on a Computer that Works Like a Human Brain

Researchers from IBM's Almaden Research Center and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have performed a computer simulation that matches the scale and complexity...

From ACM TechNews

Software Knowledge ­nnecessarily Lost

Dutch researchers investigating how software architectural knowledge can be better disseminated discovered that many architects simply do not talk with each other...

Improving Security With Face Recognition Technology
From ACM TechNews

Improving Security With Face Recognition Technology

University of Miami professor Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb has developed a new way to improve the efficiency and accuracy of facial recognition technology. Abdel-Mottaleb...

Petascale Tools Could Provide Deeper Insight Into Genomic Evolution
From ACM News

Petascale Tools Could Provide Deeper Insight Into Genomic Evolution

Research recently funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 aims to develop computational tools that will utilize next-generation petascale computers...

There's No Business Like Grid Business
From ICT Results

There's No Business Like Grid Business

Scientists have embraced the computing and communications grid, but businesses have held back, concerned about complexity and security. Now a European research...

Intuitive Semantic Internet Would Know What Is Said
From ACM TechNews

Intuitive Semantic Internet Would Know What Is Said

The push to develop the Semantic Web recently received fresh support through a National Science Foundation grant, which has been awarded to researchers at Rensselaer...

From ACM TechNews

Tough Choices For Supercomputing's Legacy Apps

The future of supercomputing holds several significant software challenges, writes Numerical Algorithms Group's Andrew Jones. The first challenge is the rapidly...

From ACM TechNews

Intel Says Shape-Shifting Robots Closer to Reality

Researchers at Intel and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) say distributed computing and robotics could be used to make shape-shifting electronics a reality in the...

Working Together to Design Robust Silicon Chips
From ACM TechNews

Working Together to Design Robust Silicon Chips

Cooperation between researchers, chipmakers, and tool suppliers working on the EUREKA MEDEA+ microelectronics Cluster ROBIN project has led to improved design methods...

Creating 3D Models With a Simple Webcam
From ACM TechNews

Creating 3D Models With a Simple Webcam

University of Cambridge researchers have developed a simple and affordable method for constructing virtual three-dimensional (3D) models, which should make 3D modeling...

India Prof Tips Fastest Prime Number Detection Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

India Prof Tips Fastest Prime Number Detection Algorithm

Manindra Agrawal, an Indian professor who developed a deterministic polynomial time algorithm for detecting prime numbers, will receive the 2009 G.D. Birla Award...

From ACM TechNews

Google Launches New Programming Language: Go

Google has unveiled Go, a new programming language the company says offers the speed of working in a dynamic language such as Python and the performance and safety...

Tinkering Makes Comeback Amid Crisis
From ACM TechNews

Tinkering Makes Comeback Amid Crisis

The economic crisis and the reduced costs of high-tech tools and materials are fueling a resurgence in tinkering and experimentation. U.S. engineering schools...

From ACM News

Face-Recognition Technology May Be ­sed at Hong Kong Border Checks

Face-recognition technology might be used to screen the residents at Hong Kong border checkpoints, Hong Kong's Security Secretary Ambrose Lee said Thursday (Nov...

From ACM News

Secret Math of Fly Eyes Could Overhaul Robot Vision

By turning the brain cell activity underlying fly eyesight into mathematical equations, researchers have found an ultra-efficient method for pulling motion patterns...

Inventing a Programming Language
From ACM TechNews

Inventing a Programming Language

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor Barbara Liskov, winner of ACM's 2008 A.M. Turing Award, recently delivered the first lecture of MIT's 2009...

3-D Software Gives Doctors, Students a View Inside the Body
From ACM News

3-D Software Gives Doctors, Students a View Inside the Body

James Oliver picked up an Xbox game controller, looked up to a video screen and used the device's buttons and joystick to fly through a patient's chest cavity for...

Software Looks to Solve Life-Threatening Medical Puzzles
From ICT Results

Software Looks to Solve Life-Threatening Medical Puzzles

New software is under development that doctors hope will help them identify brain tumours in children that will grow aggressively. A new software tool can integrate...

Digital Cloud Plan For City Skies
From ACM News

Digital Cloud Plan For City Skies

A giant "digital cloud" that would "float" above London's skyline has been outlined by an international team of architects, artists and engineers. The construction...

From ACM News

Wi-Fi Certification Might Be Tweaked For Smart Grids

The Wi-Fi Alliance has formed a task group to determine what standards need to be modified to ensure Wi-Fi is the tool of choice for smart-grid applications. The...
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