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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cybercriminals Can Steal All Your Passwords From Thin Air With This $25 Wi-Fi Hack
From ACM TechNews

Cybercriminals Can Steal All Your Passwords From Thin Air With This $25 Wi-Fi Hack

Researchers have developed a system that can analyze Wi-Fi networks and covertly detect and record passwords by looking at the directions radio waves travel to...

Defibrillator-Equipped Drones Could Be First on Scene in Cardiac Arrest
From ACM TechNews

Defibrillator-Equipped Drones Could Be First on Scene in Cardiac Arrest

Timothy Chan at the University of Toronto in Canada wants to use drone technology to help people who suffer cardiac arrest. Chan used computer models to determine...

Mathematical Algorithms Calculate Social Behavior
From ACM TechNews

Mathematical Algorithms Calculate Social Behavior

Predicting and influencing human behavior is well on its way to becoming reality, according to researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TU Munich) in...

Martha E. Pollack, Provost at Michigan, Named 14th President
From ACM News

Martha E. Pollack, Provost at Michigan, Named 14th President

A fellow of ACM, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Pollack’s research...

Tackling Society's Big Problems With Systems Theory
From ACM TechNews

Tackling Society's Big Problems With Systems Theory

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Institute for Data, Systems, and Society doctoral program is underway. 

­niversity Researchers Develop Iris-Recognition Technology
From ACM TechNews

­niversity Researchers Develop Iris-Recognition Technology

Notre Dame University researchers have developed software that can determine the difference between iris scans using a new method. 

Virtual Reality App Makes Haptics as Immersive as Visuals
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality App Makes Haptics as Immersive as Visuals

Disney Research has developed a 360-degree virtual reality application and a haptic chair that enable users to enhance their virtual experience with customizable...

The 'smart City' Is Increasingly Global
From ACM News

The 'smart City' Is Increasingly Global

Municipalities all over the world are building greater intelligence into their infrastructures.

Artificial-Intelligence System Surfs Web to Improve Its Performance
From ACM TechNews

Artificial-Intelligence System Surfs Web to Improve Its Performance

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers say they have developed a new approach to information extraction that inverts conventional machine learning.  

Real or Not? ­SC Study Finds Many Political Tweets Come From Fake Accounts
From ACM TechNews

Real or Not? ­SC Study Finds Many Political Tweets Come From Fake Accounts

University of Southern California researchers found bots made up nearly 20% of the political conversation on Twitter during the U.S. presidential campaign season...

Online Password Guessing Threat ­nderestimated
From ACM TechNews

Online Password Guessing Threat ­nderestimated

Researchers have created different guessing frameworks that prioritize the order of guessing based on attackers having access to different types of personal information...

Accelerating Cancer Research With Deep Learning
From ACM TechNews

Accelerating Cancer Research With Deep Learning

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are applying deep-learning techniques to automate how information is collected from cancer pathology reports.  

Robovote Helps Groups Make Decisions ­sing AI-Driven Methods
From ACM TechNews

Robovote Helps Groups Make Decisions ­sing AI-Driven Methods

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon and Harvard universities have launched an online service that enables optimal group decisions.  

Now You See It, Now You Don't
From ACM TechNews

Now You See It, Now You Don't

Researchers say they have developed a cloaking device for microscopic photonic integrated devices that will enable photonic computer chips to be more efficient....

AI Science Search Engines Expand Their Reach
From ACM News

AI Science Search Engines Expand Their Reach

A free AI-based scholarly search engine that aims to outdo Google Scholar is expanding its corpus of papers to cover some 10 million research articles in computer...

Trump's Plans to Shake ­p the Tech World
From ACM Opinion

Trump's Plans to Shake ­p the Tech World

Donald Trump's ascension to the White House had very little to do with his views on the spread of high-speed broadband, wireless spectrum allocation—or any number...

Driverless-Vehicle Options Now Include Scooters
From ACM TechNews

Driverless-Vehicle Options Now Include Scooters

Researchers have developed an autonomous mobility scooter using the same sensor configuration and software used in previous trials of autonomous cars and golf carts...

Giant Machine Shows How a Computer Works
From ACM TechNews

Giant Machine Shows How a Computer Works

Researchers at the University of Bristol in the U.K. have built a giant, operational 16-bit computer to help non-experts see how the mechanisms of computation work...

Is No Secret Safe? Lipreading Robot Proves More Accurate Than a Human in Deciphering Speech
From ACM TechNews

Is No Secret Safe? Lipreading Robot Proves More Accurate Than a Human in Deciphering Speech

Researchers from the University of Oxford in the U.K. have developed LipNet, a new program they say is more accurate at reading lips than human experts.

The Fun Work of Technology Crystal Ball Gazing at Sc16
From ACM TechNews

The Fun Work of Technology Crystal Ball Gazing at Sc16

Next week's International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis will feature a workshop on Post-Moore Era Supercomputing.
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